Xero Invoice Sync Guide

Xero Invoice Sync Guide

You must first connect your Xero to Brevity before you are able to sync. Please see the how-to guide here for more info on how to do this.

Important Consideration for Syncing Invoices between Brevity and Xero

The invoice totals in Brevity are based on the summary section in the bottom right, which also matches the amounts in the claim files summitted for payment requests to NDIS. For this reason we use three digit rounding for the detailed line items. Xero however only allows for two digit rounding. The previous version of the Xero API allowed for the line total to be set to match Brevity - the new version of the API however required the line total to match the Qty x Line Amount. For this reason we need to include a Rounding Adjustment line to match the totals to what is in Brevity.


Before you are able to sync invoices to Xero, you will need to configure the mapping between Brevity Service Types and Xero Income Accounts and Tax Codes. This is done as part of the wizard when linking Brevity to your Xero.


Invoices can be synced by selecting the Invoice option. Please note that client contact records must exist in Xero in order to create an invoice. Brevity will create these for you during the sync (or link to an existing contact on Xero if the first name and last name matches). For plan managers, you must create these first in Xero by checking and completing the ExternalProvider sync first (see ExternalProvider checkbox).

Click continue to preview and select records to be synced.


On the preview screen, review and select the records you wish to sync. Any validation error that will prevent you from syncing will be highlighted in red.


If you have any new Clients that you have not synced invoices for previously, you will see the message shown in the right. Click OK to create contact records for these clients in Xero. You must create the contact record in Xero in order to create an invoice for them.

Click the Sync data button in the bottom of the screen to complete the sync.


You will receive confirmation once the sync has completed. Any errors during sync will also be highlighted here.



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