Client Plan Review
This page guides you through the creation and management of plan review records.
Plan reviews are conducted both annually and as required if there are changes in the participants support needs or a review has been requested by the NDIS in the form of progress reporting. Plan Reviews allow the service provider and the participant to review the outcomes that have been achieved in the current service plan, reassess the participants needs and set new goals.
It is at the discretion of the organisation as to whether this feature is used.
The Client Plan Reviews are located on the client record under the Plan Review panel. Reviews that are created are listed within a data-grid.
Navigating the Plan Review page
Creating a Plan Review record
To create a Client Plan Review observe the following steps:
Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.
Search for the Client record from within the Client list.
Highlight the Client record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.
Using the vertical scroll bar, slide the client page until you reach the Plan Review panel.
Select the Add New Record icon to open the New Plan Review record page within the browser.
Within the Name field input meaningful description that will identify the plan review record.
Within the Due date field input the date that the plan review must be concluded by.
Within the Unmet Needs field, input a detailed narrative of any unmet needs identified by the organisation or raised by the participant which may not be being met or may be preventing goals from being achieved.
Within the What hasnāt worked field input a detailed narrative of the goals within the care plan as identified by the organisation or raised by the participant that have not been successful.
Within the What Had Worked field input a detailed narrative of the goals within the care plan that have been successful.
Within the Additional Comments field input any recommendations and actions that address issues related with unmet needs or aspects of the plan that have not been successful.
Click the SAVE button.
To assign periods to the plan review click the Add record icon located within the Period panel to open the New Plan Review Period record page within the browser.
To establish a Plan Review Period record observe the following steps
Specify the month by either inputting a numeric value 1 - 12 or use the spinner button located to the right of the field.
Either free text or by using the calendar picker specify the due date for completion of the review.
Click the SAVE button followed by CLOSE button to return back to the Plan Review Record page.
Click the CLOSE button
Edit a Plan Review record
To edit a Client Plan Review observe the following steps:
Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.
Search for the Client record from within the Client list.
Highlight the Client record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.
Using the vertical scroll bar, slide the client page until you reach the Plan Review panel.
Highlight and double click the Plan Review record to open it within the Edit Plan Review record page within the browser.
Update the record with your edits.
Edits may relate with the large narrative fields within the Overall Comments panel or the assignment of additional periods.
Click the SAVE button to update the plan review record.
Click the CLOSE button.
Delete a Plan Review record
Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete a Client Plan Review record observe the following steps, off which there are two approaches available.
Deleting from the Plan Review data-grid
Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.
Search for the Client record from within the Client list.
Highlight the Client record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.
Using the vertical scroll bar, slide the client page until you reach the Plan Review panel.
Highlight the Plan review that is to be deleted.
Select the Delete icon located to the right of the record to present a pop-up screen
Select OK to confirm the deletion. The Plan review data-grid will automatically refresh.
Deleting from the Plan Review record
Refer to steps 1- 5 as listed above.
From the Plan review data-grid, highlight and double click on the plan review record to open the Edit Plan Review record page within the browser.
Select the DELETE button from the ribbon bar
Select OK to confirm the deletion.
Select the CLOSE button to exit the page
Activate and Deactivate a Plan Review record
To edit the activity status of a Client Plan Review record observe the following steps:
Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.
Search for the Client record from within the Client list.
Highlight the Client record to be edited.
Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.
Using the vertical scroll bar, slide the client page until you reach the Plan Review panel.
From the Plan review data-grid, highlight and double click on the plan review record to open the Edit Plan Review record page within the browser.
To deactivate the Plan Review record select the Deactivate button, upon screen refresh the input fields will be disabled. The Deactivated plan review will be retained within the data-grid.
To activate the Client Plan Review record select the Activate button.
Once done, you can exit back to the Client profile.
Plan Review Mail Merge
The Client Plan Review feature is supported by a mail merge capacity, that allows the organisation to incorporate data from the Plan Review into a custom designed MS Word report.
To access the Mail Merge feature click on the MAIL MERGE button located in the ribbon bar to expand the mail merge panel.
To create a Plan review template click the Download template link to present the following pop-up screen within the browser.
Select the OK button to open the planreview template into MS word
Once MS Word opens:
Enable editing
Select the developer menu
Select the XML Mapping Panel to open XML Mapping Panel located to the right of the word document
From the Custom XML Part drop down list select the XML part
Expand the planreview to list the plan review data fields that are available for assignment into the word document.
Establish the document structure
To assign the data links position your cursor in the word document where there dat link will be located.
Right click the data element from within the XML list to present a floating menu, listing the option > Insert Content Control.
selecting the menu option > Insert Content Control, will list a set of object options. Select the option Plain Text.
The selected item of data will be positioned into the word document
.Repeat these steps until all the necessary data fields have been embedded into the word document.
Save the word document off onto a drive folder.
From within the Mail Merge panel of the Edit Plan Review record select the Upload document link to open the File Upload screen within the browser.
Within the File Upload window, search for and select the plan review document.
Select OK to update the Mail Merge panel with the plan review document
To undertake a mail merge, ensure the required record is presented within the Edit Plan Review record.
Select the floating menu as denoted within the [ā¦] to the right of the word document. Select the Mail merge option to generate your mail merged Plan Review document.
An example of the output is shown on following
Plan Review Reminders
Plan review reminders will show on the dashboard within the Client Funding section.
Note: This plan review reminders are based on plan due date field if the due date is in coming 45 days then it will show the alert.
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