Employee Record
This page guides you through the creation and the management of employee records.
The Employee module within the Brevity care application is accessed by selecting the Employees>Employees sub-menu. It is used to register and maintain information related with the staff members (support workers, administrators, support coordinators, allied health professionals) that your organisation engages to facilitate and deliver services and supports to your participants in accordance with their NDIS participant plans.
Additional Information
For additional information on the features that comprises the profile of the employee record refer to the following topics:
Navigating the Employee Page
The following is an outline of the generic fields that comprise the employee page, please note that customised fields are not covered.
Create an Employee Record
To create an employee record observe the following steps:
Select the Employees > Employees sub menu to open the User List page within the browser.
Select the New button to open a blank New Employee Record within the Browser.
Within the type field select from the drop down list an appropriate employment category that the employee will be identified by.
Within the Main Branch field either accept the default branch value listed or clear the field and select an alternate branch from the drop down list that the employee will be identified to.
The main branch will influence rostering of the employee to your clients. Refer also to the topic
Rostering Branches.Within the title field, input the appropriate title that the employee will be identified by.
Within the Last Name field, input the surname of the employee.
Within the First Name field, input the given name of the employee.
Within the Gender field, select from the drop down list the relevant gender, that the employees identifies themselves with.
If a gender other than Male or Female is not listed speak with the Brevity System Administrator to have the clients gender added into the list of values.
Within the Email Address input the primary email address that will be used to communicate with employee when email messages are send out from Brevity.
This may either be a business provided or private email address, if a business email address is specifed you can update the Private Email field.
Within the Date started field specify the date that the employee commenced their employment. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Within the Job type field select from the drop down list the appropriate job category that the employee will be identified with.
Within the Position field select from the drop down list the appropriate job position that the employee will be identified with.
The selected position will influence the compliance records that are listed within the Compliance Checklist located within the Employee Header. To assign additional employee positions refer to the topic
Employee Positions.To review, search for, edit or add a new position record utilise the icons located to the bottom right of the drop down list
If you find that the required position record is not listed then a new position code can be added by selecting
icon located at the bottom right of the list to open the New postion page. Input the position code within the code field, and the position name within the code field and save the record. Ensure you assign the applicable qualification (complicance) records. Close the record and refresh the value list.
For employees that have not yet provided all documentation yet to meet the compliance requirements for their position, or the onboarding has not been completed, set the On Hold field value to YES.
This will ensure that the employee is not available for client service rostering.
Within the Manager field select from the drop down list the employee’s manager.
The values presented within this field reflect a list of your employee records. The manager will be notified via email of incidents and leave requests raised through either the Brevity Care web application or Brevity Care mobile application (where the applicable options have been enbaled).
To review or search for an employee record utilise the icons located to the bottom right of the drop down list. Do not add or edit employee records using these icons.
Within the employment type field select from the drop down list the employment category that the employee will be identified with.
To review, search for, edit or add a new employment type record utilise the icons located to the bottom right of the drop down list
If you find that the required employment type record is not listed then a new employment type code can be added by selecting
icon located at the bottom right of the list to open the New employment type page. Input the employment type within the name field, and save the record. Close the record and refresh the value list.
Within the hourly rate field input the employee’s hourly rate of pay, ensure that this excludes any applicable approved loading.
The Loading is managed through the Pay Rate Loading page located under the Administration menu.
Within the address 1 field input the employees residential street address.
Within the suburb field input the suburb associated with the employees residential street address.
Within the state field input the state associated with the employees residential street address.
Within the postcode field input the postcode associated with the employees residential street address.
Within the Mobile Number field input the employees contact phone number.
Under the Emergency Contact panel of the contact details there are a number of fields for registering phone and email contact details of the employees emergency contact. This may be a sibling, parent or partner. The Emergency contact details includes the contact name relationship, email address, Home Phone, Mobile Phone and Work Phone fields. This is data optional.
Attach an image of the employee, by selecting the appropriate image from your hard drive.
The selected image will then be presented within the employee header, timesheet, schedule board and Brevity Care mobile app.
