Service Schedule Template

Service Schedule Template


The Service Schedule Template module is related with the provision of direct services. The record is comprised of two elements, firstly the Template profile and secondly the service item profile.

The Template profile that identifies the participant name, the template type (either group or individual) and the service items associated with the template .

The service item profile, lists the individual services that are being delivered under agreement, the service type, recurrence of and time of service delivery, source and pricelist, the employee allocated to deliver the services, travel and transport considerations and whether there are any associated tasks to be performed as part of service delivery.

Service Schedule Template records can be created either as

  • Part of the conversion of new business quotes into the participant record within the client module.

  • Through the Service Schedule screen accessed from the Client>Service Schedule Template menu.

  • Direct off the client record through the Service Template data grid.

  • Direct off the Client record through the Service Template tile located within the left vertical menu.

  • Creating a copy of an existing Service Schedule profile.

  • From the client panel within the schedule board, by selecting the service template icon.

Accessing the Service Schedule Template

Once new business has been converted into the client module there are four approaches available as listed below for the review and management of existing and the creation of new Service Schedule Template records:


Service Schedule Template menu

The Service Schedule Template record can be accessed from the Client>Service Schedule Template sub-menu

Service Templates data grid

The Service Schedule Template record can be accessed from the Service Template data grid located on the client record.

Service Templates tile

The Service Schedule Template record can be accessed from the Service Templates tile located within the left vertical menu of the client record.

Service Schedule Template via the Schedule Board

The Service Schedule Template record can be accessed from the client panel within the schedule board by selecting the icon.


Navigating the Service Schedule Template Page



The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Service Schedule Template page

  1. Type: This is drop down field that lists whether the Service Schedule Template record is group or individually based. Individual is the default, selecting Group as the type, hides the client field and makes visible the name field. This field can not be updated once the Service template record has been saved.

  2. Client and Group: The Client field provides access to a drop down field that lists the participant name from the client record, whereas the Group field if displayed provides access to a drop down field that lists the groups.

  3. Save: This button is used to create the record as well as save updates to an existing record.

  4. Close: This button will close the Service Schedule Template page.

  5. Update Service Schedule: This button is used to update a schedule services that where created using the Service Schedule Template.

  6. Create Service Schedule: This button is used to create schedule services for one or more service items listed within the Service Schedule Template for a defined date range.

  7. Deactivate: This button is used to deactivate the Service Schedule Template record.

  8. Communications: This button is used to access the communications panel.

  9. Notes: This button is used to access the notes panel.

  10. Documents: This button is used to access the documents panel.

  11. Items: This data grid lists the service lines that comprise the Service Schedule Template record.


Navigating the Service Schedule Template Item Page



The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Service Schedule Template Item page

  1. Service Schedule Template: This field lists depending on the record type assigned to the Service Schedule Template either the name of the participant or the group.

  2. Source: This is a drop down field that lists the sources maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the Service Schedule Template item record.

  3. Pricelist: This is a drop down field that lists the pricelist maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the Service Schedule Template item record to determine the client charge associated with delivery of the service.

  4. Service type: This is a drop down field that lists the service lines maintained within Brevity. Service types listed are based upon the the selected price list Select the applicable service that will be delivered to the participant.

  5. A/H Calculator: This is a drop down field that lists the calculation methods for handling After Hours shift time. Methods include calculation of the After Hours time at Shift Start or Shift End as a Split Shift or at the Highest Rate

  6. Billable: This field is used to identify whether the related services are billable to the participant, the default is set to ‘yes’.

  7. Employee: This is a drop down field that lists the employee. The employee record can be specified by free text input or selecting from the drop down list. The employee reflects the support worker delivering the related services to the participant.

  8. Start time: This field is used to set the commencement time of the service that is to be delivered to the participant. Please observe that this field defaults to the system time. To update the time either input your changes in free text or select from the time picker.


  9. End time: This field is used to set the cessation time of the service that is to be delivered to the participant. Please observe that this field defaults to the system time. To update the time either input your changes in free text or select from the time picker.

