Editing the Invoice Record
This page provides an overview on editing the Invoice record
To edit an Invoice record observe the following steps:
Select the Client>Invoice sub menu to open the Invoice List page.
Depending upon the number of the invoice records listed , you can filter the records listed by specifying a reporting date range within the From Date and To Date fields. The reporting date can either be input in free text or selected from the calendar picker.
To refine the search results even further you can specify a value into the search field.
Highlight the invoice record that is to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click the record to open it within the invoice record page.
Activities undertaken on the Invoice record are limited to the following:
Assigning information into the comments field for invoices where the source of funding is PLAN CASH or SELF.
Updating the Account field for invoices that are to be migrated and approved by the plan manager.
Updating the invoice status.
Updating the Amount Paid for invoices where the source of funding is PLAN CASH or SELF.
Updating the Payment Reference field for invoices where the source of funding is PLAN CASH or SELF.
Assignment of a Note.
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