Reviewing Employee Documents

Reviewing Employee Documents

This page provides an overview on the review of employee documentation through the Brevity Care mobile app.



Documentation shared with the Support Worker within the Brevity Care mobile app can be accessed from two locations. Those locations are the documentation tab and the view documents page direct from the shift panel.

Reviewing Documentation

Documentation Tab

The document tab lists documentation that has been uploaded to the document panel within the branch record. To access and preview available documents the client can observe the following steps: 

  1. Log into the Brevity Care mobile app within their credentials.

  2. Click the documents icon located in the bottom navigation bar to open the page listing the documents that the client has access to.

  3. Tap on the applicable document, to open it and view its content.







Service History Tab

The Client Documents which is accessed through the Service History tab lists documentation that has been uploaded to the document panel within the client record. To access and preview the available documents the client can observe the following steps: 

  1. Log into the Brevity Care mobile app within their credentials.

  2. Click the service history icon located in the bottom navigation bar to open the page listing the summary report.

  3. Select the View Documents button to open the Client Documents page.

  4. Tap on the applicable document, to open it and view its content.





Controlling Access to Documentation

It is important to note that not all documents associated with the client will be available for review by the client through the Brevity Care mobile app. Restrictions to view may be applied Case managers and system administrators through the Brevity Care web application. Denying access is done directly against the document by select the document floating menu, denoted by […] within the documentation section of the client profile.




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