Service Schedule Client List
  • Reviewed and edited
  • Service Schedule Client List

    This page provides an overview on navigating the Client Service Schedule page.


    Through this page the Service Schedule Client List provides the organisation with a consolidated listing of the core supports and direct services provided to the participant regardless of the source of funding, or service activity status. From this listing you can review the activity and cancellation status of the clients services and identify what client services have not been invoiced or a claim made for services.

    The Service Schedule Client list page is accessed by selecting the Clients > Client Shifts sub menu.


    Service Schedule Client List

    The column structure of the Service Schedule list can be modified so that it lists information that makes it easier for you to identify and review client services, for further information on this activity refer to the topic related with customising tables views.


    Navigating the Service Schedule Client List Page

    1. Record View: This is a drop down field that allows you to select from a list the record view that will be used to display either active or inactive records and services awaiting invoicing or claiming.

    2. New: This feature is not applicable for the Service Schedule Client List.

    3. Edit: This feature is not applicable for the Service Schedule Client List.

    4. Delete: This feature is not applicable for the Service Schedule Client List.

    5. Export: This button allows you to export service data to a csv file. Data exported will be influenced by the selected service schedule list view.

    6. Search Field: This field is used to refine the records listed within the service schedule list datagrid.


    7. Record Display list: This drop down field allows you to specify the number of records that will listed within the Service Schedule list datagrid. The value specified will determine the number of pages.

    8. Service Schedule list: This data grid lists columns of information related with the Service Schedule records. The information columns presented will be influenced by the record view that is selected.

    9. Navigation count: This label lists the records listed that match the date and search criteria.

    10. Page scroll: This button enables you to scroll between the pages.

    Navigating the Service Schedule Record Page


    1. Status: This is a drop down field that lists the status of the service schedule. Status values listed include Active, Cancelled, Unmet Need, Part Change, Cancelled with Charge and Override Details.

    2. Service Schedule: This is a drop down field that lists the client name and a description of the service type.

    3. Activity: This field lists a brief narration of the tasks associated with the delivered service.

    4. Client: This is a drop down field that lists the name of the participant.

    5. Invoice To: This is a drop down field that list the particulars of a third party that will be invoiced for the supports and services provided to the participant, for example a plan manager. Information will be sourced from participants funding record.

    6. Funding Source: This is a drop down field that lists the funding sources retained with Brevity. The funding source will default to value retained on the clients funding record.

    7. Client Funding: This is a drop down field that lists the client funding record associated with the service. Information listed includes Client name, funding source and description of the service type.

    8. Pricelist: This is a drop down field that lists the pricelist retained with Brevity. The pricelist will default to the values retained on the clients funding record.

    9. Calculated Cost: This field will lists a value that was calculated based upon the rate of the service item for under the nominated price list within the participants funding * number of hours within the service.

    10. Expense Total: This field lists a value that was calculated based upon the expense lines raised against the service schedule.

    11. Total Amount: This field lists the total of Calculated Cost and Expense Total.

    12. Comments: This feature is not applicable.

    13. Hourly Rate: This fields lists the hourly rate as per the price guide assigned to the clients funding record.

    14. Qty: This field lists the number of hours assigned to the service.

    15. Invoice: This is a drop down field that lists either the invoice batch or funding claim that the service was invoiced or claimed under.

    16. Override Hours: This field will identify that the scheduled start time, end time or both has been varied.

    17. Service Type: This is a drop down field that lists the service type.

    18. Override Start Time: This field would reflect a revised start time, set from the client service, which will coincide with the status being set as override.

    19. Override End Time: This field would reflect a revised end time, set from the client service, which will coincide with the status being set as override.

    20. Override Total Hours: This field would reflect a revised override hours.

    21. Cancellation Policy: This feature is not applicable.

    22. Cancellation Reason: This feature is not applicable.

    23. Expense Data grid: This feature is not applicable.

    24. Schedule name: This label lists the clients name.


    Review a Service Schedule record

    To review a service schedule record observe the following steps:

    1. Select the Client>Client Shifts sub menu to open the Service Schedule client list page.

    2. Within the search field input the value that will be used to filter the records listed within the datagrid.

    3. Highlight the service record that is to be reviewed and either click on the edit button or double click the record to open it within the service schedule record page.


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