Importing Invoices (Bulk Import)

Importing Invoices (Bulk Import)

This page outlines the process of Importing and approving of invoices related with the direct delivered services and supports.

These are the topics on this page



You can import into the Plan Management, invoices that are related with direct supports and services provided to the participant. The invoice import function will allow the plan manager to either approve the invoices or redirect them to the participant for approval. Approved invoices will be processed into the bulk payment claim file for upload through PRODA.

Importing Rules

This topic outlines a summary of the rules that must be observed when importing invoices into the Brevity Plan Management module for approval.


  • Ensure all services have been invoiced.

  • Invoice services have not already been paid, invoice status should be awaiting.

  • Service Provider details must be reflected within the Account field of the Invoice.

  • Active Participant plan.

  • Ensure invoiced services are timesheet approved.

  • Invoice date and date of service within a valid plan range.

  • Service category applicable with the invoiced services maintained against the plan.

  • Sufficient balance left on the service category to approve the invoice.


Importing Invoices

To import invoices from the direct services core supports module into the Plan Management module observe the following steps;

  1. Select the Care Management > Plan management sub menu to open the Plan Management list page.

  2. Click the Import Invoices button on the ribbon bar to open the Import Invoices for Plan Management Approval page.


  3. From here you can select to import from a Brevity Invoice Batch or via a CSV Bulk Claim File (CSV)


Importing From Brevity Batch

  1. Within the Provider field, position your cursor into the field and either input in free text or select the applicable supplier from the drop down list.

Invoices will be listed into the Import Invoices for Plan Management Approval page based upon the selected supplier matching the provider name listed within the Invoice Record Account field.


  1. Within the From Date field, position your cursor into the field and either input in free text or select using the calendar the commencement date of the reporting range.

  2. Within the To Date field, position your cursor into the field and either input in free text or select using the calendar the cessation date of the reporting range.

  3. Select the NEXT button.

    Nil Invoice records
    If the are no invoices matching the parameters specified you will be notified with the following alert.

    Matching Invoice records
    If there are invoices matching the parameters specified these will be presented within the Import Invoices for Plan Management Approval page.


  4. Highlight the invoice record(s) to be imported and select the Import Invoices button


  5. From the pop up screen select OK to confirm the import.

    Brevity will alert you with the following message


  6. To exit from the Import Invoices for Plan Management Approval page and to review the plan management invoice that was created using the process as outlined in steps 1 - 8 select the Care Management>Plan Management Invoices sub menu to open the Plan Management Invoice List.

  7. To search for and review the invoice adopt either one of the following approaches

    click on the Id column and sort in order descending

    input the supplier invoice into the search field

  8. Highlight the invoice listed within the Invoice data grid and click the EDIT button to open the Invoice page.


  9. Review the migrated invoice information listed under the details and Invoice Items tabs.

    To be noted that that when the program generates the Invoice lines we will roll up the service lines and group them to an individual service line based upon the invoiced rate.


  10. The migration process will set the invoice status to “AWAITING APPROVAL” , to override and approve the invoice, click the Approve button to make the invoice available for processing within the Bulk Payment Claim Batch.

Import From Bulk Claim File CSV

You can also bulk create invoices by importing a CSV file that uses the NDIS bulk claim file format. You can download a copy of the NDIS Bulk Claim file specification from the NDIS website via this link. On the Care Management > Plan Management list screen, click the Import Invoices button.

This allows you to select whether to transfer invoices from the Direct Service area in Brevity or Import from a claim file. Select From Bulk Claim File..

The Bulk Claim File option allows you to upload a claim file, select which provider it is for, and the date of the invoice - the invoices will be created against this supplier and date. It will also create an invoice for every participant on the claim file. Clicking Save and Continue, it will then allow you to progress through the process of previewing the records and creating the invoices. The system will also automatically create a claim batch with these invoices included ready for claiming.



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