Managing Client's Expenses

Managing Client's Expenses

You could record and generate an invoice for the client’s expenses in Brevity. If there is an expenses in the client’s service schedule and you wanted to bill the client, you could create a expense record from either from schedule board or from the Brevity Mobile App.


Creating an Expense service type


You need to create an expense service type so when you create an expense record in schedule board, it will be set as expense and not the client’s service schedule.


You could create the expense service type by going to the administration from main menu and then clicking on service type from sub menu.


Click on the + New on the upper left to create a new service type.


Fill in the details for the new service type. You need to set the following fields in creating the expense service type.


Code: The code of the new expense type. Any code can be used in this field

Name: The name of the Expense service type

Type: You need to select Expense from the drop down since this is an expense service type.

Job Type and Service Location: Use the appropriate selection for these fields.

Care Worker Management: You could set this to yes if you wanted the care worker to add the expense from their mobile app.

Taxable: Set it to yes if you wanted to add tax to the expense.


Once you have added all the fields, click on the save button to create a new expense service type.



Adding the service type to Pricelist

You need to add the service type to the pricelist. If you didn’t add the service type to a pricelist, you cannot select it when adding a service type to the client’s funding. There are two ways on how to add the service type to pricelist.


Adding the Price from the Charge Rate section

Once you are on the service type page, you could add a new rate by clicking on the + sign from the charge rate section.


You could set the rate type to a fixed price and you could input a rate of 0 as we need to manually input the rate when creating a service schedule later. You also need to specify the Pricelist so the service type will be seen from that pricelist. Click on Save button on the upper left to add the service type to the pricelist.



Adding the price from the Pricelist page


You could add a new price from the pricelist page. You could access this by going to the administration from main menu and then clicking on the pricelist from the sub menu


Double click on the pricelist that you wanted to include the service type that you created.


You could add a new service type in the pricelist by clicking on the + sign under pricelist rates section.


You could use the search box to search for the service type that you created. Select the service type from the list and then click on Select button on the lower right.


Once you have added the service type, you could search for the service type using the search box.


You could edit the price by clicking on the box on the left side of the service type. The gray boxes will turn into white. After putting the price (you could input 0 as price), click on the save icon to save the price for the service type.




Adding the Expense type to the Client’s Funding


Once you have created the service type, you need to add it to the client’s funding. This is a necessary steps because of the following reason:

  1. Each Service schedule in the schedule board will use the client’s funding. If you didn’t add the service type to the client’s funding, Brevity will not know what is the client’s funding to use when billing the client.

  2. You cannot create a service schedule since Brevity will just show all the service type that is linked to the client’s funding.


There are several ways on how to access the client’s funding. You could see on the right side the different ways on how to access the client’s funding.

Section where you could access the Client’s Funding

Brevity Guide in creating the client’s funding

Section where you could access the Client’s Funding

Brevity Guide in creating the client’s funding

Client Funding Page

Clients Funding

Client’s Profile

Client Funding information

Client’s Quick Link

Client's Funding

Schedule Board

Clicking on the $ sign under the client’s name will open the client’s funding page and follow the guides above on how to create the client’s funding.

Once you are on the client’s funding page, click on the unpublish button to make the funding go back to setup mode. If the client’s funding is already on setup mode, go to the next step.


You could add the expense type by clicking on the Bulk Add Services button. You need to do this if you don’t add the funding codes from the service type.


You could use the search box to search for the service type and then click on the select button on the lower right section of the pop up.


Once you have added the expense service type from their funding, click on the publish button to make the funding active again.



Creating an Expense Service Schedule


There are several ways on how to create a service schedule. Since this is an expense service schedule, we suggest to create it using the + sign from the schedule board. This is the quickest way to add an expense service schedule.


Once you are on the add shift pop up, select the expense service type from the list


You will notice that the pop up will change. Click on the add shift button to add a shift for the expense service type.


Once you have added the expense service type, you need to double click it from the schedule board to add the expense details.


Go to the client section and then set the status to override details.


Once you have set the status to override, you could input the expense total under the total and then click on save button to save the expense total.




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