Employee Warnings

Employee Warnings



Staff warnings are managed through the employee profile. Selecting the Staff Warning tile located within the left menu panel will provide you with access to the Staff Warning record function.


Staff Warning tile



Navigating the Staff Warning Page

The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Staff Warning page:

  1. Save: This button is used to create as well as save updates to an existing record.

  2. Close: This button is used to close down the staff warning page.

  3. Deactivate: This button is used to adjust the activity status of the staff warning record.

  4. Notes: This button provides access to the notes function. Notes can be retained against the staff warning thereby tracking actions and communications.

  5. Documents: This button provides access to the document function.

  6. Delete: This button is used to delete the staff warning record.

  7. Employee: This is a drop down down field that by default lists the name of the employee to which the staff warning relates. The value listed within this field SHOULD NOT be altered.

  8. Communicated By: This is a drop down that lists the particulars of employees. This field is used to identify the individual that informed the employee of the their staff warning.

  9. Date Communication: This field is used to list the date the employee was advised of the staff warning. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  10. Warning Number: This a numeric field that is used to list the reference number against the staff warning. Use the number spinner or input in free text a numeric value.

  11. Issue of Concern: This field is used to list a narration of the issues or circumstances that are basis of the staff warning.

  12. Details of Discussion: This field is used to list a narration of the discussion held between management and the employee with regards to the staff warning.

  13. Next Review Date: This field is used to list the date that the employee staff warning will next be reviewed with regards to the actions listed. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker. Refer above to the Date Communicated field for an image of the calendar picker.

  14. Employer Required Actions: This field is used to list a narration of the actions that the employer will take in regards to the staff warning.

  15. Employee Required Actions: This field is used to list a narration of the actions expected or agreed to that will;be undertaken by the employee in regards to the staff warning.

  16. Status: This is a drop down field that is used to list the current status assigned to the staff warning record. The status types available include Draft, Issued, Resolved, Deferred or Cancelled.


Creating a Staff Warning record

To create a staff warning record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Employees>Employees sub-menu to open the User List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Employee record from within the User list.

  3. Highlight the Employee record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Employee record to open it within the Employee page within the browser.


  5. Click the Staff Warning tile located within the left menu bar, to open the staff warning list


  6. Click the button within the ribbon bar to open a blank staff warning page within the browser.

  7. Within the Communicated By field update that default value listed to identify the employee name who communicated the warning to the staff member. Either input in free text the employee name or select the appropriate value from the drop down list. If the required value is not listed select the Advanced Search icon to access the full employee list.


  8. Within the Date Communicated field specify the date that the staff warning was communicated to the employee. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  9. Within the warning number field input a reference number.

  10. Within the Issues of Concern field input a detailed narrative as to either the circumstances, event or reasons that are basis of the staff warning.

  11. Within the Details of Discussion field input a detailed narrative of the discussion held between the management representative and the employee with regards to the staff warning.

  12. Within the Next Review Date field specify the date that a review of staff warning and associated actions will be undertaken. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  13. Within the Employer Required Actions field input a detailed narrative of the actions that are to be taken by the organisation in relation to the staff warning.

  14. Within the Employee Required Actions field input a detailed narrative of the actions that are to be taken by the employee in relation to the staff warning.

  15. Within the status field select the applicable status value from the drop down list.


  16. Click the SAVE button to create the record.

  17. Click the CLOSE button to exit back to the Staff Warning List.

Editing a Staff Warning record

To edit a staff warning record observe the following steps:

  1. Observe the steps 1 - 5 outlined under the topic Creating a Staff Warning record.

  2. From the record listing, highlight the Staff Warning record that is to be edited.

  3. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Staff Warning record to open it within the browser


  4. Edit the Staff Warning record. Edits to the record can include as follows:

    Registering a note through the Notes Panel.
    Uploading a document related with the Warning.
    Revision to the Next Review Date.
    Allocating additional actions into the Employer Required Actions field.
    Allocating additional actions into the Employee Required Actions field.
    Updating the status of the warning, by selecting the applicable status value.

  5. Click the SAVE button to update the record.

  6. Click the CLOSE button to exit back to the Staff Warning List.

Changing the Activity status of a Staff Warning record

To edit the activity status of a Staff Warning record observe the following steps:

  1. Observe the steps 1 -3 outlined under the topic Editing a Staff Warning record.

  2. To deactivate the Staff Warning record click the Deactivate button


  3. To activate the Staff Warning record observe the step 1 above and select the Activate button.


  4. Once done, you can exit back to the Record List.

Deleting a staff warning record

Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete a Staff Warning record observe the following steps:


  1. Observe the steps 1 - 5 outlined under the topic Creating a Staff Warning record.

  2. From the record listing, highlight the Staff Warning that is to be deleted.


  3. Select the "Delete Button" in the upper right portion of the window.

  4. Select the OK button to confirm the deletion of the selected record.



Staff Warning record Mail Merge

The Staff Warning feature is supported by a mail merge capacity, that allows the organisation to incorporate data from the employee and staff warning into a custom designed MS Word report.

  1. To access the Mail Merge feature click on the MAIL MERGE button located in the ribbon bar to expand the mail merge panel.

  2. To create a Employee template click the Download template link to present the following pop-up screen within the browser.



    Select the OK button to open the user.docx template into MS word

  3. Once MS Word opens:
    Enable editing

    Select the developer menu

    Select the XML Mapping Panel to open XML Mapping Panel located to the right of the word document


    From the Custom XML Part drop down list select the http://brevity.com.au/staffwarning XML part
    Expand the staffwarning to list the user & staffwarning data fields that are available for assignment into the word document.


    Establish the document structure
    To assign the data links position your cursor in the word document where the data link will be located.
    Right click the data element from within the XML list to present a floating menu, listing the option > Insert Content Control.




    Selecting the menu option > Insert Content Control, will list a set of object options. Select the option Plain Text.


    The selected item of data will be positioned into the word document.


    Repeat these steps until all the necessary data fields have been embedded into the word document.

  4. Save the word document off onto a drive folder.

  5. From within the Mail Merge panel of the Staff Warning list page select the Upload document link to open the File Upload screen within the browser.

    Within the File Upload window, search for and select the staff warning document.
    Select OK to update the Mail Merge panel with the staff warning document





  6. To undertake a mail merge, ensure the required record is selected within the staff warning list page.

  7. Select the floating menu as denoted within the […] to the right of the word document. Select the Mail merge option to generate your mail merged support document.


    An example of the output is shown on following




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