Cannot login to Brevity Mobile App using Apple Device

There are two app that are available for Apple Users, the Brevity Care Software app and the Brevity Tablet App. For the support workers that cannot login to the app, you need to verify if the one that is installed in your Apple device is the Brevity Care Software.

This is the difference between the two Apple Software from Brevity:

Brevity Care Software: This is the software that the support worker app should use. These have functions such as starting and ending the shift, and record the shift notes.

Brevity Care Tablet App: This is the software that can be used in letting the client fill in their information. 

What if I could only see the Brevity Care Tablet App

If you could only see the Brevity Care Tablet App, you need to click on the ipad only on the upper left portion of the App Store.

Select Iphone from the list.

This will display the two app that is available on Iphone. Select the Brevity Care software if the user will be the support worker app and install it in your Apple Device.

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