Client Service Schedule

Client Service Schedule


The Service Schedule record is related with the provision of direct services. The schedule record lists the type, date, location and funding considerations of the service being delivered, the client who is receipting the service and support worker whom is delivering the service, associated tasks and the service cost inclusive of expenses.

The Service Schedule record can be created either

  • through the client>Service Schedule sub-menu

  • Direct off the Client record through the Service Schedule tile located within the left vertical menu.

  • Creating a copy of an existing Service Schedule profile.

  • From the client panel within the schedule board, by selecting the service template icon.

  • From the shift panel on the Schedule Board.

Additional Information

For additional information on creating and managing service schedules refer to the following topics:


Accessing the Service Schedule

The service Schedule record can be accessed from the following locations within the Brevity application: 

Service Schedule menu

The Service Schedule record can be accessed from the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu

Service Schedule tile

The Service Schedule record can be accessed from the Service Schedule tile located within the left vertical menu of the client record.

Client Services function via the Schedule Board

The Service Schedule record can be accessed from the client panel within the schedule board by selecting the icon.

Add Shift function via the Schedule Board

The Service Schedule record can be accessed from within the schedule board by selecting the shift panel. Service Schedule can be created through the schedule board by selecting the icon.


Navigating the Service Schedule List page

The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Service Schedule list page

  1. New: This button is used to open a blank Service Schedule record page

  2. Edit: This button is used to open the Service Schedule record selected from the list for edit.

  3. From Date: This field is used to specify a commencement date of services filter against the service schedule records within the list. The value can either be specified as a free text input or set from the date picker.

  4. To Date: This field is used to specify a cessation date of services filter against the service schedule records within the list. The value can either be specified as a free text input or set from the date picker as shown above.

  5. Search: This field is used to specify a value that will search all columns within the list to return a set of matching records.

  6. Service Schedule list: This datagrid lists the service schedules regardless of status. Schedule records listed are determined by the filtering date range and value search criteria and the schedule list status. Columns can be configured but by default will list the id, Name, Status, Service type, Employee, weekday, date and time of service and service type. Clicking on the column will list the data in either descending or ascending order.

  7. Bulk Cancel: This button allows for the cancellation of multiple service schedules that have been selected from the record list. Bulk cancellation can be applied to multiple or individual clients with either a single or mix of service, by status or across a date range. You can not however cancel services that are already completed.

  8. Change Time: This button provides the user with access to the Select new Start and End times page, from where changes can be made to the service times. You can not alter the particulars of a service that has been completed.

  9. Change Day: This button provides the user with access to the Select Days page, from where changes can be made to date that the service will be delivered. You can not alter the particulars of a service that has been completed.

  10. Change Service Type: This button provides the user with access to the Select a New Service Type for selected Shifts page where the service schedule can be updated with a revised service type. You can not alter the particulars of a service that has been completed. Changing the service type using this feature can only be undertaken through the schedule board.

  11. Apply Service Template: This button provides the user with access to the Apply Service Template page where either an individual or multiple of services can be selected and updated with one or more attribute revision(s) from another scheduled client service. You can not alter the particulars of a service that has been completed. Changing the attributes of a service using this feature can only be undertaken through the schedule board.

  12. Switch Worker: This button provides the user with access to the Select Employee to Assign Shifts to page where either an individual or multiple of services can be reassigned from one support worker to another or whereby the selected shifts can have the allocated support worker removed, thus making them available for pickup from the schedule pool. You can not alter the particulars of a service that has been completed. Changing the attributes of a service using this feature can only be undertaken through the schedule board.

  13. Recalc: This button is used to calculate scheduled services fees. This feature can only be undertaken through the schedule board.

  14. Filter: This button provides you with additional search parameters.

  15. Mail Merge: not functional

  16. Delete: This button will allow the user to delete an individual or multiple of service records from the database.

  17. Record listing: This label provides an indicator of the number of records matching the criteria and within the datagrid and the number of records selected. The label also lists the number of records selected.

  18. Page navigation: This button allows you to switch between multiple pages.

  19. Status: This is drop down field that lists a number of status types that can be used to filter the service schedule records that re presented within the Service Schedule List. The default status codes include pending, cancelled, available, completed, awaiting confirmation, scheduled, unconfirmed and all services.


Navigating the Service Schedule page

New Service Schedule page

The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Service Schedule page when the record is initially created.

  1. Type: This is drop down field that lists whether the Service Schedule record is group or individually based. Individual is the default, selecting Group as the type, hides the client field and makes visible the group field.

