The following is a summary of the fields and objects that comprise the Funding Claim page
Name: This field is used to identify the name of the funding claim batch. File name is comprised of the funding source and the reporting period for the batch.
Save: This button allows changes to be saved to the Funding Claim record
Close: This button will exit you from the Funding Claim page.
Print Invoices: This button will open the Print Invoices page, from where you can print an invoice of the participants service in pdf format.
Manage Payments: This button will open the Manage Payment Status page, from where you can manage the statuses of the invoice records listed within the batch.
Download Claim File: Selecting this button will download and generate a funding claim csv file.
Generate New Claim: Selecting this button will generate a new funding claim. This function is to be used when you are resubmitting payment claims that had been rejected.
Deactivate: This button will deactivate the funding record.
Notes: This button will open the notes panel, where notes can be assigned to the Batch.
Documents: This button will open the documents panel.
Delete: This button will delete the funding record.
Name: This field is used to identify the name of the Invoice batch. File name is comprised of the funding source and the reporting period for the batch.
Where the batch has been created for rejected claims the batch name will make reference to the batch in which the rejected payment claim(s) where held.
Start Date: This field is used to identify the Report from date for the funding claim.
End Date: This field is used to identify the Report to date for the funding claim.
CreatedBy: This field is used to identify the user that created the funding claim.
CreatedOn: This field is used to identify the date & time that the funding claim was created.
Type: This field by default lists funding claim.
Funding Source: This field by default lists NDIS
Invoice Batch: This field will be blank unless the batch is a copy, whereby this field will then mirror the information contained within the name field.
Total Hours: This field is used identify the total number of hours covered under the claim.
Total Amount: This field is used identify the total amount covered under the claim.
Invoice Batch data grid: This grid identifies the invoice records collected into the reporting period that included in the funding claim. The funding claim data grid comprises the columns of:
Name (this reflects the client ID, name and Invoice Batch ID).
Date the Invoice.
Name of the client that received the invoiced support/service.
Name of the external provider.
Service type (claim code)
Invoice Amount.
Invoice Status.
Add Invoice: This function is not used, to add an invoice will also require provision of the service details.
Delete Invoice: This function will delete the invoice and invoice detail. Where this happens a new invoice will need to be raised for the clients scheduled service.