  10. Break hours: This field is used to set time allocated for a break during the scheduled service.

  11. Total hours: This field automatically calculates the time allocated to the scheduled service based upon the (Start time - End time).

  12. Address Start: This field is used to specify the address at where the scheduled service will commence, if this is different to the clients address. This field will be used to determine the clock on location.

  13. Address End: This field is used to specify the address at where the scheduled service will end, if this is different to the clients address. This field will be used to determine the clock off location.

  14. Pay Travel Mileage: This field is used to specify whether the support worker will be paid travel, based upon the distance travel in KM from their starting location to the address of the scheduled service. The default for this field is ‘no’.

  15. Pay Travel time: This field is used to specify whether the support worker will be paid travel, based upon the time taken from their starting location to the address of the scheduled service. The default for this field is ‘no’.

  16. Charge Travel to Client: This is a drop down field that is used to specify whether the client will be charged for the support workers travel time and how that cost will be reported to the client, added to service hours thus adjusting the scheduled start and end times or invoiced as a separate line item.
    Selecting ‘yes’ will make available the following fields for data entry.

  17. Travel KMs: This field is visible when ‘yes’ is selected from the Charge Travel to Client. This field is used to set travel mileage applicable to the related services. Leave blank if you want to use the mileage from employee timesheet.

  18. Travel Rate Km: This field is visible when ‘yes’ is selected from the Charge Travel to Client. This field is used to set travel rate by kilometer applicable to the related services. Leave blank if you want to use the mileage from employee timesheet.

  19. Travel Time (hours): This field is visible when ‘yes’ is selected from the Charge Travel to Client. This field is used to set travel hours applicable to the related services. Leave blank if you want to use the mileage from employee timesheet.

  20. Travel time Rate: This field is visible when ‘yes’ is selected from the Charge Travel to Client. This field is used to set the override hourly rate applicable to the related services. Leave blank if you want to use the mileage from employee timesheet.

  21. Transport Distance: This field is used to set the maximum distance that will be traveled applicable to the related services.

  22. Transport Distance Rate: This field is used to set the rate for any travel undertaken that is applicable to the related services

  23. Transport Client Code: This is a drop down field that lists the service type to which the client travel allowance can be claimed against.

  24. Activity: This field is used to specify a brief narration of the service that will be delivered. Where an activity has been specified this will be reflected within the shift panel as opposed to the default of Service Item.

  25. Additional Roster Comments: This field is used to provide additional service information for the support worker that will be referenced through the service schedule.

  26. Recurring Type: This is a drop down field that lists the frequency of service delivery. Recurrence types include daily, weekly, fortnightly, Every 3 or 4 weeks and monthly. Selecting the daily option will disable selection of the Monday - Sunday radio buttons.

  27. Monday: This field is used to indicate service delivery on a Monday, the default is ‘no', select ‘yes’ to acknowledge service delivery on this day. Field is disabled for daily service delivery.

  28. Tuesday: This field is used to indicate service delivery on a Tuesday, the default is ‘no', select ‘yes’ to acknowledge service delivery on this day. Field is disabled for daily service delivery.

  29. Wednesday: This field is used to indicate service delivery on a Wednesday, the default is ‘no', select ‘yes’ to acknowledge service delivery on this day. Field is disabled for daily service delivery.

  30. Thursday: This field is used to indicate service delivery on a Thursday, the default is ‘no', select ‘yes’ to acknowledge service delivery on this day. Field is disabled for daily service delivery.

  31. Friday: This field is used to indicate service delivery on a Friday, the default is ‘no', select ‘yes’ to acknowledge service delivery on this day. Field is disabled for daily service delivery.

  32. Saturday: This field is used to indicate service delivery on a Saturday, the default is ‘no', select ‘yes’ to acknowledge service delivery on this day. Field is disabled for daily service delivery.

