Import PM Service Booking file

Import PM Service Booking file

This page guides the user through the steps of creating and managing plans.

These are the topics on this page:



If you are a plan manager THAT IS NOT CURRENTLY using the NDIS API to manage their participants then the following instructions will be applicable to you. For those plan managers using the NDIS API refer to Managing Service Bookings and Creating a Plan through the API.

The import service booking process enables the plan manager to either update plan budget amounts of to create new plans and service budget records.


Brevity only supports the upload of the service booking file in csv format.

Import Service Bookings

To import multiple plans observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Care Management>Plan Management sub menu to open the Plan Management Plan List page within the browser.

  2. Click the Import service booking button from the ribbon bar to open the Upload Service Booking CSV file page.

  3. Click on choose file button and select the PRODA service booking file for upload.

  4. Select the PM Clients Only checkbox, if you would like to migrate from the import service booking file the CB_CHOICE_CONTROL service lines. Select the Import Inactive checkbox, if you would like to import in service bookings associated with an inactive plan and create a corresponding plan record and companion budgets. Please note that Inactive service bookings will be reflected as inactive plans within Brevity.

  5. Select the click Save and continue button.

  6. Preview the data and click on Import data button.

  7. System will ask you to confirm the action.

  8. Click OK to import the data.

    If you have used the Import Service Booking function to create you plan and budget records you will need to the plan record with additional mandatory information related with the Price Guide, Plan Start and End dates.


Additional Actions

Upon creation of the Participant plan the following fields will need to be updated

Plan Start and End Dates


Price Guide which is essential for determining the pricelist used



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