Employee Training

Employee Training

This page guides you through the creation and the management of periodic and ongoing staff training records.



Staff training records are managed through the employee profile. Selecting the Training tile located within the left menu panel will provide you with access to the Staff Training record function.


Employee Training record


Navigating the Employee Training Page



The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Staff Training page:

  1. Save: This button is used to create as well as save updates to an existing record.

  2. Close: This button is used to close down the staff training page.

  3. Deactivate: This button is used to adjust the activity status of the staff training record.

  4. Notes: This button provides access to the notes function. Notes can be retained against the training profile thereby tracking actions and communications.

  5. Documents: This button provides access to the document function.

  6. Delete: This button is used to delete the staff training record.

  7. Employee Name: This is a drop down down field that by default lists the name of the employee to which the staff training record relates. The value listed within this field SHOULD NOT be altered.

  8. Status: This is a drop down field that is used to list the current status assigned to the staff training record. The status assigned and in combination with the expiry date will generate an alert within the Dashboard, which will be used as the basis for alerting you to recurring qualifications and training that need to be reviewed. The status types available include expired, completed, planned and in progress.

  9. Qualification: This is a drop down field that is used to list the qualification associated with the training record.

  10. Completion Date: This field is used to list the date the employee completed the training. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  11. Expiry Date: This field is used to list the date the employee training will expire, employee will need to be re certified as compliant. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  12. Description: This field is used to list a narration of the training undertaken

  13. Remarks: This field is used to list a narration of any additional comments applicable with the training undertaken


Additional Information


For additional information on establishing qualifications that will be used when registering the profile of the training record refer to the topic Qualifications.


Creating a Training Record

To create a training record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Employees>Employees sub-menu to open the User List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Employee record from within the User list.

  3. Highlight the Employee record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Employee record to open it within the Employee page within the browser.


  5. Click the Training tile located within the left menu bar, to open the staff Training list.

  6. Click the button within the ribbon bar to open a blank staff training page within the browser.

  7. Within the status field select the applicable status value from the drop down list

  8. Within the Qualification field select from the drop down list the appropriate qualification that the training record will be identified with.

    To review, search for, edit or add a new qualification record utilise the icons located to the bottom right of the drop down list


    If you find that the required position record is not listed then a new qualification can be added by selecting icon located at the bottom right of the list to open the New Qualification record page. Input the Qualification code and description and save the record. Close the record and refresh the value list.

  9. Although a data entry optional field, the completion Date field can be used to specify the date that the staff member was certified or completed training. Please observe that this field is data optional. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  10. Although a data entry optional field , the expiry Date field can be used to specify the date that the certification or training will expire. Where a field value is specified it can be used to initiate an alert when a staff member needs to re qualify. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  11. Within the description field input a narration of the purpose or the elements that comprise the training. Example manual handling, using slide sheet, hoist..

  12. Although a data entry optional field, you can input a narration into the remarks field.

  13. Click the SAVE button to create the record.

  14. Click the CLOSE button to exit back to the Staff Training List.


Editing a Training record

To edit a training record observe the following steps:

  1. Observe the steps 1 - 5 outlined under the topic Creating a Staff Training record.

  2. From the record listing, highlight the Training record that is to be edited.

  3. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Staff Training record to open it within the browser


  4. Edit the Staff Training record. Edits to the record can include as follows:

    Registering a note through the Notes Panel.
    Uploading a document related with the Warning.
    Revision to the Expiry Date.
    Updating the training status.
    Assignment of additional information into the Description or Remarks field(s).

  5. Click the SAVE button to update the record.

  6. Click the CLOSE button to exit back to the Staff Training List.


Changing the Activity status of a Training record

To edit the activity status of a Staff Training record observe the following steps:

  1. Observe the steps 1 -3 outlined under the topic Editing a Staff Training record.

  2. To deactivate the Training record click the Deactivate button




  3. To activate the Training record observe the step 1 above and select the Activate button.


  4. Once done, you can exit back to the Record List.


Deleting a Training record

Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete a Training record observe the following steps:


  1. Observe the steps 1 - 5 outlined under the topic Creating a Training record.

  2. From the record listing, highlight the Staff Training record that is to be deleted.



  3. Select the "Delete Button" in the upper right portion of the window.

  4. Select the OK button to confirm the deletion of the selected record.



Dashboard Alerts

Within the dashboard the alerts panel provides details of the training records that have either have expired or are coming due for expiry. Listing a training record as an alert is determined by the presence of an expiry date, please observe that this date is an option data input on the record profile.

Training records reflected in red provide a visual alert that the training record has expired and that an action is immediately required, whereas training records in blue provide a visual alert that the training record is coming due for expiry and an action must be undertaken.





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