  2. Client and Group: The Client field provides access to a drop down field that lists the participant name from the client record, whereas the Group field if displayed provides access to a drop down field that lists the groups.

    Group selection


    Participant selection


  3. Funding Source: This is a drop down field that lists the particulars of the participants published funding records.

  4. Pricelist: This is a drop down field that lists the pricelist maintained within Brevity that is associated with participants funding record.

  5. Service type: This is a drop down field that lists the services available to the participants under their funding record.

  6. Activity: This field is used to specify a brief narration of the service that will be delivered. Where an activity has been specified this will be reflected within the shift panel as opposed to the default of Service Item.

  7. Additional Roster Comments: This field is used to provide additional service information for the support worker that will be referenced through the service schedule.

  8. A/H Calculator: This is a drop down field that lists the calculation methods for handling After Hours shift time. Methods include calculation of the After Hours time at Shift Start or Shift End as a Split Shift or at the Highest Rate.

  9. Status: This is a read only with the value system set. Values listed include setup, scheduled, completed, awaiting confirmation, available and cancelled.

  10. Billable: This field is used to identify whether the related services are billable to the participant, the default is set to ‘yes’.

  11. Override Availability: This default for this field is ‘no’. Setting the field value to ‘yes’ is used to override any parameters that influence a support workers availability for service assignment.

  12. Override Qualifications: This default for this field is ‘no’. Setting the field value to ‘yes’ will override the qualification requirements assigned to the service type.

  13. Override Qualifications Reason: This field is used to specify a narration as to why the qualification requirement.

  14. Start date: This field is used to set the commencement date of the service that is to be delivered to the participant. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  15. Start time: This field is used to set the commencement time of the service that is to be delivered to the participant. Please observe that this field defaults to the system time. To update the time either input your changes in free text or select from the time picker.

  16. End Date: This field is used to set the cessation date of the service that is to be delivered to the participant. This date ordinarily be the same as the commencement date unless an overnight service or period of extended service is being delivered to the client. Please note that you can only schedule a maximum of three (3) days through this interface. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker, as shown above.

  17. End time: is field is used to set the cessation time of the service that is to be delivered to the participant. Please observe that this field defaults to the system time. To update the time either input your changes in free text or select from the time picker, as shown above.

  18. Total hours: This field automatically calculates the time allocated to the scheduled service based upon the (Start date+time - End date+time).

  19. Admin hours: This field is used to set the time allocated to the performance of administrative activities in relation to the scheduled service.

  20. Service hours: This field is used to set the time allocated to the performance of core tasks and support activities in relation to the scheduled service.

  21. Break hours: This field is used to set the time allocated for a break during the scheduled service.

  22. Shift Address: This field is used to specify the address at where the scheduled service will be delivered. This field will be used to determine the clock on location.

  23. Address End: This field is used to specify the address at where the scheduled service will end, if this is different to the clients address. This field will be used to determine the clock off location.

  24. Charge Travel to Client: This is a drop down field that is used to specify whether the client will be charged for the support workers travel time and how that cost will be reported to the client, added to service hours thus adjusting the scheduled start and end times or invoiced as a separate line item.
    Selecting ‘yes’ will make available the following fields for data entry.

  25. Travel Hours: This field is visible when ‘yes’ is selected from the Charge Travel to Client. This field is used to set travel hours applicable to the related services. Leave blank if you want to use the mileage from employee timesheet

  26. Travel Distance: This field is visible when ‘yes’ is selected from the Charge Travel to Client. This field is used to set travel kilometers applicable to the related services. Leave blank if you want to use the mileage from employee timesheet

  27. Travel Distance Rate: This field is visible when ‘yes’ is selected from the Charge Travel to Client. This field is used to set travel rate by kilometer applicable to the related services. Leave blank if you want to use the mileage from employee timesheet.

  28. Total Travel Km: This is a read only field. The value listed is calculated automatically based on the Travel distance * Travel Distance Rate.

  29. Transport Distance: This field is used to set the maximum distance that will be traveled applicable to the related services.

  30. Transport Distance Rate: This field is used to set the rate for any travel undertaken that is applicable to the related services.

  31. Total Transport: This is a read only field. The value listed is calculated automatically based on the Transport distance * Transport Distance Rate.

  32. Travel Time Rate: This field is visible when ‘yes’ is selected from the Charge Travel to Client. This field is used to set the override hourly rate applicable to the related services. Leave blank if you want to use the mileage from employee timesheet.

  33. Calculated Cost: This is a read only field. The value is calculated based upon the rate of the service item for under the nominated price list within the participants funding * number of hours within the service.

