Navigating the Information Settings
Stewart Neale
This is a guide to Navigating the Information tabs within the settings page.
Navigating the Organisation Information Settings
The fields in Organisation Information in the Billing settings page are explained below:
Name: This field is used to list either the name of the primary business contact.
Address Line 1: This field is used to list the first line of the organisations street address.
Address line 2: This field is data optional and is used to list the second line of the organisations street address.
Email Address: This field is used to list the primary email address for contact.
Phone: This field is used to list the primary phone number for contacting the organisation.
SMS Balance: Relevant only where SMS credits have been enabled, this field will list a balance of available SMS credits.
Postcode: This field lists the postcode associated with the details listed in Address Line 1.
State: This field lists the state associated with the details listed in Address Line 1.
Suburb: This field lists the suburb associated with the details listed in Address Line 1.
SMS notifications: This field will provide a visual reference as to whether SMS notifications have been enabled.
Preferred Notification time: This field is data optional and will list the preferred time for the generation of SMS notification, as set through the integration tab
Credit Card Setup: This is a visual reference that a credit card has been established. A credit Card needs to be set up for the purpose of purchasing SMS Credits and optionally for the payment of the monthly Brevity Invoice.
Update Button: Clicking this button will open the Update your information page.
Navigating the Billing Information Settings
The fields in Organisation Information in the Billing setting page are explained below:
First Name: This field is used to list the given name of the nominated business representative.
Last Name: This field is used to list the surname of the nominated business representative.
Street: This field is used to list the organisations business address.
City: This field is used to list the city or suburb associated with the details listed in Street field.
Postal Code: This field is used to list the postcode associated with the details listed in Street field.
State: This field is used to list the state associated with the details listed in Street field.
Country: This field is used to list the country associated with the details listed in Street field.
Email: This field is used to list the primary email address.
Phone: This field is used to listed the primary land line or mobile number for contact.
Credit card number: This field is used identify the credit car number used for SMS credit. purchasing and payment of Brevity invoices.
Credit card Type: This field identifies the credit card type used.
Card Expiry Month: This field identifies the card expiry month.
Card Expiry Year: This field identifies the card expiry year.
Update Button: Clicking this button will open the billing page fields for data entry.
Invoice Summary: This grid lists current and past Brevity invoices. The data grid allows the user to review an invoice for a particular month, to identify what invoices have been paid and to make a monthly invoice payment, if valid credit card details are registered within the billing tab.
Navigating the Integration Settings
The fields in Integration and SMS Credits summary in the Billing settings page are explained below:
Integration: These option allow you to connect you brevity application to any of the third party accounting packages listed. Integration does attract additional fees.
SMS Credits: This section of the integration tab enables you to purchase SMS Credits, which can be used for communicating with clients and employees. A valid credit card is required to purchase SMS credits and a summary of your purchases is listed in the SMS Credits Purchase History datagrid.
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