

The following is a summary of common terms referenced in the Online Help and the suite of Brevity care applications.





ABA file

A file that is used by all major Australian financial institutions to specify payments to be made from one bank account to one or more bank accounts.


The amount of money the participant receives from the NDIS.


An individual who provides care or support to a person with a disability, but they are unpaid. Carers are often family members or guardians.

Client Funding

The funding record outlines the services that are to be delivered to the participant. The funding record also lists the individual service budgets.


As per comments on participant.


This is the main screen that you will see when you login.


This refers to either Aged and Disability Community or Allied health workers who are engaged in the delivery of services to the NDIS participant .

Funded Supports

Are support services funded by the NDIS.


Things a participant wishes they could do or achieve in the future, with the help of the NDIS. This might be finding a job, moving out of home, or becoming more independent.


A person who can legally make choices for a person with a disability.


An event, accident or occurrence that has happened that involves either the employee, participant or both.


The National Disability Insurance Agency, which implements and oversees implementation of the NDIS


National Disability Insurance Scheme is the funding and legislative framework established by the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013


A Nominee Is an individual appointed by the NDIA to be the point of contact and/or sign Service Agreements and make decisions regarding supports on behalf of the participant.


An individual that has an NDIS plan and is in receipt of services and supports related with that plan from an NDIS service provider.

Plan Review

Each year your plan is reviewed by the NDIS or the LAC, in consultation with you, to determine if any changes are required. You can also seek a review if your circumstances change.


A written agreement that states your goals and needs, and the reasonable and necessary supports the NDIS will fund. Each participant has their own plan.


The price guide is developed, published, and updated by the NDIA. The guide lists the costs associated with the NDIS services. Price guides vary depending on the State and Territory.


A provider is a person or an organisation that delivers services and supports to NDIS participants.


Is a written agreement that outlines the costs associated with the delivery of services in relation to participants plan.


An item of equipment retained by the organisation.


This refers to the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award


Supported Independent Living refers to funded services provided to participants to support them to live independently. This support is usually provided in a residence shared with other NDIS participants

Schedule Board

This lists the services that have been or will be be delivered to the NDIS participants.

Service Calendar

A detailed calendar giving you a daily overview of services being delivered to NDIS participants.

Service Schedule

This provides details of the service. Information includes the participant and support worker, service date and time, service being provided and total cost.

Service Agreement

Is a written agreement between a provider and a participant.

Support Coordination

Assisting the Participant to locate mainstream and tailored disability service

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