Shift Availability Search

Shift Availability Search

This page provides an overview on navigating the Shift Availability Search page.




The Shift Availability Search page accessed by selecting the Employees > Availability Search sub menu provides the system user with a page listing graphically the shift availability of your support workers. The shift availability data presented is based upon a nominated service date and refined through the specification of one or more search criterion's. Shift availability is reflected across hourly increments.


Navigating the Shift Availability Search page



The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Shift Availability search page:

  1. Availability: Drop down field that is used to filter the support workers listed within the service date availability chart based upon their availability. Availability is determined by such factors as assignment or exclusion in relation to a client, leave, day or time rostering availability or rostering to a client service at the same time.

  2. Job type: Drop down field that is used to filter the support workers listed within the service date availability chart based upon the job type retained against the support worker profile.

  3. Type: Drop down field that is used to filter the support workers listed within the service date availability chart based upon the employment type retained against the support worker profile.

  4. Language: Drop down field that is used to filter the support workers listed within the service date availability chart based upon the language retained against the support worker profile.

  5. Service date: This field is used to list the client service date upon which support worker availability is being inquired against. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  6. Qualifications: Drop down field that is used to filter the support workers listed within the service date availability chart based upon one or more qualifications retained against the support worker profile.

  7. Employee Name: This field that is used to filter the support workers listed within the service date availability chart based the specification of an active support workers rostered to client services on the service date.

  8. Car Insurance: This is a redundant filter.

  9. Gender: Drop down field that is used to filter the support workers listed within the service date availability chart based gender retained against the support worker profile.

  10. Drivers license: This is a redundant filter.

  11. Smoker: Drop down field that is used to filter the support workers listed within the service date availability chart based upon the smoker flag retained against the support worker profile.

  12. Support Worker: This panel lists the support name, position and employment type.

  13. Non-Availability: Represents the support workers period of non - availability. Hovering your mouse over the period will list a pop up that gives details of the rostered service.

  14. Search: Clicking this button will update the support worker listing (13) based upon the service date, the support worker name specified and values set within the service filter fields.


Reviewing Shift Availability

To review shift availability for your organisations support workers observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Employees > Availability Search sub menu to open the staff search page.

  2. Within the Service Date field specify the date for the period of availability that you are inquiring on. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  3. To narrow the record set listed utilise any of all of the following filters.

    Employee Name
    Within the Employee Name field input the particulars of a support workers name either partailly or in full.

    Reference values
    Select one or more of the applicable values listed within the Availability, Type, Gender, Smoker, Job Type, Language, Qualification fields. Please note records will only be returned if the selected values are registered against the support workers profile.


  4. Click the SEARCH button to update the availability list with the support workers matching the filters set.

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