Service History

Service History

This page provides an outline on filtering, viewing and editing shift notes written against the client service record.



The service history within the client profile provides a summary of notes associated with services that have been completed by the support worker. The note that is reflected against the shift summary is taken from the shift note field that resides on the employee timesheet, now in the absence of a shift note, the particulars of the note will be drawn from the roster comments that are located on the service schedule.


The service history can be examined either in summary view or list view. Any attachments registered to the client service are also accessible through the Service history for review, by clicking on the attachment icon.




Navigating the Service history



The following is an outline of the fields that comprise the Shift Summary page:

  1. Service History Filter: Selecting this icon will either hide or make visible the service history filter fields.

  2. Date Range: These field allow you to filter the service histories displayed based upon the date from and date to. The filter dates can either be input in free text or selected using the date picker. Only records within the specified date range will be listed witin the Shift Summary Panel.

  3. Notes: This field allows for service histories matching individual word or strings of text to be listed witin the Shift Summary Panel.

  4. Tags: This field provides a drop down list of either client goals or support coordinator tags that can be selected to determine the service histories that are listed witin the Shift Summary Panel.

  5. Employees: This field provides a drop down list of employee that have been rostered to provide supports and services to the client. The employees selected will determine the service histories that are listed witin the Shift Summary Panel.

  6. Services: This field provides a drop down list of funded services that the client is in receipt off. The services selected will determine the service histories that are listed witin the Shift Summary Panel.

  7. View Icon: Selecting this icon will adjust the view bewteen summary view (default) and list view (which allows for a review, edit or create of the service note).

  8. Service Date: This information relates to the date the service was provided to the client.

  9. Service duration: This information relates to the duration of the service was provided to the client.

  10. Name of the Support Worker: This information relates to the name of the support worker that delivered the service to the client.

  11. Role: This information relates to the role of the support worker.

  12. Service Type: This information relates to the service type that was delivered to the client.

  13. View Button: Selecting this button will enable the note that was written by the support worker at the conclusion of the shift to be reviewed and edited.

  14. Attachments: This icon will identify attachments assigned to the service. Selecting the ison will display the attachment in a secondary page within the browser.

Editing a Shift Note

To edit a shift note observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.

  5. Select the Service History icon from the left vertical menu bar to open the Shift Summary page within the browser.

  6. Select the service history view icon located at the top right of the shift summary, to present the service history in list view.

  7. Scroll to the required shift summary.

  8. Select the View button to open the Update notes page. You will observe that a to the right of the service type will indicate the presence of a note

  9. Update the note with revised text

  10. Select the Add Notes button to update the shift note on the service schedule and corresponding timesheet and have that change reflected back onto the shift summary.

    Please note that if the shift notes field on the Service Schedule had not originally had a note registered, the note listed within the shift summary will have be drawn from the service schedule roster comment field if one was present.

  11. Select the OK button to return back to the Shift Summary page.

    Update onto the Shift notes service schedule

    Update onto the Timesheet Note





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