Managing the Employee on the SIL Template

Managing the Employee on the SIL Template



Scheduling an Employee on the SIL Roster

The following steps outlines the approach for the assignment of one or more staff members to the SIL roster. With respect to your rostering requirement you will need to observe the allocation of the SIL ratio for the clients listed within the template when you roster staff.


  1. Click the ADD STAFF button to display the Select Employee form.


    Roster settings

  2. Click the days that are being rostered into the SIL template.

  3. Select from the Start Time field the commencement time of roster.

  4. Select from the End Time field the cessation time of the roster.

  5. Search for and select the staff that are to be assigned into the roster.

  6. Click the SELECT Button to update the SIL template with the rostered staff as shown in the above. The employees rostered periods will be denoted with the YES.

Assigning additional rostered periods

Assigning additional rostered periods for an employee is managed through the SIL template. For the roster period click into the period and select YES from the drop down down list. Ensure you click the SAVE button before exiting the SIL Template, otherwise the changes made will be not be saved. Changes to rostering can be managed through the schedule board.



Deleting an Employee from the SIL Roster

To remove an employee that has been rostered into the SIL template, you firstly need to ensure that remove the employees rostered periods. To do this select the cell listing the employee’s rostered period as denoted by the YES and click the keyboard delete key.

Unrostering from a single SIL service period

For any additional rostered periods either repeat the steps as listed above or highlight the period that has been unrostered and drag you mouse out across consecutively rostered periods, as shown below

Unrostering from consecutive SIL service periods

Once the employee has been removed from all rostered services within the SIL template, ensure the employee line has been highlighted. Click the keyboard delete key to display a delete record dialogue, select OK to remove the employee. Ensure you click the SAVE button before exiting the SIL Template, otherwise the changes made will be not be saved.

Unrostering an Employee from the SIL Roster

To remove one or more rostered services from an employee within the SIL template, select the cell listing the employee’s rostered period as denoted by the YES and click the keyboard delete key.

Unrostering from a single SIL service period

For any additional rostered periods either repeat the steps as listed above or highlight the period that has been unrostered and drag you mouse out across the consecutively rostered periods, as shown below

Unrostering from consecutive SIL service periods

Once the employee has been removed from all rostered services within the SIL template, ensure you click the SAVE button before exiting the SIL Template, otherwise the changes made will be not be saved.


Updating the SIL Rostered Employee

Updating an employees rostered SIL shifts will be undertaken through the Schedule Board. To roster a staff member of a SIL service observe the following steps.


  1. Click the Schedule Board icon.

  2. Set the date range on the schedule board to correspond with the SIL service period that is to be amended.

  3. Click the By Group schedule view to display a listing of SIL services.

  4. Input the details of the SIL service into the search field, if required, to filter down the list of SIL services displayed within the schedule board.

  5. Click the SIL Roster icon.






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