Generating an Employee Report

Generating an Employee Report

This page outlines the steps involved in generating a standard or custom employee report.


  1.  Define the date range on which the report will be based. Specify the first day and the last day of the reporting range. Dates can be keyed in or you can use the calendar picker.


  2. Define whether you are reporting on an individual employee or all employees.

    If reporting on all employee this field will need to be remain blank.
    If reporting on an individual employee either type the employees name or click the field to open a drop down list that presents all employees, select the required employee. If you specify an employee, the client field must be left clear.

  3. Having specified the date range and whether the report is based upon client or employee, you can now double click on the report that you want to generate. You will observe that a page listing filters associated with that report will be displayed.

  4. Add any additional filtering to refine the information written into the report. Refer to the topic covering filtering report data.

  5. Click on the NEXT button to generate the report.


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