  33. Sunday: This field is used to indicate service delivery on a Sunday, the default is ‘no', select ‘yes’ to acknowledge service delivery on this day. Field is disabled for daily service delivery.

  34. Tasks: Tasks can be assigned to the Template once the record has been saved. Tasks are added through the New Service Schedule Template Task record page which is access by selecting the Add New Record icon. Tasks created will list into the Tasks datagrid. The tasks created will be reflected on the service schedule.

  35. Save: This button is used to create the record as well as save updates to an existing record.

  36. Close: This button will close the Service Schedule Template item page.

  37. Deactivate: This button is used to deactivate the Service Schedule Template item record.

  38. Communications: This button is used to access the communications panel.

  39. Notes: This button is used to access the notes panel.

  40. Documents: This button is used to access the documents panel.


Creating a Service Schedule Template

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken to create a service schedule template record and they either through the Service Schedule Template sub-menu the Service Templates datagrid or the Service Templates tile that are retained on the client record or through the Service Template icon located on the client panel within the schedule board.

Service Schedule Template menu

To create a service schedule template record observe the following steps: 

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule Template sub-menu to open the Service Schedule Template List page.

  2. Select the New button to open the page New Service Schedule Template record page.

  3. From the Type field either accept the default of Individual or click in the field and select Group from the drop down list. Selecting Group will hide the client field and make visible the name field.

    For this instruction we will register an individual service record.

  4. Within the Client field position your cursor and either input in free text the client name or make your selection from the drop down list.


  5. Select the SAVE button to create the Service Schedule Template and make visible the items datagrid.

  6. Select the Add New Record icon located above the Items datagrid to open the New Service Schedule Template Item record page.


  7. Within the Source field position your cursor and either input in free text the funding source code or make your selection from the drop down list.

    You will observe that the funding source is a concatenation of the Participants name, the funding source and the dates of the funding agreement. This information is read from the client funding record. Multiple published funding source codes can be returned for the participant.

    The selection of the funding source will programmatically update the Pricelist field with the pricelist code matching to the pricelist retained against the Client Funding record.

  8. The Pricelist code listed within the Pricelist field will be updated based upon the pricelist retained against the client funding selected within the funding source field.

  9. Within the Service Type field position your cursor and either input in free text the Service Type or make your selection from the drop down list.


  10. Within the A/H field select from the drop down list how any after hours time occurring during the scheduled service will be calculated.


  11. Within the Billable field identify whether the client will not be billed for the related services. The default assumed is that services will be billed, set the field to ‘no’ to indicate the service as non-billable.

  12. Within the Employee field position your cursor and either input in free text the Employee or make your selection from the drop down list.


  13. Within the Start time field position your cursor and either input in free text the services scheduled start time or make your selection from the time picker.

    Please note that Brevity defaults the value listed within this field to the current system time.


  14. Within the End time field position your cursor and either input in free text the service schedule end time or make your selection from the time picker.

    Please note that Brevity defaults the value listed within this field to the current system time.

  15. Within the Break hours field input the approved allocation for a meal break.

  16. Validate that the service hours presented within the Total Hours field have been calculated correctly by Brevity.

  17. Within the Activity field input a brief narration of the service that will be delivered to the participant. The narration entered will replace the service description this is by default reflected on the shift panel within the schedule board and through the Brevity Care mobile application.


  18. Within the Additional Roster Comments field input a brief narration of any additional information that needs to be communicated onto the scheduled service.

  19. Under the Travel and Transport panel observe the following optional edits:

    Where the Address for Service is different to the Client Address you will need to specify the address at where the support worker will be clocking on and off at within the Address Start and Address End fields.
    Update the Pay Travel Mileage field to ‘yes’ if travel mileage is to be paid in relation to the service.
    Update the Pay Travel Time field to ‘yes’ if travel time is to be paid in relation to the service.
    Within the Charge Travel to Client field update the default and select ýes' if the client is to be charged. Select the preferred approach either adding travel time to the service hours pr invoicing separately. Selecting yes allows you to optionally specify calculation parameters.
    Within the Transport Distance and Transport Distance Rate fields you can specify parameters that regulate the distance that the support worker travels during the scheduled service.
    Within the Transport Client Funding Code field position your cursor and select from the drop down list the service item set against the clients funding record that the transport costs will be claimed against


  20. Within the Recurring Type field select from the drop down list the recurrence type that will be used to determine the frequency that the service will be delivered on.