  34. Expenses Total: This is a read only field. This value is calculated based upon the expense lines raised against the service schedule.

  35. Service Fees: This is a read only field. The value reflects Calculated cost + Expense Total.

  36. Travel Total: This is a read only field. The value reflects the travel and transport totals.

  37. Client Total: This is a read only field. The value reflects Service Fee + Travel Total.

  38. Shift Notes: This field is used by the support worker to record progress notes related with the scheduled service. Leave blank when creating the scheduled service record.

Schedule Alerts

The service schedule is configured with a label at the top of the page that will list client related risk notifications or service scheduling issues.

  1. Risk notifications are notes raised against the client as a narration within the Risk Notification field and can outline such considerations as how client interactions are to be managed, issues regarding behaviours, property access or service delivery, likes and dislikes or preferences.

  2. Scheduling issues can be particular with either , scheduling conflicts (support worker already allocated to another service, not suitable for the client, leave or unavailability), support worker suitability (not compliant or lacks the relevant qualifications required for service delivery) or funding is not available for the service or the the service is outside the service agreement period.

Creating a Service Schedule

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken to create a service schedule record and they through the Service Schedule sub-menu through the Service Schedule tile retained on the client record and through the client panel of the schedule board.

Service Schedule menu

To create a service schedule record observe the following steps: 

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Select the New button to open the page New Service Schedule record page.

  3. From the Type field either accept the default of Individual or click in the field and select Group from the drop down list. Selecting Group will hide the client field and make visible the name field.
    For this instruction we will register an individual service record.

  4. Within the Client field position your cursor and either input in free text the client name or make your selection from the drop down list.


  5. Within the Client Funding field position your cursor and either input in free text the particulars of the funding record or make your selection from the drop down list.

    Upon selection of the funding record the Pricelist field will be updated with the pricelist registered against the selected funding record.

  6. Within the Service Type field position your cursor and either input in free text the particulars of the service type or make your selection from the drop down list.

    Service types listed reflect those covered under the selected funding record

  7. Within the Activity field input a brief narration of the service that will be delivered to the participant.

    Input is data optional
    The narration entered will replace the service description this is by default reflected on the shift panel within the schedule board and through the Brevity Care mobile application.


  8. Within the Additional Roster Comments field input a brief narration of any additional information that needs to be communicated onto the scheduled service. Input is data optional

  9. Within the A/H field select from the drop down list how any after hours time occurring during the scheduled service will be calculated.

  10. Within the Billable field identify whether the client will not be billed for the related services. The default assumed is that services will be billed, set the field to ‘no’ to indicate the service as non-billable.

  11. Update the Override values.

    The following inputs and changes are data optional

    Setting the Override Availability field value to ‘Yes’ will override any parameters that influence a support workers availability for service assignment.

    Setting the Override Qualifications field value to ‘Yes’ will override the qualification requirements assigned to the service type.

    Override Qualifications Reason: This field is used to specify a narration as to why the qualification requirement.

  12. Within the start date field position your cursor and either input in free text the services scheduled start date or make your selection from the date picker.


  13. Within the Start time field position your cursor and either input in free text the services scheduled start time or make your selection from the time picker. Please note that Brevity defaults the value listed within this field to the current system time.


  14. Within the End date field position your cursor and either input in free text the service schedule end date or make your selection from the date picker, as shown @ step 12. PLEASE ENSURE date specified i no greater than 3 days.

  15. Within the End time field position your cursor and either input in free text the service schedule end time or make your selection from the time picker, as shown @ step 13. Please note that Brevity defaults the value listed within this field to the current system time.

  16. Update hours panel observe the following optional edits.

    Within the Admin Hours field input the approved allocation of admin time assigned into the shift, the value specified will not be reflected on the service invoice nor influence the calculated service cost
    Within the service Hours field input the allocation of time for the delivery of the core services within the shift, the value specified will not be reflected on the service invoice nor influence the calculated service cost
    Within the Break Hours field input the approved allocation of break time assigned into the shift, the value specified will not be reflected on the service invoice BUT it will influence the calculated service cost (Total Hours - Break Hours) * Rate = Calculated Cost

  17. Under the Travel and Transport panel observe the following optional edits:

    Where the Address for Service is different to the Client Address you will need to specify the address at where the support worker will be clocking on and off at within the Shift Address and Address End fields.
    Update the Charge Travel to Client field to indicate whether travel will be charged to the participant and if so how that travel will be charged either invoiced separately or added into the service hours.

