Client Incident Record Registration
This page provides an outline on the creation and management of incident records through the Brevity Self Service application.
An incident is an unplanned event that results in, or has the potential for injury, damage or loss of life this also includes near misses. NDIS service providers have an responsibility to manage all incidents that are reported either by a participant or support worker in accordance with their obligations as listed per the NDIS Code of Conduct.
Additional information on incident management can be found in the following legislation: National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018.
The My Form module within the Brevity Self-Service portal your nominated staff members to add Incident records as well as to review incident records that have been created either through the Incident module within the Brevity Care web application, via the Brevity Care mobile application or the Brevity Self Service portal.
The following is a summary of default record types that are available for categorising incident records, additional incident classifications can be assigned into the incident module through the Brevity Care web application.
Navigating the Incident Registration page
The following are renderings of the Incident Record listing page and and incident input screen.
Create an Incident Record
To register an Incident record through the Brevity Self-Service Portal observe the following steps:
Access the Brevity Self Service portal using your allocated login credentials.
Click the My Forms Menu.
Select the Client Accident/Complaint sub-menu to present the incident record list.
Select the new button to open the incident registration page.
Within the Type field select from the drop down list the appropriate record type.
Within the Client field either input text or select from the drop down list the client name
Within the Employee field either input text or select from the drop down list the employee name.
Within the Support Coordination Service Provider field input the particulars of the applicable service coordinator.
Within the Reported By field input the full name of the individual that reported the incident.
Within the Phone field input the phone number, of known of the individual that reported the incident.
Within the Date Received field specify the date that organisation was notified of the incident. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker. The time will be default , so it will need to be updated.
Within the severity field select from the drop down list the appropriate severity type.
Within the Status field select from the drop down list the appropriate status type. For all new incidents the status would be set as "open".
Within the Description field input a narrative as to the circumstances or purpose of the incident record.
Within the Date of signed field specify the date that the incident signed/reported. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.
Update the fields listed under the Notified Panel
Update the Notified Staff field set as either Yes or No
Update the Notified Guardian field set as either Yes or No
Update the Notified Police field set as either Yes or No
Update the Wirness field with the particulars of witnesses to the incident
Update the Examined By Doctor field set as either Yes or No
if the field value is Yes input data into the following fields
Click within the Doctor field to select a service provider from the drop down list
Input a detailed narrative based upon the doctors report
Input an expected recovery date.
Update the Hospitalised field set as either Yes or No
if the field value is Yes input a detailed narrative of the Hospital treatment that was or is being recieved by the client.
Update the Actions Date if required
If an Action date has been specified a narrative will need to input into the Action Taken field.
Update the Further Action Required field set as either Yes or No
if the field value is Yes input data into the following fields
Input a date for further actions
Input a detailed narrative that relate with the actions required.
Update the optional fields with data
Input a detailed narrative into the individual fields listed within the What Happened panel as well as inputing data with regards to the location at which the incident occurred.
To attach files against the incident record select the Upload link, Selected files will list within the Attachments panel.
Select the SAVE button to create the incident record.
View an Incident Record
To view an Incident record through the Brevity Self-Service Portal observe the following steps:
Access the Brevity Self Service portal using your allocated login credentials.
Click the My Forms Menu.
Select the Client Accident/Complaint sub-menu to present the incident record list.
Click the link within the Name column the corresponds with the Incident record that is to be reviewed.
Edit an Incident Record
To edit an incident record through the Brevity Self-Service Portal observe the following steps:
Refer to steps 1 - 4 as outlined under the topic View an Incident Record.
To update the Incident record observe the following notes.
To update the incident status, click into the status field and select the applicable status from the drop down list that will be assigned to the record.
Either add or update the particulars registered into the What Happened ? fields
To update the notification values, set the access value on the corresponding field to YES or NO.
If hospitalisation was set to YES, provide a narrative of the treatment that the client recieved.
If an Action date is specified, ensure a narrative of the required actions to be taken has been specified.
Update the Further Actions Required. Set the value to YES or NO, depending on whether additional actions are required. If Further Actions are required then allocate a Action Date and a narrative the Actions still required.
Select Save to update the incident record.
Select Close to return back to the record list page.
Complete and Lock the Incident Record
To complete and lock an incident record through the Brevity Self-Service Portal observe the following steps:
Refer to steps 1 - 4 as outlined under the topic View an Incident Record.
Select the Complete an Lock link to disable the incident record.
Select Close to return back to the record list page.
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