Plan Management Monthly Fees as PM Batch

Plan Management Monthly Fees as PM Batch

This page guides the plan manager through the process of generating a PM Batch that lists the monthly plan management fees



Brevity allows the plan manager to generate a PM Batch file that lists the monthly financial intermediary services fee (14_034_0127_8_3). This services fee is processed in arrears. Brevity does provide the plan manager with an automated processing option. Refer to the help section covering the Organisation record for additional information.



Monthly PM fees claimed through the PM Batch

To claim your monthly plan management fees as a PM Batch observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Care management>Plan management sub-menu to open the Plan Management Plan List page.

  2. Select the Invoice Processing Fee button to open the Create Plan Management Funding Claim page.

  3. Within the Funding Source field either input the funding source or select it from the drop down list. Generally as a Plan Manager you will select NDIS.

  4. Within the Claim Date field position your cursor and either input in free text or select from the calendar picker the claim processing date. The system will pick up all active plans on this date that have not yet already been invoiced for the selected month. It is recommended that you select either the first day of the new month or last day of the old month.

  5. Within the Claim via PM Batch field don’t alter the default value of YES displayed the drop down list. Accepting the default of YES generates a PM Claim Batch which will be queued for processing within the Plan Management Claim Batch.

  6. Click 'Next' button.

    if the funding source is incorrect you will be alerted with the following message

    if the claim date is incorrect you will be alerted with the following message


  7. Select the invoice records that are to be written into the bulk claim payment file. Please note that the monthly fee is derived from the pricelist selected on the related plan record.

  8. Click the ‘Generate Claim’, to present a pop-up screen.

    Selecting the OK button will close the Create Plan Management Funding Claim page and create the PM batch. The next screen that you are presented with will be the PM Claim Batch page with the selected PM monthly fees listed as invoices. Take note of the PM Batch Name (example Batch #89). If the PM Batch is not processed immediately it can be accessed from the Care Management > Plan Management Claims sub menu, ensuring to select the applicable PM Batch Name.





  9. Click the SUBMIT CLAIM button to send the PM claim batch through to PRODA.

Navigating the PM Claim Batch

For additional information on navigating the PM Claim Batch refer to Generate PM Claim Batch topic.


Download Bulk Claim File

To review the content of the PM Batch, you can download the claim file either prior to or after submission of the PM Claim Batch through to PRODA, click the Download Claim File button located within the Batch.

It is important to note that this file IS NOT TO BE SUBMITTED THROUGH TO THE NDIS.


The PM Funding Claim file content appears as follows.








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