Managing Fees and Supplements

Managing Fees and Supplements

This page provides the user with an overview on Managing Daily Rates.



The HCP fees and supplements are set by the Department of Health and Aged Care and determined by the HCP Level. HCP fees which include care and package management are levied against all HCP funding profiles either as a percentage or fixed daily rate.

HCP supplements listed within the Breakdown record grid confirm with the information released by the Federal Department of Health and Aged Care.

HCP supplements are a fixed daily rate aligned per HCP package level and are applied to the clients HCP Funding Profile during registration for those who have been assessed as having an entitlement.

The maintenance of HCP fees and supplements are managed through the Breakdown record grid within the Funding Source profile. There is only a single maintenance event associated with these records and this only extends to updating existing records.

Any additional supplements that are introduced would have there implementation managed by Brevity.

For details on the daily supplement rates specific with the individual HCP Levels, refer to additional information.



Fees and Supplements


Additional Information


Editing Supplement and Fees records

To edit any of the existing fees and supplement records, highlight the record to be amended within the Breakdown record listing and double click to open the Edit Funding Source Breakdown record.

Edits for supplements can be applied to the Name. description and Leave Calculation fields. Changes made to the name field will be updated within the HCP funding statement and HCP funding record, whereas changes made within the description field either for fees or supplements will be reflected as field level help against the respective fields within the HCP funding record.


It is not recommended to assign $values into the standard payment, default percentage or default amount as these values will be applied by default to HCP funding profile, regardless of whether the HCP client has or hasn’t an entitlement. It is therefore recommended that supplement values be applied when the HCP Funding profile is being registered.

For Care and Plan Management fees, apply a value either as a % or fixed $ value based upon the latest guidance from the Department of Health and Aged Care.




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