Creating a Quotation Record
This page provides the user with a guide to creating Quotation and service records.
Topics on this page include:
Create a Quotation Record
To create a quotation record for a new participant observe the following steps:
Select the Quotes menu to open the Lead List page.
Select the New button to open the New Lead Record page
Select whether the Quotation is an existing or new participant. If the participant is new leave the field value set as ‘no’, however if the quote is for an existing participant then set the field value to ýes'.
This will make visible the client field. You can either input or select from the drop down list the participant name. Selecting an existing participant will update the fields listed under the Lead details, Address, Client Funding Details data panels.
The following steps relate with the creation of a lead for a new participant
Within the First Name field, input the surname of the participant.
Within the Last Name field, input the given name of the participant.
Within the Date of birth field either input the participants date of birth free text or select from the calendar picker.
Within the email address field input the participants primary email address for contact. The email address can be used when sending the participant a copy of their Service Agreement.
Within the phone field input the participants primary phone number for contact.
Within the Representative Name input the particulars of the clients guardian or legal representative.
With the Branch field either input free text or select from the drop down list the branch that the participant will be associated with.
Within the Address field input the participants street address.
Within the suburb field input the suburb associated with the participants street address.
Within the state field input the state associated with the participants street address.
Within the postcode field input the postcode associated with the participants street address.
With the Funding Source field either input free text or select from the drop down list the applicable funding source
Within the NDIS number field input, if the information is applicable the participants NDIS number.
Within the Pricelist field either input free text or select from the drop down list the applicable pricelist that will be used to cost the services required by the participant.
Within the Follow up date field either input the date to follow up the participant free text or select from the calendar picker.
Select the SAVE button to create the lead and open the Services tab for data entry.
Select the Add new record button located above the services datagrid to open the New Quote Services record page within the browser. Refer to topic Create a Service.
Duplicate Record Alert
The Duplicate Alert feature within the Quotation module does not stop you from registering the record, it will only alert you that the record is a possible duplicate. The alert will present if the email address listed matches one already registered against an active participant record.
Create a Service
To create one or more services for the quote observe the following steps
Refer to the steps on creating a quotation listed under the topic Create a Quotation Record.
Select the Add new record button located above the services datagrid to open the New Quote Services record page within the browser.
Within the From date field input the commence date of the service agreement either in free text or select from the calendar picker.
Within the To date field input the cease date of the service agreement either in free text or select from the calendar picker.
Within the Service Type field either input free text or select from the drop down list the applicable service that will be delivered to the participant
Within the budget field input a budget that has been allocated to the participant for the required service.
Within the description field input a detailed narration of the particulars of the service being delivered to the participant.
If Services and supports are to be delivered during public holiday periods set the field value to 'yes', other retain the default.
Set the recurring roster to determine the frequency, time and number of hours that will be provided in the delivery of the service to the participant.
From the Recurring type field select the recurring period from the drop down list, available options include weekly, fortnightly, monthly, every 3 weeks, every 4 weeks.
Select the applicable days.
From the preferred time field select the occurrence from the drop down list, available options include Morning, Afternoon, Evening and Night.
Update the default start time that has been set by brevity.
Within the Hours field specify the number of hours associated with the service delivery.
Please note that the rate is determined using the selected service type and pricelist As you progress through and define the attributes of the service the service calendar will be updated.
Once the attributes for the service record have been defined, select the SAVE button to create the record.
Select the CLOSE to exit back to the lead page. You will observe that the service record created through the the New Quote Services record page is listed within the services grid.
Generating a Proposal
Prior to generating your proposal, please that you have provided a copy of your Service Agreement to brevity that it has been mail merged and upload onto the branch record, under the Service Agreement Templates tab.
To generate a service agreement for the services set against the quotation observe the following steps:
Select the Proposal button from the ribbon bar to open the Service Agreement page.
From the Template drop down field select the applicable value from the list that will be used as template for your service agreement. Note please that the values listed reflect the service agreement records that are retained against the branch record.
Select the Generate Mail Merge button to open a merged MS Word document pop up screen
Select the OK button to open the merge document
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