

This page outlines the process of creating and managing record tasks.



Tasking within Brevity enables improved collaboration between staff when they are required to work remotely in the delivery of supports and services to the participant. Task functionality within the Brevity web application allows for tasks to be both assigned, as well as to allow for staff to schedule Tasks to themselves.

Tasks can be added against any record. The tasks added through the Brevity web application that related with an employee or related to a client or scheduled service will be displayed in self-service portal and the Brevity Care mobile app for respective user.

Navigating the Task Management Panel



The fields, panels and buttons that comprise the Task form are outlined as follows

  1. Record type: This label lists the record type to which the task relates

  2. Create Task: Selection of ​the icon allows the user to create a new task.

  3. TODAY Task Listing: This displays a list of the tasks that are due to be completed today.

  4. NEXT WEEK Task Listing: This displays a list of the tasks that are due to be completed next week.

  5. LATER Task Listing: This displays a list of the tasks that are due to be completed some time in the future, for example next month.

  6. COMPLETED Task Listing: This displays a list of the tasks that have been completed. You will observe that a completed task is identified as follows ​.

  7. Sub Task Details: This lists the both number of sub tasks associated with the task, and the number of sub-tasks that have been completed. For example if task had 4 sub tasks and 2 of them are completed the system would display 2/4.

  8. Client Name: This label lists the client record name that is associated with the task.

  9. Due Date: This label lists the due date for completion of the task.

  10. Task Name: This field is used to specify the title of the task.

  11. Last Changed: This field lists both the date and individual that created or modified the task detail.

  12. Task Details: This field is used to specify a description of the task.

  13. Start Date: This field is used to specify the start date. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  14. Due Date: This field is used to specify the completion date. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  15. Assigned To: Staff responsible for completing the task. Staff will only see tasks assigned to them in the list. The staff name can be specified as free text or selected from the drop down list.

  16. Attachments: This button allows for files to be uploaded and attached to the task through the File Upload screen.

  17. Attachment Summary: This space is used to list the attachments selected through the File Upload screen.

  18. Sub Tasks: Selecting the ​ Add icon allows task sub items to be added against the the task that will need to be completed.

  19. Sub task panel: This field lists a description of the sub task that is to be undertaken.

  20. Delete: The delete icon enables you to the remove a sub task from the task record.

  21. Comments: This field is used to register ongoing comments as the task is being worked on, each new comment will be listed as a separate entry.

  22. Add: This button is used to add the comment into the history of the record.

  23. Comments history: This field reflects the history of the comments raised and updated into this field when the Add button is selected.

  24. Last Changed: This field lists both the date and individual that created or modified the task detail.

  25. Status: This is a drop down field that lists the status of the Task. The status can be Not Started, In Progress or Completed.


Creating Task

To create a new task, observe the steps as outlined below:

  1. Select the Communications icon in the ribbon bar to open the communication panel.

  2. Select the icon to open the task panel.

  3. Select the icon

  4. Within the Task Name field input the title of the task.

  5. Within the Task Details field input in the description of the task.

  6. From the status field select the task status from the drop down list. This can be Not Started, In Progress or Completed.

  7. Within the Start date field specify the expected start date of the task. Specify the date as free text input or selected from the date picker.

  8. Within the Due date field specify the expected completion date of the task. Specify the date as free text input or selected from the date picker.

  9. From the Assigned to field select the staff member from the drop down list that is responsible for completing the task. Staff will only see tasks assigned to them in the list. The only exception is Client related tasks, which will show by default for all staff allocated to work with the Client unless that has been overridden with staff member having been listed within the Assigned To field.

  10. Select the UPLOAD button to attach one or more files to the task.

  11. Select the sub tasks icon to attach one or more sub task lines to the task. Within each sub task that you add, input the particulars of the task.

  12. Within the Comments field input ongoing comments related with the task.

  13. Click Add button to save the comment.

Editing Tasks

To edit a task observe the following steps:

  1. Open the record that task relates with.

  2. Select the Communications icon in the ribbon bar to open the communication panel.

  3. Select the icon to open the task panel that will lists all tasks due and completed.

  4. Click on the task that needs to update, to open the Task Details Panel to the right of the page.

  5. Edit the particulars of the task detail which can include as follows:

    Adding additional sub-tasks
    Adjusting the due date
    Updating the status to completed
    Add a comment to the task
    Upload an attachment


Deleting Tasks

Brevity does not allow for the deletion of tasks. Setting the task status to completed will set the task to an inactive status.


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