Setting up Subscription Model scheduling and billing
From 7 December 2021, a new subscription services clause was added that allows providers to charge upfront for supports that are delivered using a subscription model. This guide looks at scheduling and billing under this arrangement.
There will be two steps required. Step one will be to create the service type that will be invoiced/claimed under that will have the charge rate set against it (this can be skipped if you are invoicing outside of Brevity) and step two will be to create the service type for creating the scheduling entries that will have a $0 charge.
Creating the invoicing service type and entry
It will be easiest to search for the line item that you will bill under and copy the record using the Create Copy button on the toolbar. You can then amend as needed. For this entry it will be important to set the Type to Expense - this allows you to add to the schedule without need to roster an employee.
Be sure to also amend the pricelist rate to the cost of the subscription service. Be sure to also set the Rate Type to Fixed Rate to ensure this is invoiced as a total cost and the appropriate cost set.
Setting up the scheduling Service Type
For this service type you will want to do the same as the previous entry but set the rates to $0 so the service is not invoiced. The rate type can be Hourly Rate or Fixed Rate since these will not be invoiced because of the $0 rate that has been set.
Client Funding & Scheduling
Once you have created the service types you will need to add these to the client funding in order to be able to schedule against these service types. For best practice you should create a new client funding record for each subscription and set the appropriate start/end dates that relate to the subscription dates.
Once the client funding record is created you can add the entry for the one-off entry on the day you wish to bill for, as well as add the schedule for when the service will be delivered.
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