Provider Remittance Advice

Provider Remittance Advice

This page guides the plan manager through the process of sending a remittance advice to the service provider.


The remittance advice enables the plan manager to advise your service providers what invoices have been paid (full or partially) or rejected within the batch, according to the remittance file received from the NDIS.



Sending a Provider Remittance

To send a remittance advice to the service provider observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Care Management>Plan Management Claim sub-menu, to open the Plan Management Claim Batch List page.

  2. Search for and highlight the Claim batch that you want to generate the payment remittance needs to be send. Either select the Edit button or double click on the selected batch record


  3. Click button from the ribbon-bar to open the send remittance page

  4. Select the recipients that are to be notified with the Remittance Advice.


  5. Click the send button.



Provider Audit record

As part of the email process of notifying the remittance to the provider, brevity creates an audit record within the communication panel of the service provider record. The email record will be identified as Remittance Advice Attached with the generation date listed in the top right of the email record panel.


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