Manually creating a non API Plan
This page guides the user through the processes of creating and managing plans.
These are the topics on this page:
The Plan management module allows the Plan Manager to create client plans and generate invoices for services delivered in relation to the plan. In regards to the invoicing component of Plan Management, the basic purpose is to streamline and simplify the generation of invoices, making it easier for the organisation to manage provider invoicing, claim batch submissions through to the NDIS, uploading payment remittance and processing and settling provider payments.
These instructions are applicable only for those plan managers that do not have a registered and approved NDIS API Connection.
The Brevity Plan Management module is accessed by selecting the care management > plan management sub menu.
Within Brevity, we provide the Plan Manager with two ways to establish your participants Plan Management records, and they include selecting either the Add New Record icon or the import service bookings link, of which both options are accessible from the ribbon bar that is located in the Plan Management Plan List page.
Navigating the Plan Management record
Additional Plan Management record functions
For additional information on the functions of budgeting and invoicing on the plan management record, refer to the following topics:
Creating a Plan
To create a client plan management record observe the following steps:
Select the Care Management> Plan Management menu option to open the Plan Management Plan List page within the browser.
Select the New button to open the New Plan Management Plan record within the browser
Within the client field, either input the client name or click the drop down list to select the required value
Within the funding source field, either input the funding source or click the drop down list to select the required value.
Within the NDIS number field input the participants NDIS number. The NDIS number is reported against the invoice lines that are written into the claim payment file.
Within the Price list field, either input the pricelist or click the drop down list to select the required value and the price listed selected should be relevant with the period of the plan management agreement.
Within the Price guide field, select from the drop down list the required value.
Within the start date field specify the date that the organisation commenced managing the participants plan . The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Within the end date field specify the date that the organisation will cease managing the participants current plan . The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Within the Plan start date field specify the date that the the participants current plan commenced. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Within the Plan end date field specify the date that the participants current plan will end. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Inputting data into the Notes field is optional.
Select the icon to create the Plan management record. Once the record has been saved you can proceed to establish the Plan Budget and Plan Allocated budget records.
Edit a Plan Management Record
To edit a Plan Management record observe the following steps:
Select the Care Management>Plan Management sub-menu.
Search for the Plan Management record from within the Plan Management Plan List.
Highlight the Plan Management record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the Plan Management record to open it within the Plan Management form.
Update the Plan Management record.
If your updates relate with the Plan Budget or Plan Allocated budgets refer to the topics
Plan Budgetand
Plan Allocated budget .Input data into the Notes field that outlines any invoice processing instructions, for example invoices for provider XYZ are to be set to the participant for approval.
If you have created the Plan Management record via the Import Service Bookings functions you will need to (a) Update the Plan start and end date fields with the dates that the participants current plan commenced and shall end. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker. (b) Select the required value from the drop down list within the Price guide field.
Select the button to update the Plan Management record
Delete a Plan Management Record
Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete a Plan Management record observe the following steps;
Deleting from the Budgets data-grid
Refer to steps 1 - 3 as outlined in the topic above; Edit a Plan Management record.
Highlight the Plan Management record listed within the Plan Management Plan List page that is to be deleted.
Select the Delete icon located within the ribbon bar to present a pop-up screen
Select OK to confirm the deletion.
Activate and Deactivate a Plan Management Record
Plan Management records that have reached expiry can be deactivated. To edit the activity status of a Plan Management record observe the following steps:
Select the Care Management>Plan Management sub-menu.
Search for the Plan Management record from within the Plan Management Plan list.
Highlight the Plan Management record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the Plan Management record to open it within the Plan Management form.
To deactivate the Plan Management record select the Deactivate button . Deactivating the record will set it to read-only.
To activate the Plan Management record select the Activate button.
Once done, you can exit back to the Plan Management Plan List
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