Once done select the save button to create the Employee record. Refer to the following topics for additional information Managing Login Credentials, Email Login Credentials and Employee Record | Additional Information. Ensure that as part of the registration process that you set the employees rostered days and hours, allocate your rostered branches (if this feature is being used), assign clients to the support worker, assign any qualifications to the employee record, update the compliance record and finally set the ON HOLD back to NO.
Importing an Employee Record
Brevity allows your organisation to import in employee records. To undertake this activity, it is recommended that you download and utilise the employee import template which is accessed through the Import Data : User screen. Utilising this template can reduce the time taken on both data mapping and mapping errors.
User import template
To undertake an import please observe the following steps:
Select the Employees>Employees sub menu to open the User list page into the browser.
Select the Import button located within the ribbon bar to Open the Import Data : User screen.
Select the Browse button to open the File Upload screen.
Within File Upload screen navigate to the location of the upload file, highlight it and select the Open button to close the this screen and update the Import Data : User screen.
Select the Upload and Continue button, to proceed through to the mapping screen.
Review the data mappings and then select the Preview Data. Please note that if there are any irregularities in your mapping you will be prompted to correct.
Select the Import data button to migrate the records from your source file into the client table.
Edit an Employee record
To edit an employee record observe the following steps
Select the Employees > Employees sub menu to open the User List page within the browser.
Search for the Employee record from within the User list.
Highlight the employee record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the employee record to open it within the Employee page within the browser.
Edit the Employee details.
Once done, click on the save button within the ribbon bar to save the revised Employee detail.
Click on the close button to exit from the page.
Delete an Employee Record
Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete an Employee record observe the following steps:
Select the Employees > Employees sub menu to open the User List page within the browser.
Search for the Employee record from within the User list.
Highlight the Employee record to be deleted.
Select the "Delete Button" in the upper right portion of the window.
Select the OK button to confirm the deletion of the selected record.
Activate and Deactivate a Employee Record
To edit the activity status of an employee record observe the following steps:
Select the Employees > Employees sub menu to open the User List page within the browser.
Search for the Employee record from within the User list.
Highlight the employee record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the employee record to open it within the Employee page within the browser.
Edit the Employee details.
To deactivate the employee record select the Deactivate button to open the Deactivation Reason screen .
On the Deactivation Reason screen select a reason from the drop down list as well as input a supporting comment.
Select the Deactivate button, to display a pop up message.
Select the OK button to proceed. The Employee screen will refresh, all fields will be disabled.
To activate the employee record select the Activate button.
Once done, you can exit back to the Employee List.
Export Employee Records
To export Employee records observe the following steps:
Select the Employees > Employees sub menu to open the User List page within the browser.
Select the Employee List view that will be used as the basis for the data export, example All Records, Inactive records only or Active records only.
Select the Export button from within the User list to generate a csv file containing all employees listed within the record view.
Save the file onto a local or network drive.
Employee record Mail Merge
The Employee feature is supported by a mail merge capacity, that allows the organisation to incorporate data from the employee into a custom designed MS Word report.
To access the Mail Merge feature click on the MAIL MERGE button located in the ribbon bar to expand the mail merge panel.
To create a Employee template click the Download template link to present the following pop-up screen within the browser.
Select the OK button to open the user.docx template into MS word
Once MS Word opens:
Enable editing
Select the developer menu
Select the XML Mapping Panel to open XML Mapping Panel located to the right of the word document
From the Custom XML Part drop down list select the http://brevity.com.au/user XML part
Expand the user to list the user data fields that are available for assignment into the word document.
Establish the document structure
To assign the data links position your cursor in the word document where the data link will be located.
Right click the data element from within the XML list to present a floating menu, listing the option > Insert Content Control.
selecting the menu option > Insert Content Control, will list a set of object options. Select the option Plain Text.
The selected item of data will be positioned into the word document
.Repeat these steps until all the necessary data fields have been embedded into the word document.
Save the word document off onto a drive folder.
From within the Mail Merge panel of the User list page select the Upload document link to open the File Upload screen within the browser.
Within the File Upload window, search for and select the employee document.
Select OK to update the Mail Merge panel with the employee document
To undertake a mail merge, ensure the required record is selected within the employee list page.
Select the floating menu as denoted within the […] to the right of the word document. Select the Mail merge option to generate your mail merged support document.
An example of the output is shown on following
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