Invoice Billing Settings

Invoice Billing Settings

This is a guide to managing the Invoice Billing Profile within the Settings page.


To update billing &/or credit card information listed within the Billing profile, select the Update button to enable the fields within the the Billing tab - see below. All fields listed within the form are available for edit. Selecting the Save card details button will apply all edits to the Billing Settings, and revert the fields back to view-only.

Please note that changes will not be saved if the Credit Card number field is blank or the card details are invalid, if the card number input is not of the correct length, the following message is shown in the credit card number field .

If the credit card and payer information is valid the following message below is shown on click of the SAVE CREDIT CARD button.

If the credit card &/or payer information is invalid either of the following message as shown below will be displayed on click of the SAVE CREDIT CARD button.


Selecting CANCEL will discard most recent changes and revert the fields back to view-only.

The information that is contained within the billing settings is established when you become a service user of the Brevity product.


Refer to the Navigating the Information Settings topic.














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