Plan Managed Invoice Statuses

Plan Managed Invoice Statuses

This page outlines the statuses that are assigned to the Provider Invoice record.




Invoice Status


Invoice Status



This status is applied to invoices that are not yet complete. For invoices processed through PM Invoice Import this will be default status applied to the invoice. A draft invoice is excluded from being queued into the PM Claim Batch.


This status is applied to invoices that have been verified as accurate in accordance with NDIA payment processing rules and are ready to be queued into the PM Claim Batch for submission to the NDIA via the api. Invoice approval can be undertaken by the Plan Manager, the Participant or the appropriate representative.

Awaiting Approval

This status is applied to invoices that are subject to approval by the Participant or the appropriate representative. An invoice awaiting approval is excluded from being queued into the PM Claim Batch.

Determining whether invoices are subject to participant approval is managed by selecting YES against the PM Require Approval field within the client profile.




This status is applied to invoices that have been rejected either during processing by claim staff or the Plan Manager, by the participant or their representative during invoice approval or on processing of the remittance through the api.


This status is set manually in the instance an invoicing error. A cancelled invoice is excluded from being queued into the PM Claim Batch, if cancellation has occurred within the batch teh invoice will be exluded from the ABA file.


This status is applied to an invoice with the PM Claim Batch that has been submitted for processing via the api to the NDIA. An invoice with a claim status is excluded from the ABA file and dispatch of a provider remittance.


This status is applied to an invoice on processing of the remittance through the api. An invoice with a paid status is available for inclusion into the ABA file and dispatch of a provider remittance.

Partially Paid

This status is set by the program so as to identify a gap in the amount received to the amount claimed. Partial payments are treated as paid by the NDIA. Any gap payments can be claimed manually through the NDIS portal or raised as a seperate invoice.

Oh Hold

This status is set by the NDIA for any invoices within the claim batch that require further information or additional investigation. This status is set on processing of the remittance through the api.

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