  21. Set the days that the service will be delivered upon.

    Where the recurring type value is set to daily the fields Monday through to Friday will be disabled and set as ‘yes’, you do have the option to mark whether service delivery will be occurring on a weekend
    For the remaining recurrence types of weekly, fortnightly, Every 3 and 4 weeks and monthly you have the flexibility to select what days from Monday through to Sunday will be set for delivery of the service to the client.

  22. Select the SAVE button to create the Service Schedule Template Item record.

  23. To assign tasks to the Service Schedule Template observe as follows:

    Select the Add New record icon to open the New Service Schedule Template Task record page.
    Within the name field input a brief narration of the task that is to be performed during the scheduled service.
    Set the Completed field value to 'NO'
    Within the Service Schedule Template Item field either select he default if listed or select from the drop down list the active item record that the task will be assigned to.
    Select the SAVE button to close the page and update the data grid with the new task record.

  24. Select the CLOSE button to exist the page back to the Service Schedule Template.

    With the template having been created and you now have the options of either cloning Service Schedule Template Item or Creating Service Schedules through the Create Service Schedule from Template page


Copying a Service Template

A Copy Template button is available on the Service Schedule Template screen, that allows you to create a copy of the template. This is handy if creating fortnightly rosters for example that have slightly different setup or if you want to change a template but want still retain template.


Schedule Template datagrid and Service Template Tile

To create a Service Schedule Template record through the Service Templates data grid or the via the Service Templates tile within the left-sided vertical menu located on the client record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.


  4. There are two options available to you either

    Scroll the client page to the Service Templates datagrid and select the Add new record icon to open the New Service Schedule Template record page.

    Click the Service Template tile located within the left vertical menu to open a listing of the clients Service Schedule template records. Select the New button within the ribbon bar to open a New Service Schedule Template record page.

  5. Observe steps 4- 24 as listed under Establishing Service Schedule Template via the Client Service Schedule Template menu to establish the Template and service item profile.


Schedule Board

To create a Service Schedule Template record through the Schedule Board observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.


  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.


  3. Select the Service Template icon to open a page that lists the clients service templates. Select the new button to open a blank template page. Observe steps 4- 24 as listed under Establishing Service Schedule Template via the Client Service Schedule Template menu to establish the Template and service item profile.



Edit a Service Schedule Template Record

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken to edit a service schedule template record and they are either through the Service Schedule Template sub-menu the Service Templates datagrid or the Service Templates tile that are retained on the client record or through the Service Template icon located on the client panel within the schedule board.

Service Schedule Template menu

To edit the Service Schedule Template record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule Template sub-menu to open the Service Schedule Template List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule Template record from within the Service Schedule Template List page.

  3. Highlight the template record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the template record to open it within the Service Schedule Template page.


  4. Edits on the Service Schedule Template record are limited to the following:

    Copy an existing Service Schedule Template item please refer to the topic Cloning a Service Schedule Template.
    Update a Service Schedule please refer to the topic Update a Service Schedule Template.
    Create a Service Schedule please refer to the topic Create a Service Schedule Template.
    Edits to a Service Schedule Template item applied to the the following items

    A/H Calculation

    Funding Source




    Start Time

    End Time

    Total Hours

    Break Hours
    Recurring Type







    Additional Roster Comments

    Pay Travel Mileage Yes No
    Pay Travel Time Yes No
    Charge Travel to Client
    Address Start
    Address End

    Add an new Service Schedule Template item please refer to the topic creating a Service Schedule Template steps 6 through to 24.

