Employee Compliance

Employee Compliance




Employee Compliance is managed through the Compliance Check data-grid that is located within the header of the employee record. The compliance records listed within the Compliance Check data-grid are determined on the employee’s role.

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards commission has outlined the importance of NDIS providers employing staff that have the necessary skills, experience and qualifications to deliver the supports and services that are available through their employer.  Employee compliance is not only ensuring those qualifications have been sighted but they continue to remain current.

To ensure safe and skillful service delivery by the NDIS service provider is through ensuring you are employing staff that have the qualifications required as well as necessary competencies for the role and the appropriate approvals from necessary government agencies and authorities.

As a provider there is a Duty of Care to your NDIS clients to ensure that anyone that is employed has the necessary skills, experience and qualifications, thereby minimizing any risk of harm or the occurrence of negligent conduct. Compliance can range from WWCC, Police Clearance, CPR and first aid certificates, certificates from TAFE in the areas of disability support or community support, manual handling, safe work practices, certification on the NDIS or COVID-19 training modules.

For additional information refer to NDIS Code of Conduct

The following is a summary of the icons used to classify the status of the compliance records maintained within the Compliance Check datagrid

This icon indicates that the quaification associated with the compliance requirement is in the process of being obtained.

This icon indicates that the quaification associated with the compliance requirement is due to expire.

This icon indicates that the quaification associated with the compliance requirement is current.

This icon indicates that the quaification associated with the compliance requirement is being planned and thus has no overall bearing on the compliance of the employee.

This icon indicates that the quaification associated with the compliance requirement has expired and as such the employee is non-compliant.

Navigating the Employee Compliance form

The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Employee Compliance form:

  1. Employee Name: This is a drop down field that lists the name of employee for which the compliance record relates.

  2. Status: This is a drop down field that lists the status of the compliance record. Listed values include planned, In Progress, Expired, and Completed.

  3. Number: This field is used to specify the the compliance check, qualification, license, policy or certification number, if known or applicable.

  4. Qualification: This is a drop down field that lists the compliance check, qualification, license, policy or certification.

  5. Completion Date: This field is used to list the date that the compliance check, qualification, license, policy or certification was obtained. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  6. Expiry Date: This field is used to list the date that the compliance check, qualification, license, policy or certification expires. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  7. Description: This field is used to provide a general narrative about the compliance check, qualification, license, policy or certification.

  8. Remarks: This field is used to provide a general comment about the compliance check, qualification, license, policy or certification.

Employee position

The employee position that is assigned to the employee profile is what determines the compliance records that are listed within the Compliance Check data-grid. Assignment of compliance records against the employee position is undertaken through the Administration>13.Employee Position sub-menu. For additional information on associating compliance record to employee positions refer to the topic on Employee Positions.


Within the Brevity application , qualification records which are accessed through the Administration>2.Qualification sub menu that are used to determine the compliance requirements for the employee position. For additional information on establishing Compliance Record refer to the topic on Qualifications.

Updating an Employee Compliance record

To update the particulars of an employee compliance compliance check, qualification, license, policy or certification observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Employees>Employees sub-menu to open the User List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Employee record from within the User list.

  3. Highlight the Employee record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Employee record to open it within the Employee page within the browser.

  5. Click the compliance record listed within the Compliance Check data-grid that is to be updated.


  6. Within the status field select from the drop down list a status applicable with the compliance record.

  7. Within the number field input a number, if known that is applicable with the compliance record.

  8. Within the Completion date field specify the date that compliance was received / achieved. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  9. Within the Expiry date field specify the date the compliance expires. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  10. Within the Description field input a narrative that lists additional information applicable to the compliance record.

  11. Select the Save button to update the compliance record.

  12. Select the close button to exit back to the employee profile.

Identifying non-compliance

Brevity provides visual cues as to the currency of an employees compliance. The Schedule board and the Approve timesheet calendar views will report whether the employee is compliant or non-compliant.


An Employee that is non-compliant would be present the following cue


An Employee that is compliant would be present the following cue

Compliance Reporting

Brevity support compliance management by providing you with a Employee Compliance report. The report is accessed by selecting the Employees>Reports sub menu option.

To generate the report, specify the reporting parameters, double-click the Employee Compliance Report listing, accept the report filters and process. For additional information on Employee Report generation refer to the following topic https://brevityau.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BUG2/pages/964133429. The following is an example of the generic Compliance Check report output.

Mobile Application Alerts

Brevity will alert those support workers that are using the Brevity Care mobile app of any compliance records that are due to or have expired. Additionally that will also include any training records that have been assigned an expiry date. The alerts an example of which is shown below will be presented within the dashboard, it will list below the client services listing.



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