Tracking Compliance Checks & Requirements for Staff

Tracking Compliance Checks & Requirements for Staff

Brevity has a new compliance tracking feature that allows you to set all compliance requirements and checks by an employees position. This guide will explain how to setup and use this feature.


Setting the Qualification


You need to have a list of Qualification that is being used by your organisation. There are pre loaded qualification in Brevity but if you wanted to add a qualification (like Blue Card / Yellow Card), you could set them on Administration from Main Menu and then clicking on the Qualification from Sub Menu.


Click on the +New Button to add a Qualification within your Brevity. On the new qualification page, fill in the details and then click on save button to create a new qualification.


Setting Requirements by Position


The compliance requirements can now be different for staff depending on their position. To configure the requirement by position, navigate to Administration > 13. Employee Positions. You can add or edit the employee positions from here.


To edit the compliance requirements for any position, double-click to open the position record.


From the Employee Position Edit screen, you can select the Required Qualifications, by clicking the link icon above the list and selecting the Qualification, Certification, License or Documentation an employee with this position would require.


Recording Compliance Requirement for an Employee


From within the employee record in Brevity, within the dashboard section on the top of the screen, there is now a compliance section that indicates whether or not an employee meets a required compliance requirement.


There is an icon indicator next to each requirement that indicates whether or not the employee meets the requirement, or if the if the requirement is due for renewal. You can simply click on the icon to view the details or to record an entry.


If you the compliance check is blank, you need to set the position from the employee’s profile. This will list all the qualification that you have set from the Employee’s Position.


Schedule Board & Approve Timesheet Notifications


You will also receive notifications for staff compliance statuses via the employee view on the Schedule Board & Approve Timesheet screens. This is displayed under the employee name.


Compliance Check Report

You are also able to run a report to get a consolidated list of compliance statuses for all staff, grouped by their position. This report can be run by navigating to Employees > Reports, and then by running the Employee Compliance Check report.




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