Navigating the Organisation Record

Navigating the Organisation Record

 This page navigates you through the Organisation form.



The following is a summary of the fields contained within the Organisation page:

  • Name: This field is used to input the name of the organisation record. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save. The organisation name is utilised when assigning the record to a branch.

  • ABN: This field is used to input the ABN used by the organisation.

  • Two Factor Authentication: This field is related with defining how system users will login to the Brevity web application. Setting the field value to YES will prompt a token to be generated that is used in combination with the login credentials to access the brevity web application.

  • Date Format: This field is a drop down field listing the date format that will be used for reporting. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • Time Format: This field is a drop down field listing the time format that will be used for reporting. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • Whitelist IP addresses: This data grid is used to list IP Addresses from computing devises that can only access the Brevity web application. IP address records are created through the New Allowed IP Address record which is accessed from the Add New record icon.

  • Branch Data grid: This data grid is used to list the branch records that are associated with the organisation. To assign a new branch record via this grid select the Add new record icon.

  • Login Timeout: This field is used to specify the time elapsed that a system user can remained logged into the Brevity web application until they are required to re-establish their login.

  • Enable Branch Scheduling: This field is used to determine whether support workers are restricted to their branch when being scheduled for client services. The default for this field is Yes.

  • Auto Publish Shifts: This field is used to determine whether client shifts require publishing before they become available to the support worker through the mobile application. The default for this field is Yes. Unpublished shifts are reflected as grey in the schedule board

  • Hide Client Group Shifts: This is field is used to determine whether group shifts are shown from the client’s view. If you set this option to yes, the group service schedule will be removed from the view. If you set this option to No, the group service schedule will appear also from the client’s view.

  • Approve Cancellation to Invoice: This field is used to determine whether a cancelled client shift needs to be approved from Employee’s Approved timesheet before an client invoice is created. If you set this to yes, you need to approve the cancellation first before creating an invoice. If you set this to No, once you cancelled the shift, it will be automatically approved.

  • Auto Approve Timesheets: This field is used to determine whether a shift, once completed will have its timesheet automatically approved. If you retain this option with the default of No, timesheets associated with the completed service will need to be approved through the timesheet widget.

  • Apportion Group Travel: This field is used to determined whether group travel is divided amongst all participants for a group service. The default for this field is set as Yes.

  • Always Use Quick Staff Search: This field is used to determine whether the Quick staff select function is available through the schedule board. The default for this field is set as No.

  • Combine Shifts: This field allows for back to back shifts to be combined for a single shift start and end.

  • Show Odometer Fields On Mobile: This field is used to determine whether the Odometer field is displayed against the shift within the mobile application.

  • SMTP Server: This field is used to input the SMTP server name.

  • SMTP Port: This field is used to input the SMTP port number.

  • SMTP Enable SSL: This field is used to specify whether SSL is used to access the specified SMTP mail server.

  • SMTP Username: This field is used to specify the SMTP mail server username.

  • SMTP Password: This field is used to specify the SMTP mail server password.

  • Address 1: This field is used to input the first line of the Organisation address. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save

  • Address 2: This field is used to input the second line of the organisation address. Data entry is optional within this field.

  • Suburb: This field is used to input the suburb associated with the organisation address. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • State: This field is used to input the state associated with the organisation address. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • Post Code: This field is used to input the postcode associated with the organisation address. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • Phone: This field is used to input the phone number associated with the organisation. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • After Hours Phone: This field is used to input the phone number associated with the organisation. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • Email: This field is used to input the email address associated with the organisation. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • Fax: This field is used to input a fax number associated with the organisation. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • Website: This field is used to input the website associated with the organisation. Data entry within this field is mandatory for record save.

  • Bank: This field is a drop down field listing financial institutions. Data entry within this field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the ABA file process.

  • BSB: This field is used to input the BSB of the financial institutions. Data entry within this field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the ABA file process

  • Account Number: This field is used to input an account number. Data entry within this field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the ABA file process

  • Account Name: This field is used to input an account name. Data entry within this field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the ABA file process

  • APCA User Id: This field is used to input a six digit unique identification number. Data entry within this field is a requirement for plan management, specifically for the ABA file process

  • Name of Remitter: This field is used to input the name of the remitter, the information input can be the same as the organisation name or the Account name.

  • IMAP Username: This field is used to input the email server username.

  • IMAP Password: This field is used to input the email server password.

  • IMAP Server: This field is used to input the email server name.

  • IMAP Port: This field is used to input the email server port number.

  • Test Connection: This link allows you to test connectivity with the email server.

  • Plan Management Rounding: This field is used to specify the extent of rounding up if the invoice is not paid in full by the NDIS. Setting a rounding can not be applied to the PM Claim Batch for those plan managers that have a registered NDIS API.

  • Remittance Email: This field is used to input the email address from where plan managed remittances will come from.

  • PM Statement Schedule: This is a drop down field used to set the method of generation of the PM Funding statement as either a manual activity, undertaken through the Bulk email or as an automatic activity through use of the products workflow engine. Automatic generation of the PM Funding statement can be set on a coded range from the 1st day through to the 7th day within the first week of the calendar month.

  • PM Monthly Fee Invoicing: This is a drop down field used to set the generation method of the PM monthly fee as either a manual activity, undertaken by PM or as an automatic activity through use of the products workflow engine. Options available include Anniversary Arrears and Manual Arrears.



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