Onboarding Module

Onboarding Module

The onboarding module in Brevity is a paid add-in where you can let your new and old employees fill in their employee records, change or add their compliance documents and details, and view documents that you want to share or show to your employees. You can see the onboarding sub-menu from the employee’s menu once enabled.

Onboarding menu.JPG


Sharing the onboarding module

There are two different ways to share the onboarding link with your employee. You could share the onboarding for your new employee or share the link with your existing employee.

Sharing the link to a new employee

Once you are on the onboarding record, you can share the link to a new employee by clicking on the onboard new user from the action menu.


This will open a new pop-up where you need to input the details of the new employee. All of the fields are required. The position is also required so that when you add the compliance section, it will load all the qualifications that are linked to the position

new user.JPG

Once you have clicked on the save and send invite, it will create a new record in your employee’s list and it will send an invitation to the employee’s email address that you have added in the email field.

The email that the new employee will receive should look like the image below. They need to use the username and password that has been emailed to them. They also need to click on the link to direct them to the onboarding website.



They could also type this link so they could also be directed to the onboarding module site



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