Resend Remittance Advice

Resend Remittance Advice

This page provides an outline on the process of regenerating a provider remittance advice.

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The provider remittance advice which we generate in connection with our plan management claim batch process can be recreated on demand when such requests have been received from the provider. Issuing a copy of the remittance is undertaken through the Resend Remittance page, which is accessed from the Plan Management Plan List page. As opposed to searching for the batch through the Plan Management Claim Batch List page, which may proof to be a time consuming activity, you can search for, generate and email off the remittance by specification of a remittance date range which should reconcile with the invoice service date.

Resend a Remittance Advice

To resend a Remittance Advice observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Care Management > Plan Management sub menu.

  2. Click the Resend Remittance button from the ribbon bar to open the Resend Remittance page.

  3. Within the Report field click the drop down list and select the Supplier Remittance value.

    This selection of this value will update the subject line within the text "Supplier Remittance"


  4. Within the Report From Date field position your cursor and either input in free text or select from the calendar picker the starting date of the reporting period that covers your provider remittances.

  5. Within the Email Body field input the text that will be reflected in the body of the email that is sent to the service provider.


  6. Within the Report To Date field position your cursor and either input in free text or select from the calendar picker the ending date of the reporting period that covers your provider remittances.

  7. Within the Subject field update the text displayed as required.

  8. Click the PREVIEW button located in the ribbon bar to return a listing of providers that have remittances within the reporting date range.


  9. Select the providers that are to receipt a remittance advice.

    You can filter the records listed by inputting in the search field the full or partial name of the service provider


  10. Click the SEND button to dispatch the remittance advice.


  11. Click the CLOSE button to exit from the remittance page.

    PLEASE NOTE that an audit record of the Remittance Advice transaction will be registered into the email list of the communication panel for the Provider.




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