  5. Select the SAVE button.

  6. Select the CLOSE button to exit back to the Service Schedule Template page


Client Service Templates datagrid or Service Templates Tile

To edit a Service Schedule Template record through the Service Template data grid or the via the Service Template tile within the left-sided vertical menu located on the client record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.

  4. There are two options available to you either


    Scroll the client page to the Service Templates datagrid and highlight and double click the service template to be updated.


    Click the Service Templates tile located within the left vertical menu to open a listing of the clients Service Templates records. Search for and highlight the Service Templates record that is to be updated, either select the EDIT button or double click the record to open it into the Service schedule page.





  5. Observe steps 4 - 6 as listed under Editing the Service Schedule Template record through the Service Schedule Template menu to update the template item profile.


Schedule Board

To create a Service Schedule Template record through the Schedule Board observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.


  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.


  3. Select the Service Template icon to open a page that lists the clients service templates. Highlight the template listed and either select the EDIT button or double click the record to open it into the Service schedule page.


  4. Observe steps 4 - 6 as listed under Editing the Service Schedule Template record through the Service Schedule Template menu to update the template item profile.

Cloning a Service Schedule Template item

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken to cloning (copying) a service schedule template item record and they are either through the Service Schedule Template sub-menu the Service Templates datagrid or the Service Templates tile that are retained on the client record or through the Service Template icon located on the client panel within the schedule board.

Service Schedule Template menu

To clone a Service Schedule Template item record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule Template sub-menu to open the Service Schedule Template List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule Template record from within the Service Schedule Template List page.

  3. Highlight the template record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Service Schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule Template page.


  4. Highlight the Item record and select the duplicate record icon to create a clone.


  5. Highlight the cloned service schedule template item listed within the datagrid and double click to open it within the Service Schedule Template item page. Observe steps 4 - 6 as listed under Editing the Service Schedule Template record through the Service Schedule Template menu to update the template item profile.

Service Templates datagrid or Service Templates Tile

To clone a Service Schedule Template item record through the Service Template data grid or the via the Service Template tile within the left-sided vertical menu located on the client record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.

  4. There are two options available to you either


    Scroll the client page to the Service Templates datagrid and highlight and double click the service template to be updated.


    Click the Service Templates tile located within the left vertical menu to open a listing of the clients Service Templates records. Search for and highlight the Service Templates record that is to be updated, either select the EDIT button or double click the record to open it into the Service schedule page.




  5. Highlight the Item record and select the duplicate record icon to create a clone.


  6. Highlight the cloned service schedule template item listed within the datagrid and double click to open it within the Service Schedule Template item page. Observe steps 4 - 6 as listed under Editing the Service Schedule Template record through the Service Schedule Template menu to update the template item profile.


Schedule Board

To create a Service Schedule Template record through the Schedule Board observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.

  3. Select the Service Template icon to open a page that lists the clients service templates. Highlight the template listed and either select the EDIT button or double click the record to open it into the Service schedule page.


  4. Highlight the Item record and select the duplicate record icon to create a clone.

  5. Observe steps 4 - 6 as listed under Editing the Service Schedule Template record through the Service Schedule Template menu to update the template item profile.

Update a Service Schedule

Updating service schedules that have been created from a Service Schedule template item record can be undertaken either through the Service Schedule Template sub-menu the Service Templates datagrid or the Service Templates tile that are retained on the client record or through the Service Template icon located on the client panel within the schedule board.

Service Schedules can only be updated using the template that where created with.

The information listed within this topic relates only with updating Service Schedule via the Service Schedule Template menu. To update Service Schedules from the Service Schedule Template observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule Template sub-menu to open the Service Schedule Template List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule Template record from within the Service Schedule Template List page.

  3. Highlight the template record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Service Schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule Template page.

  4. Apply your edits to the required Service Schedule Template item record as per steps 4 - 6 as listed under Editing the Service Schedule Template record through the Service Schedule Template menu.