    Selecting NO will hide the fields : Travel Hours, Travel Distance, Travel Distance Rate, Total Travel Km and Travel Time Rate.

    Update the Pay Travel Mileage field to ‘yes’ if travel mileage is to be paid in relation to the service.
    Update the Pay Travel Time field to ‘yes’ if travel time is to be paid in relation to the service.
    Within the Charge Travel to Client field update the default and select ýes' if the client is to be charged. Select the preferred approach either adding travel time to the service hours pr invoicing separately. Selecting yes allows you to optionally specify calculation parameters.
    Within the Transport Distance and Transport Distance Rate fields you can specify parameters that regulate the distance that the support worker travels during the scheduled service.

  18. Select the SAVE button to create the Service Schedule record. You will observe the service schedule screen will readjust itself, the service cost will have been calculated, the roster tab is now visible which allows for assignment of a support worker and the assignment of any additional tasks against the service.

  19. To assign a support worker to the schedule service scroll down to the employee datagrid within the Roster tab.


  20. Click the Select Employee icon to open the Select Staff page.

  21. Define the search attributes to identify the support workers available and select the Search Button.

    You should ensure that you always make best efforts to allocated assigned workers to the service.

  22. From the support workers listed highlight the one that will be assigned to the schedule service and click the SELECT button to update the Employee datagrid with the selected support worker.

    Now prior to exiting the service schedule page please observe any scheduling alerts that will are listed at the top of the page. ANd example of an alert is shown below, as well how it is reflected on the Schedule Board.


  23. Select the SAVE button to update the schedule.

  24. Select the CLOSE button to exit the page and return the Service Schedule List page.

Service Schedule Tile

To create a Service Schedule record via the Service Schedule tile within the left-sided vertical menu located on the client record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.


  4. Click the Service Schedule tile located within the left vertical menu to open a listing of the clients Service Schedule records.


  5. Select the New button within the ribbon bar to open a New Service Schedule record page. Observe steps 2- 23 as listed under Establishing a Service Schedule via the Service Schedule menu to establish the service schedule profile.



Schedule Board

To create a Service Schedule record through the Schedule Board observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.


  3. Select the Client Service icon to open a page that lists the clients service schedules. Select the New button to open a New Service Schedule record page. Observe steps 2- 23 as listed under Creating a Service Schedule through the Service Schedule menu to establish the service schedule profile.


Editing a Service Schedule

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken to edit a service schedule record and they are through the Service Schedule sub-menu through the Service Schedule tile retained on the client record and through the client panel of the schedule board.

Service Schedule menu

To edit the Service Schedule record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule record from within the Service Schedule List page.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.


  3. Highlight the service record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the service schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule page.


  4. Edits on the Service Schedule record are limited to the following:

    Bulk Cancellation of Service Schedules please refer to the topic Cancellation of Service Schedules.
    Change time of Service delivery please refer to the topic Change time of Service Schedules.
    Change date of Service delivery please refer to the topic Change date of Service Schedules.
    Change Service Type please refer to the topic Update to Service Type.
    Change Support Worker please refer to the topic Update to Support Worker.
    Updating a Service Schedule with the particulars of another please refer to the topic Apply Service Template.
    Scheduling new services refer to the topic Clone a Service.
    Assignment of Expenses refer to the topic Expense assignment.
    Assignment of tasks refer to the topic Task assignment

    Edits to a Service Schedule applied to the the following items

    Additional Roster Comments
    A/H Calculation
    Override Availability
    Override Qualifications
    Override Qualifications Reason
    Start Date
    Start Time
    End Date
    End Time
    Admin Hours
    Service Hours
    Break Hours
    Shift Address
    End Shift Address
    Charge Travel to Client
    Travel Hours
    Travel Distance
    Travel Distance Rate
    Transport Distance
    Transport Distance Rate
    Travel Time Rate
    Roster Status

Service Schedule Tile

To edit a Service Schedule record via the Service Schedule tile within the left-sided vertical menu located on the client record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.


  4. Click the Service Schedule tile located within the left vertical menu to open a listing of the clients Service Schedule records.


  5. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule record from within the Service Schedule List page.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.


  6. Highlight the service record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the service schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule page.


  7. Refer to the topic above Client Service Schedule record for updating the Service Schedule record.

Schedule Board

To update a Service Schedule record through the Schedule Board observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.


  3. Select the Client Service icon to open a page that lists the clients service schedules.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.

  4. Highlight the service record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the service schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule page.


