Funding Statements

Funding Statements

This page guides the plan manager through the process of generating a funding statement against the clients plan.


The Client Funding statement allows both the plan manager and participant to track expenditure made against the plan category budgets, viz the processing of provider invoices through the Plan Management Invoice function. Invoicing information listed is reflected as the individual invoice line items and includes those that have been claim and paid or rejected.

The structure of the funding statement details of the plan dates and total budget and funds remaining by budget category (ie: Assistance with Daily Life) on the first page and a tabulated breakdown on the subsequent pages of the invoice lines for the reporting period by budget category.

There are two ways to generate funding statements and they are either (1) generating a funding statement for an individual client directly from the participants plan management record or (2) generating a bulk funding statement





Generate Funding Statement

To generate funding statement for an individual client observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Care Management > Plan Management sub menu to open the Plan Management Plan List page within the browser.

  2. Search for and highlight the Plan Management record and either select the Edit button or double click the record to open the Participants Plan Management record.

  3. select the Funding Statement icon.

  4. Select date range and Click run report.


  5. Select the Run Report button.

Send bulk funding statements.



To generate bulk funding statements observe the following steps

  1. Select the Client >Bulk email notification sub-menu.

  2. From the Email template field select 'Funding Statement'.

  3. From the Report field select 'Plan managed funding statements’.

  4. Specify the report from and reports to date.

  5. Select the preview link to present a list of clients. To review a clients funding statement click on the view link to review the individual funding statement.

  6. Select the client names and click send to dispatch the email.



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