Employee Availability
This page provides guidance on the maintenance of availability information against the employee profile.
Periods of availability are managed through the employee profile, by accessing the Availability tile located within the left menu panel. Periods of availability can be registered either through the Brevity Care mobile app, if this option has been granted or through the Brevity web application. An availability record can either be related with a period of availability to work or periods of unavailability.
Availability records are used for rostering purposes and are reflected on the schedule Board.
Additional information
For additional information on setting periods of availability refer to the Brevity Care mobile application topic Support Worker Availability.
Navigating the Availability Record
Setting Availability periods
To establish a period of Availability observe the following steps:
With the employee profile open within the Browser select the tile in the left menu to open the availability list.
Click the New button to open the availability record within the browser.
Within the Start Time field specify the commencement date and time of the period of availability. The date and time can be specified as free text, or set using the separate calendar and time picker(s).
Within the End Time field specify the cessation date and time of the period of availability. The date and time can be specified as free text, or set using the separate calendar and time picker(s).
Click the SAVE button to create the availability record.
Click the CLOSE button to return to the availability listing, and update the schedule board with the Availability details
Setting Unavailability periods
To establish a period of Unavailability observe the following steps:
With the employee profile open within the Browser select the tile in the left menu to open the availability list.
Click the New button to open the availability record within the browser.
Select No within the Available field to identify the record as a period of unavailability.
Within the Start Time field specify the commencement date and time of the period of unavailability. The date and time can be specified as free text, or set using the separate calendar and time picker(s).
Within the End Time field specify the cessation date and time of the period of unavailability. The date and time can be specified as free text, or set using the separate calendar and time picker(s).
Click the SAVE button to create the unavailability record.
Click the CLOSE button to return to the availability listing, and update the schedule board with the Unavailable details
Managing Availability through the Mobile application
To allow the support worker to register periods of availability or unavailability through the availability panel with the Brevity Care mobile application you will need to ensure that Update Availability located beneath the Work Days rostering schedule has been set to Yes.
Identifying Employee Availability on the Schedule Board
Periods of availability and non availability will be reflected in the schedule board, within the employee shift view as follows:
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