Participant Approval and Rejection of Invoices

Participant Approval and Rejection of Invoices

This topic provides information on the approval and rejection emails sent from the PM Invoice Import Interface.



When processing invoices through the Import Plan Management Invoice interface you have the option of sending the invoice for approval to the participant. When sending invoices for approval to the participant these can either be delivered via email or direct through to the Brevity Care mobile application.

Approval by Email


If the participant is not using the Brevity Care mobile application to manage their invoices, invoice approval requests will be sent to the participant via email.

To notify the participant of an invoice that requires their approval you will need to ensure an email address has been registered into the Invoice Approval Email field located under the Client Contact panel.


Set the invoice status to “Send for Approval” prior to saving the invoice record.

The participant will be notified by email from the email address configured within the organisation record. Attached will be the invoice for review and two embed links that allows either for approval or rejection of the invoice and the specification of any comments. The action undertaken by the participant will automatically update the invoice status as either Approved or Rejected.

Approval through the Brevity Care application


Where the participant is using the Brevity Care mobile application to manage their invoices, invoice approval requests will be sent direct through to the application.

Set the invoice status to “Send for Approval” prior to saving the invoice record.

Depending on the smart device and version the participant may be alerted with a notification of an invoice awaiting their action.

The participant can log into the application, select the For Approval tab to review the invoices awaiting approval or rejection. Attached to the invoice record is a copy of the supplier invoice for review, on the invoice record there are two buttons that allows either for approval or rejection of the invoice and the specification of any comments. The action undertaken by the participant will automatically update the invoice status as either Approved or Rejected.


Rejecting an Invoice


When processing invoices through the Import Plan Management Invoice interface you have the option of rejecting the invoice and notifying by email the supplier of the rejection.

To do this you will need to ensure an email address is registered against the service provider.

Set the invoice status to “Rejected” to make visible the Send email to provider ? field and set to Yes.

Ensure the reasons for rejecting the Invoice have been outlined within the comments field.

Select Yes prior to saving the invoice record.

The service provider will be notified by email. Attached will be the invoice for review and the reason as input through the comments field for the rejection. The invoice will remain n rejected status until such as the status is change.


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