  5. Refer to the topic above Client Service Schedule record for updating the Service Schedule record.


Cloning a Service Schedule

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken to cloning (copying) a service schedule record and they through the Service Schedule sub-menu through the Service Schedule tile retained on the client record and either through the client panel or the service panel of the schedule board.

Service Schedule menu

To clone an Service Schedule record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule record from within the Service Schedule List page.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.

  3. Highlight the service record that will be cloned and either click on the edit button or double click on the service schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule page.


  4. Select the schedule Another button located within the ribbon bar to open the Clone Service page.

  5. On the Clone Service page undertake the following edits


    Within the Start Date field set the commencement date of scheduling the service. The date can either be specified as a free text input or set from the date picker.

    Within the End Date field set the cessation date of scheduling the service. The date can either be specified as a free text input or set from the date picker, as shown above
    Within the Interval field position you cursor, select the applicable frequency value from the drop down list. You are to observe that “Daily” is the default and will thus restrict you from altering the scheduled service days. To alter the days that the service will be scheduled on select one of the interval values other than “Daily”.

    Where the interval values is not “Daily” deselect the days on which the service will not be delivered within the schedule range specified within the Start and End Date fields.


  6. Select the submit button to register the scheduled services

    Cloned service listed within the schedule board


Service Schedule Tile

To clone an Service Schedule via the Service Schedule tile within the left-sided vertical menu located on the client record observe the following steps:

  1. To access the service schedule through the Service Schedule tile within the client record observe the steps as outlined in the the topic editing a Client Service via the Service Schedule Tile.

  2. To clone the schedule refer to steps 4 - 6 as listed in the topic Creating clone through the Service Schedule menu.

Schedule Board

To clone a Service Schedule record through the Schedule Board you can adopt 1 of two approaches which is either through the client panel or the service panel. For both these approaches observe the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.

  3. Select EITHER the service template icon and observe steps 3 - 4 as outlined under the topic accessing the Client Service Schedule through the schedule board or scroll through to the required day within the schedule board and double click on the client schedule that is to be cloned.

  4. Select the schedule Another button located within the ribbon bar to open the Clone Service page.


  5. to apply edits to the clone page observe steps 5 - 6 as outlined under the topic accessing the client Service Schedule through the Service Schedule menu


Registering an Expense to the Service Schedule

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken to registering an expense against a service schedule record and they are ​ through the Service Schedule sub-menu ​ through the Service Schedule tile retained on the client record and ​ either through the client panel or the service panel of the schedule board.

Service Schedule menu

Expenses can be assigned to the service schedule record either whilst the record is being created or as an update. Observe the following steps as we will apply the expense as an update to the service schedule:

  1. Refer steps 1 - 3 as outlined under the topic Editing a Service Schedule.

  2. Scroll to the Expense tab at the bottom of the Service Schedule page.

    Service Schedule expense tab


  3. Click the Add new line item icon to open the Add Expense page.

  4. Within the Funding Source field position your cursor and either input in free text the particulars of the funding source or make your selection from the drop down list.

    Please ensure that the selected funding value matched with what has been specified in the client funding source field.


  5. Within the Service Type field position your cursor and either input in free text the particulars of the service type or make your selection from the drop down list.

    Selecting the Service type will update the Description field with a description of the service.
    The service types listed within this field are determined by the type field value having been set to expense on the service type record.


  6. Within the Qty field input item quantity or number of hours associated with the service type

  7. Within the Rate field input the rate associated with the service type.

  8. From the client field, select the client that expense is applicable to.

    Where the scheduled service is associated with an individual participant only one client will be listed, however where the scheduled service is applicable with a group then multiple participants wil be listed that can be selected.

    Adding an expense to a Group service

    Adding an expense to a participant service

  9. Select the Add Expense button to update the Expense data grid with the particulars of the record.


Service Schedule Tile

To assign an expense to the Service Schedule via the Service Schedule tile within the left-sided vertical menu located on the client record observe the following steps:

  1. To access the service schedule through the Service Schedule tile within the client record observe the steps as outlined in the the topic editing a Client Service via the Service Schedule menu.

  2. To assign an expense to the schedule refer to steps 2 - 9 as listed in the topic Add a Service Schedule Expense via the Service Schedule menu.

Schedule Board

To assign an expense to the Service Schedule record through the Schedule Board you can adopt 1 of two approaches which is either through the client panel or the service panel. For both these approaches observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.

  3. Select EITHER the ​ service template icon and observe steps 3 - 4 as outlined under the topic accessing the Client Service Schedule through the schedule board or scroll through to the required day within the schedule board and double click on the client schedule that is to be assigned the expense.

