Managing Rejected Claims

Managing Rejected Claims

This page provides an overview on managing rejected claims.


To generate a new funding claim file that contains invoice lines that had been rejected due to error observe the following steps:


  1. Observe steps 1 -3 as outlined under the topic Managing the Funding Claim .

  2. Click the Download Claim File link from the ribbon bar


  3. A pop up screen will be presented. Select the OK button to confirm the generation of a new funding claim record.

    The new funding claim record that is created will display:

    The Name of the Funding Claim will list the original reporting date as well be appended with the record ID of the orginal funding claim record.

    The Start and End Dates will be as per the information listed in the original funding claim.
    Creation details reflect time and staff member the created the new funding claim.
    Funding type and source will be as per the information listed in the original funding claim.
    Invoice Batch will list a reference to original funding claim.
    Total Hours and Amount will reflect the value of the invoice record written to the Funding Claim.
    The Invoice Batch tab will list the rejected invoices written into the funding claim for resubmission through to the NDIA.

  4. Refer to steps 2 -3 under the topic Funding Claim file.

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