Creating a Task
This page guides you through the process of creating tasks.
To create a new task, observe the steps as outlined below:
Select the
Notification Icon located to the left of the login menu.
Click on the "click to view" link to open the My Tasks form
Select the icon
Within the Task Name field input the title of the task.
Within the Task Details field input in the description of the task.
From the status field select the task status from the drop down list. This can either be Not Started, In Progress or Completed.
Within the Start date field specify the expected start date of the task either as free text input or set from the date picker.
Specify the expected completion date of the task either as free text input or set from the date picker.
From the Assigned to field select the staff member from the drop down list that is responsible for completing the task. Staff will only see tasks assigned to them in the list.
The only exception is Client related tasks, which will show by default for all staff allocated to work with the Client unless that has been overridden with staff member having been listed within the Assigned To field.
Click the UPLOAD button to attach one or more files to the task.
Click the sub tasks icon to attach one or more sub task lines to the task. Within each sub task that you add, input the particulars of the task.
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