  4. With the Service Schedule page open scroll down to the bottom and click the Add new line item icon to open the Add Expense page



  5. To assign an expense to the schedule refer to steps 4 - 9 as listed in the topic Add a Service Schedule Expense via the Service Schedule menu.

Removing an Expense from the Service Schedule

To remove an expense line from the service schedule, scroll to the bottom of the service schedule page and select the Delete Record icon opposite the expense line listed within the datagrid.


Bulk Cancellation of the Service Schedule

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken with the cancellation of service schedule record and they are through the Service Schedule sub-menu and either through the client panel or the cancel service schedule function on the schedule board. It is to be observed that you can only cancel service schedules that are either scheduled, pending, available or awaiting confirmation.

Service Schedule menu

To cancel an individual or multiple of client Service Schedule records observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule records from within the Service Schedule List page that will be subject to cancellation.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.

  3. Highlight the service record that will be cancelled. To select multiple service schedules for cancellation hold down the CTRL button on the and select the Service Schedule records listed within the data grid.


  4. Select the Bulk Cancel Another button located within the ribbon bar to open a pop up screen.


  5. Select the OK button to confirm cancellation of the selected schedule records.


    This will remove them from the current grid view. To inquire on the cancelled services select the cancelled from the drop down list to refresh the Service Schedule list.

    The cancelled service will be reflected within the Schedule Board as follows:


Schedule Board

To cancel an individual or multiple of client Service Schedule records through the Schedule Board you can adopt 1 of two approaches which is either through the client panel or utilising the cancel service schedule function . For both these approaches observe the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.

  3. Select EITHER the ​ service template icon and observe steps 3 - 5 as outlined under the topic Bulk Cancellation of Client Service Schedule through the Service Schedule Menu or scroll through to the required day within the schedule board highlight the client schedule(s) to be cancelled and select the Cancel Selected Shift icon (located at the lower right of the schedule board).

    Using a policy to cancel a client service


Refer to the topic Utilising a Policy for Shift Cancellation for additional information on the cancellation of shifts using a cancellation policy.

Change time of Service delivery

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken with the adjustment of the start and end times on a service schedule record and they are through the Service Schedule sub-menu and either through the client panel or the Change shift time function on the schedule board. It is to be observed that you can only adjust the start and ends times on service schedules that are either scheduled, pending, available or awaiting confirmation.

Service Schedule menu

To change the time associated with either an individual or multiple of client Service Schedule records observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule record from within the Service Schedule List page that will be subject to a change of service time.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.


  3. Highlight the service record that will be reassigned either an adjusted start or end date . To select multiple service schedules hold down the CTRL button on the and select the Service Schedule records listed within the data grid.



  4. Select the Change Time button located within the ribbon bar to open the Select new Start and End times page.

    Please note that if you select multiple service schedules that have different service start/end times you will alerted with the following message. Select OK to close the pop up screen and reselect the required services. If you proceed any changes made will be applied to the selected services irregardless of the service start/end times.

  5. Apply the your edits to the start and end dates within the Select new Start and End times page by over-typing the times that are listed.

    Note that the start and end times listed are based upon the start and end times listed within the service schedule.

    Select the save button


  6. You will be presented with a pop up screen, select the OK button to confirm the changes to the service times.


    Please note that adjusting the time of client’s service schedule can result in service clashes, which will be presented in the Schedule Board as shown as follows



Schedule Board

To adjust the time of a Service Schedule record through the Schedule Board you can adopt 1 of two approaches which is either through the client panel or utilising the change shift time function . For both these approaches observe the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.

  3. Select EITHER the ​ service template icon and observe steps 3 - 6 as outlined under the topic Change time of Service delivery via Service Schedule menu or scroll through to the required day within the schedule board highlight the client schedule(s) to be amended and select the Change Shift Start or End time icon (located at the lower right of the schedule board) to open the Select new Start and End times page and observe the steps already outlined for adjusting the scheduled start and end times.



Change date of Service delivery

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken with the adjustment of the service schedule delivery date and they are through the Service Schedule sub-menu and either through the client panel or the Change Day function on the schedule board. It is to be observed that you can only adjust the date on service schedules that are either scheduled, pending, available or awaiting confirmation.

Service Schedule menu

To change the day associated with either an individual or multiple of client Service Schedule records observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule record from within the Service Schedule List page that will be subject to a service date update.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.


