Invoicing the Plan Manage Clients

Invoicing the Plan Manage Clients

If you want to invoice the Plan Manager for the services that you have done with your Client, you need to link them from the Client Funding. There are different ways on how to access the client’s funding. See the table on the right on how you could access the client’s funding.

Client Funding Page

How to Access the Page

Client Profile

Click on the Client from Main Menu and then click on the Client from Sub Menu. Double click on the client from the list to open the client’s profile. From that Page, you could open the client’s funding by double clicking the Client Funding from the Client Funding Table.

Client’s Quick Link

Click on the Client from Main Menu and then click on the Client from Sub Menu. Double click on the client from the list to open the client’s profile. From that Page, click on the client’s funding from the quick link section. Double click on the client’s funding from that page to open the client’s funding.

Client Funding Page

Click on the Client from Main Menu and then click on the Client’s Funding from the sub menu. This page list all the client’s funding. Double Click on the client’s funding from the list to open the client’s funding.

Schedule Board

Click on the $ sign under the client’s name will open the client’s funding page


Creating the Plan Manager

Before you link the plan manager to the Client’s Funding, you need to create the plan manager from the Service Provider Section. You need to go to Client From Main Menu and then clicking on the Service Provider from the sub menu.


If you already have a list of the Plan Manager, you could proceed to the next step.



Once you are on the Service Provider Section, you could create a new record by clicking on the +New button.



Once you are in the New External Provider Page, fill in the details for the plan manager details. Once done, click on the save button to create a new Plan Manager Record.



Linking the Plan Manager to the Client’s Funding


Once you are on the Client’s Funding, you could link the Plan Manager by typing their Name from the Invoice To field. If the Invoice to is grayed out, click on the unpublish button. The client’s funding will go to setup mode.



Click on the Invoice To and it will show you the list of the Plan Manager. You could type the name of the Plan Manager to search for them in the list. Click on the Plan Manager that you wanted to invoice when the Client is using this funding. Click on Save to save the details for the Client Funding.



If the Client’s funding source is NDIS, you could leave blank the Invoice To field. The Invoice to field is intended to link the Plan Manager to the funding so when you created an Invoice, it will be billed to the plan manager.




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