  5. Select the Update Service Schedule button located with the ribbon bar to open the Update Service Schedule page.


  6. Within the from date field input in free text or select from the calendar picker the start date for the period covering the service schedules that will be updated.

  7. Within the to date field input in free text or select from the calendar picker the end date for the period covering the service schedules that will be updated.

  8. Select the service type(s) that will be used to update the associated service schedule records.

  9. Select the CONTINUE Button to present a page listing the matching service schedules that will be updated.

  10. Select the UPDATE SHIFTS button to present a popup screen.


  11. Select the OK button to confirm the update the listed service schedules. Once the update has been completed you will be notified with the following message.

Create Service Schedule

Creating a service schedule from the Service Schedule Template can be undertaken either through the Service Schedule Template sub-menu the Service Templates datagrid or the Service Templates tile that are retained on the client record or through the Service Template icon located on the client panel within the schedule board.

The information listed within this topic relates only with creating a service schedule via the Service Schedule Template menu. To create a service schedule from a Service Schedule Template observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule Template sub-menu to open the Service Schedule Template List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule Template record from within the Service Schedule Template List page.

  3. Highlight the template record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Service Schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule Template page.

  4. Select the Create Service Schedule button located with the ribbon bar to open the Create Service Schedule from Template page.


  5. Within the from date field either accept the default date listed or input in free text or select from the calendar picker the revised start date that will cover the range for service schedule creation.

  6. Within the to date field either accept the default date listed or input in free text or select from the calendar picker the revised end date that will cover the range for service schedule creation.

  7. Select the service types that will be used as the template for the creation of the service schedules for the period defined by the from and to dates.

  8. Select the CREATE button to generate the service schedules, based upon the attributes held against the selected service types.


Adjust the Activity Status of a Service Schedule Template Record

Under this topic we will outline the deactivation of the Service Schedule Template record through the Service Schedule Template sub-menu. Deactivation of a template will happen either under the circumstances of the Service Schedule Template having been replaced with a new template or where the participant has ceased their engagement with the organisation.

To Adjust the activity status of a template record through the Service Schedule Template menu observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule Template sub-menu to open the Service Schedule Template List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule Template record from within the Service Schedule Template List page.

  3. Highlight the template record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Service Schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule Template page.

  4. To deactivate the Service Schedule Template record select the Deactivate button.


  5. To activate the Service Schedule Template record select the Activate button.


  6. Once done, select the CLOSE button to exit the form


Adjust the Activity Status of a Service Schedule Template item Record

Under this topic we will outline the deactivation of the Service Schedule Template item record through the Service Schedule Template sub-menu. Deactivation of a template service item will happen either under the circumstances of the item having been replaced or the service ceased or modified or where the participant has ceased their engagement with the organisation.

To Adjust the activity status of a template item record through the Service Schedule Template menu observe the following steps:

  1. Observe steps 1 - 3 as list under the topic Adjust the Activity Status of a Service Schedule Template Record.

  2. Within the Item datagrid highlight and double click the item to open it into the Edit Service Schedule Template Item record page.

  3. To deactivate the Service Schedule Template item record select the Deactivate button.



  4. To activate the Service Schedule Template item record select the Activate button.


  5. Once done, select the CLOSE button to exit the form


Deleting a Service Schedule Template Record

Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete a Service Schedule Template record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule Template sub-menu to open the Service Schedule Template List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule Template record from within the Service Schedule Template List page.

  3. Highlight the template record that is to be deleted.

    Please note deleting the Service Schedule template record will also delete the associated Service Schedule Template Items

  4. Select the OK button in response to the delete record prompt.


Deleting a Service Schedule Template Item Record

Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete a Service Schedule Template item record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule Template sub-menu to open the Service Schedule Template List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule Template record from within the Service Schedule Template List page.

  3. Highlight the template record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Service Schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule Template page.

  4. From the Item data grid select the delete record icon opposite the service line that is to be removed.

  5. Select the OK button in response to the delete record prompt.



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