Managing the Funding Claim

Managing the Funding Claim

This page provides an overview on the maintenance of the funding claim.


Editing a Funding Claim

To edit the Funding Claim observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Funding Claim sub menu to open the Funding Claims List page.

  2. Depending upon the number of the funding claims listed, you can filter the records listed by specifying a reporting date range within the From Date and To Date fields. The reporting date can either be input in free text or selected from the calendar picker.



  3. Highlight the funding claim record that is to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the batch record to open it within the invoice batch record page.


  4. Activities undertaken on the Funding Claim record are limited to the following:

    Deleting an Invoice please refer to the topic Funding Claim Invoice Deletion
    Downloading a Claim File please refer to the topic Funding Claim file
    Managing Rejected Claims please refer to the topic Managing Rejected Claims
    Printing Invoices please refer to the topic Print and Send Funding Claim Invoices
    Sending Invoices via email please refer to the topic Print and Send Funding Claim Invoices
    Updating payment information please refer to the topic Remittance File


Update Payment Information

To update the payment particulars of an individual invoice record within the funding claim observing the following steps:

  1. Observe steps 1 -3 as outlined above.

  2. Highlight the invoice record listed under the Invoice Batch tab and double click it to open the Edit Invoice record page.


  3. Within the Edit Invoice record page apply edits to the following fields.



    Please note that the when you upload the remittance file it will update the Status, Amount Paid and Payment Remittance fields for invoice claims that have been paid.

    Within the Amount Paid field input the amount that was paid in relation to the invoice.
    Within the status field position your cursor and select the appropriate status value from the drop down list.
    Within the Payment Reference field input the particulars of the payment reference, this may be a Bank deposit or EFT reference that allows for the invoice to be linked with deposits received from the participant.

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