  3. Highlight the service record that will be assigned a new service date. To select multiple service schedules hold down the CTRL button on the and select the Service Schedule records listed within the data grid.


  4. Select the Change Day button located within the ribbon bar to open the Select Date page.


  5. Within the Select Days page click into the drop down list and select the number of days that client service will be moved by.

    Service schedules can be moved back by maximum of 14 days, to move the service back utilise the days values preceded with a -
    Service schedules can be moved forward by maximum of 14 days, to move the service forward utilise the days values preceded with a +

    Select the Save button


  6. You will be presented with a pop up screen, select the OK button to confirm the change to the service date.

Please note that adjusting the date of client’s service schedule can result in service clashes, which will be presented in the Schedule Board as shown as follows


Schedule Board

To adjust the date of a Service Schedule record through the Schedule Board you can adopt 1 of two approaches which is either through the client panel or utilising the Change Day function . For both these approaches observe the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.

  3. Select EITHER the ​ service template icon and observe steps 3 - 6 as outlined under the topic Changing service date via the Service Schedule menu or scroll through to the required day within the schedule board highlight the client schedule(s) to be amended and select the Change Day icon (located at the lower right of the schedule board) to open the Select Days page and observe the steps already outlined for adjusting the date of clients scheduled service.

Change Support Worker

Under this topic we will outline the four approaches that can be taken with changing the support worker assigned to the Scheduled Service and they are through the Service Schedule sub-menu either through the client panel or the Switch Worker function on the schedule board or deleting the rostered staff record from the employee data grid on the service schedule. It is to be observed that you can only adjust a support worker on service schedules that are either scheduled, pending, available or awaiting confirmation.

You are to observe that this function also allows for the REMOVAL of support workers from either an individual or multiple of client Service Schedule records. Details are provided below on how that activity is undertaken.

Service Schedule menu

To change the support worker associated with either an individual or multiple of client Service Schedule records observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule records from within the Service Schedule List page that will be subject to update of the support worker.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.


  3. Highlight the service record that will be assigned a new service date. To select multiple service schedules hold down the CTRL button on the and select the Service Schedule records listed within the data grid.


  4. Select the Switch Worker button located within the ribbon bar to open the Select Employee to Assign Shifts to page.


  5. Within the Select Employee to Assign Shifts to page you can either select and reassign the service to another support worker or remove the support worker from the service and leave it unassigned.



    To either assign (if the service does not have a support worker rostered) or reassign a different support worker

    (1) Within the Staff field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list, the value selected will influence the staffing names listed within the data grid.

    (2) Within the availablity field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list, the value selected will influence the staffing names listed within the data grid.

    (3) Within the search field, specify either the partial or full name of the support, the value selected will influence the staffing names listed within the data grid.

    (4) From the staffing names listed, within the datagrid select the record that will be rostered to one or more client services.
    Proceed to Step 6


    Remove a Support Worker

    To remove a rostered support worker from the clients service select the Remove Employees button to be presented with a pop up alert.

    Select OK to confirm the removal of the support worker and to exit the Select Employee to Assign Shifts to page.


  6. To complete the assignment of a support worker click the SELECT button to update the rostering information on the clients service schedule and exit from the Select Employee to Assign Shifts to page.


Deleting Employee from Service Schedule

A rostered staff member can be removed directly from the clients service schedule record.

To undertake this activity search for the service schedule within the Service Schedule List and either select the EDIT button or double click on the selected record to open the service schedule page. Scroll the page down to the Rostering tab and within the Employee data grid select the Delete Record icon. To confirm the removal of the record, select the OK button.


Schedule Board

To adjust the support worker that has been rostered to the Service Schedule record through the Schedule Board you can adopt 1 of two approaches which is either through the client panel or utilising the Switch Worker function . For both these approaches observe the following steps:


  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.

  3. Select EITHER the ​ service template icon and observe steps 3 - 6 as outlined under the topic Switch Staff member through the Service Schedule menu or scroll through to the required day within the schedule board highlight the client schedule(s) to be amended and select the Switch Worker icon (located at the lower right of the schedule board) to open the Select Staff page, Steps for interacting with this page are outlined below.



Updating the rostering information on the clients service schedule is undertaken through the Select Staff page. This page provides you with a number of different parameters that assists you to to filter and search for support workers that are either most suitably qualified or have availability for allocation to the service.

Once the parameters have been specified, click the SEARCH Button to return a listing of matching support worker records. Review any periods of scheduling, highlight the required record from the data grid and click the SELECT button to update the clients service schedule.

