Edit and Delete a Client Profile Template

Edit and Delete a Client Profile Template

This page guides you through the process of maintaining client profile templates.


Editing a Client Profile Template

To edit a Client Profile Template record observe the following steps

  1. Select the Administration>Client Profile Template sub-menu to open the Client Profile Template List page.

  2. Within the search field input the particulars of the Client Profile template.


  3. Highlight the profile record that is to be edited and either click on the edit button or double-click on the record. Edits undertaken against the record include:

    Adjustment to the Client Profile Template name.
    Inclusion or the removal of client template profile questions. To assign additional questions select the Add record icon button to register a new question through the New Template Question record page. To remove a question select the Delete Record icon located to the right of the question.
    Adjustment to the Client Template Question name. Double click the question name listed within the datagrid to open the Edit Template Question record page, apply your revisions, save the record and click CLOSE.

  4. Click the SAVE button to update the Client Profile Template page.

  5. Click the CLOSE button to exit the template and return to the Client Profile Template list page.


Deleting a Client Profile Template

To delete a Profile Template record, observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Administration>Client Profile Template sub-menu to open the Client Profile Template List page.

  2. Within the search field input the particulars of the Client Profile template.

  3. Highlight the Client Profile Template record to be deleted.

  4. Click the Delete Button in the ribbon bar.

  5. Select the OK button to confirm the deletion of the selected record. Record listing will refresh..


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