Employee Leave
This is a guide to creating and managing Employee Leave requests.
The maintenance or new and existing leave period records is undertaken through the Leave Period page which is accessed by selecting the Employees>Employee Leave sub-menu.
Employee Leave panel
Additional Information
Leave applications from your support workers can be registered through the mobile application, for additional information refer to the topic Support Worker Leave Request. Please note that restrictions can be set through the organisations branch record, that prevent an employee from registering a leave request through the Brevity Care mobile application, for additional information refer to the topic Branch.
Manager field - employee profile
Where the Manager field has been configured onto the employee profile and a value defined within, the immediate manager responsible for the support worker will be notified by email that a leave application has been submitted for their action.
Navigating the Employee Leave form
Add an Employee's Leave Record
To create an Employee leave period record observe the following steps:
Select the Employees>Employee Leave sub-menu to open the Leave Periods List page within the browser.
Click the New button to open a blank New Employee Leave record page.
Within the Employee field either input in free text the employee name or make the appropriate selection from the drop down list.
Within Leave Reason field select a value from the drop down list to categorise the leave record.
Within the Leave from field input the commencement date and time of the leave period.
For partial leave periods ensure the time that the leave will commence has been specified.
partial reflected as 02-02-2021 0900 hours through to 02-02-2021 1300 hours whereas either one or more days would be reflected as 02-02-2021 0900 hours through to 12-02-2021 2300 hours
Within the Leave to field input the ending date and time of the leave period.
For partial leave periods ensure the time that the leave will cease has been specified, refer to the comments listed under step 5.
Within the leave comments the input of a narrative to support the leave request although optional may be helpful when determining whether the leave request should be approved.
Click the SAVE button to create the leave record.
Rostered Services
With the leave record having been saved the Employee Services data tab will update and provide a listing of the client services that the staff member has been rostered to. To review a service highlight and double click the service listed within the datagrid.
Leave Approval
Managers comments field becomes visible for any comments that may relate with the approval or decline of the leave request.
for additional information refer to the topic leave approval.Click the CLOSE button to exit back to the Leave Periods List page.
Edit the Employee's Leave
To edit an Employee leave period record observe the following steps:
Select the Employees>Employee Leave sub-menu to open the Leave Periods List page within the browser.
Within the search field input the particulars of the leave record (i:e: employee name) to filter the listed records accordingly.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the leave record to open it within the leave page.
Apply the necessary edits to the Leave record:
Changes to the start and end dates for period of full or partial leave can either be input in free text or set through the calendar picker.
Changed to the start and end times for partial leave periods can either be input in free text or set through the time spinner.
Changes to the reason for leave can be completed by selecting the applicable leave reason from the drop down list
If not already supplied comments can be updated to the leave record soa s to assist with approval of the leave request.
Once done, click on the save button within the ribbon bar to save the revisions to the leave record.
Click on the close button to exit back to the Leave Periods List.
Approval of a leave request
Once a leave record has been submitted either through the Brevity Care mobile application or registered through the Brevity Care web application, the application will need to be approved. The approving manager will be both notified by email as well as be able to identify leave records awaiting approval through the dashboard. Leave requests can be approved by accessing the leave record either via the dashboard or from the Leave Periods List page.
Approval through Dashboard
To approve a leave request through the dash board observe the following steps:
After logging into Brevity, scroll to the bottom of the dashboard to the Leave panel.
Select the applicable leave record from the list that is awaiting approval. The Approve Leave page will open with the selected leave record presented.
Within the status field select a value from the drop down list to categorise whether the leave record has been rejected or approved.
Within the Manager Comments field input a narrative as to the rational for the the leave either being approved or rejected.
Click the SAVE button to update the leave record and clear the record from the leave panel within the dashboard.
Approval through Leave Periods List page
To approve a leave request through the Leave Periods List page observe the following steps:
Refer to steps 1-3 under the topic Edit the Employee’s Leave.
Within the status field select a value from the drop down list to categorise whether the leave record has been rejected or approved.
Within the Manager Comments field input a narrative as to the rational for the the leave either being approved or rejected.
Click the SAVE button to present a pop up screen.
From the pop up screen select the OK button to confirm the approval of the leave as well as the removal of the employee from all shifts that they were rostered to during the period of leave.
Click the CLOSE button to exit back to the Leave Periods List page.
Delete the Employee's Leave Record
To delete an employee leave period record observe the following steps:
Select the Employees>Employee Leave sub-menu to open the Leave Periods List page within the browser.
Within the search field input the particulars of the leave record (i:e: employee name) to filter the listed records accordingly.
Highlight the leave record that is to be deleted and click the Delete button to call a pop up screen.
Select the OK button to confirm deletion of the employee leave record.
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