The following is a brief summary of the search attribute fields within the Select Staff page. Either inputting a keyed value or selecting a coded value will influence the staffing names listed within the scheduling data grid upon select of the SEARCH button.

The scheduling data grid list your support workers periods of unavailability, these periods are denoted in blue, selecting the period provides a pop up that lists a summary of the particulars of the service delivery (service name and service time).







Within the Staff type field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list.

Within the availablity field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list.

Within the type field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list.

Within the Employee Name field, position the cursor and input the name (full or partial) of the support worker.

Within the Gender field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list.


Within the Smoker field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list, the value selected will influence the staffing names listed within the data grid upon select of the SEARCH button.


Within the Travel Distance field, position the cursor and input the distance that support workers are either from (1) home or (2) current client of they are delivering a service.


Within the Job Type field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list.


Within the Language field, position the cursor and either input in free text or select the required value from the drop down list.


Within the Qualification field, position the cursor and select the required value(s) from the drop down list, that match with the qualification set on the employee profile.


Within the Car Insurance field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list.


Within the Drivers License field, position the cursor and select the required value from the drop down list.



Change Service Type

Under this topic we will outline the approach that can be taken with changing the service type on the clients service schedule. This activity can only be undertaken through the client panel on the schedule board. It is to be observed that you can only adjust the service types on schedules that are either scheduled, pending, available or awaiting confirmation. To update a Service Schedule record with a revised service type through the Schedule Board observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.


  3. Select the Client Service icon to open a page that lists the clients service schedules.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.

  4. Highlight the service record(s) to be updated.


  5. Select the Change Service Type button to open the Select a New Service Type for selected Shifts page.


  6. Within the Service type field position our cursor in the drop down list and select the required service type value that the clients service will be updated with.

    It is important to observe that where the client has multiple published funding records, the service types associated with those funding records will be listed.


  7. Select the change button.

    Select OK to confirm the change

Using a Service Template

Under this topic we will outline the approach that can be taken to updating a service schedule with the attributes migrated from another service schedule associated with the clients. This activity can only be undertaken through the client panel on the schedule board. It is to be observed that you can only adjust the service types on schedules that are either scheduled, pending, available or awaiting confirmation. To update a Service Schedule record with revised attributes through the Schedule Board observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.

  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.


  3. Select the Client Service icon to open a page that lists the clients service schedules.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.


  4. Highlight the service record(s) to be updated.


  5. Select the Apply Service Template button to open the Apply Service Template page.



  6. Within the Apply Service Template page, select the items of information that you want to copy.

    It is important to observe that where the client has multiple published funding records, the service types associated with those funding records will be listed.


  7. Highlight the Service records that will be used as the template.

  8. Select the Apply button.

  9. Select the OK button to confirm the update of the selected service schedules.

Assignment of tasks refer to the topic Task assignment

To assign tasks to the service schedule observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule record from within the Service Schedule List page that will be subject to the assignment of tasks.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.

  3. Highlight the service record that will be updated with tasking record and EITHER click on the edit button or double click on the service schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule page.


  4. Scroll down to the Task data grid, and select the Add New Record to open the New Service Schedule Task record page.


  5. Within the Task field input a brief description of the task. This detail will be available to support worker through the client service

  6. Select the SAVE button.

  7. Select the CLOSE button to exit from the page.


Remove a Task from the Service Schedule

To remove a task from the service schedule observe the following steps:

  1. Refer to steps 1 - 3 under the topic Assignment of Tasks on Service Schedule.

  2. Select the Delete icon to remove the task record from the service.


Adjust the Activity Status of a Service Schedule Record

Under this topic we will outline the deactivation of the Service Schedule record through the Service Schedule sub-menu. To Adjust the activity status of a service schedule record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule record from within the Service Schedule List page that will be have its activity status updated.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.


  3. Highlight the service record that will be updated with tasking record and EITHER click on the edit button or double click on the service schedule record to open it within the Service Schedule page.


  4. To deactivate the Service Schedule record select the Deactivate button.



  5. To activate the Service Schedule record select the Activate button.


  6. Once done, select the CLOSE button to exit the form


Deleting a Service Schedule Record

Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete a Service Schedule record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Service Schedule sub-menu to open the Service Schedule List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the Service Schedule record from within the Service Schedule List page that will be deleted.

    You can utilise the dates to and from fields to narrow your service schedule search. Dates can be specified as a free text input or selected from the date picker.


  3. Highlight the service schedule record that is to be deleted.



  4. Select the OK button in response to the delete record prompt.












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