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The Client module is accessed by selecting the Clients>Clients menu. It is used to register and maintain information related with the participants that your organisation is delivering services and supports to in accordance with their NDIS participant plans.

A Client record within the Brevity can be created in one of three ways. The first approach is converting the quote (lead) to a client, (/wiki/spaces/BUG2/pages/1317339703) after conversion you will need to specify mandatory information and save those details. The remaining two approach as outlined within this topic include importing the client records from a csv file or creating a new record by selecting the (plus) New button on the Client List page within the browser.

Additional Information

For more information on the features of the client profile:

Navigating the Client Page

Below is an explanation of the generic fields in the Client screen; note that customised fields are not covered.

 Click to expand and review a summary of the header fields
  1. Risk Notification: The information listed within the header reflects the data input into the Risk notification field.

  2. Profile Image: Image of the client, which will also be presented within the Brevity Care Mobile app.

  3. Name and Date of Birth: Information listed is view-only and reflects an aggregation of the clients given name, surname and date of birth.

  4. Gender: Information listed is view-only and reflects the clients gender.

  5. NDIS #: Information listed is view-only and reflects the clients ndis number.

  6. Primary Diagnosis: Information listed is view-only and reflects the clients condition.

  7. Address: Information listed is view-only and reflects an aggregation of the Street Address 1, Suburb and Postcode.

  8. Home phone: Information listed is view-only and reflects the clients phone number.

  9. Mobile phone: Information listed is view-only and reflects the clients mobile number.

  10. Type of Service: ** Not currently in use **

  11. Client Documents: The Information listed within this panel is view-only summary of the documents related with the client and uploaded into the document panel.

  12. Recent Communications: The Information listed within this panel is view-only summary of the communications issued in relation to the client through the the communication panel elements of SMS, Email, Meeting, Task and Phone Call.

  13. Service Summary: The information listed within this panel is a view-only summary of the services provided to the client and the month end balance on the clients funding across all service lines.

 Click to expand and review a summary of the fields
  1. Title: This is a drop down field that lists the professional and courtesy titles (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms) that can be identified to the client .

  2. Last Name: This field is used to input the clients surname.

  3. First Name: This field is used to input the clients given name.

  4. Preferred Name: This field is used to input the clients preferred name, example first name, legal alias or nickname

  5. Gender: This is a drop down field that lists the Gender (Male, female) that the client identifies with, and additional preferred gender types can be assigned if required.

  6. Preferred C/W Gender: This is a drop down field that lists a preferred Gender (Male, female) that the client identifies with, and additional preferred gender types can be assigned if required.

  7. NDIS number: This field is used to input the clients NDIS number.

  8. Main Branch: This is a drop down field that lists the branch that is delivering the clients contracted supports and services.

  9. Date of Birth: This field is used to list the clients date of birth. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  10. Age: This is a view only field. The value reflected based upon the input within the Date of Birth field.

  11. Place of Birth: This field is used to input the geographic location of the clients birth.

  12. Country of Birth: This is a drop down field that lists the clients country of birth.

  13. Family Status: This is a drop down field that lists the family status (Divorced, Separated, Windowed, Single or Married) of the clients.

  14. Religion: This is a drop down field that lists the clients religious affiliation.

  15. Citizenship: This is a drop down field that lists the citizenship status (Resident, Tourist, Citizen).

  16. Background: This is a drop down field that lists the cultural background (non-CALD or CALD) of the client.

  17. Indigenous?: This field is used to identify whether the client is indigenous

  18. Condition : This is a drop down field that lists the clients condition that they are receiving support and services for .

  19. Condition Description: This field is used to input a detailed narrative of the clients condition.

  20. General Notes: This field is used to input a detailed narrative of general comments and miscellaneous information that are not related with the various domains of care.  It can include such things as likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, preferences and how the in interaction with the client should be managed.

  21. Care Notes: This field is used to input a detailed narrative of information on provision and approach to be taken for the various domains of care for the clients condition.

  22. Care Notes (Client Provided): This field is used to input a detailed narrative of information as provided by the client, related with care needs and preferences.

  23. Care Worker: This data-grid is used to list the care workers assigned to the client that will deliver support and services.

  24. Care Workers Not To Use: This data-grid is used to list the care workers that have been excluded from delivering support and services to the client.

  25. Brokerage number: ** Not used **

  26. Language Spoken: This is a drop down field that lists the preferred language spoken by the client.

  27. Languages: This data-grid lists the all languages that are spoken by the client.

  28. Entry Date: This field is used to list the date the client came onto service with the organisation. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  29. Service Required: This is a drop down field that lists the service type required by the client.

  30. Service Location: This is a drop down field that lists how the care will be delivered to the client.

  31. Last Service Date: This is a view only field that lists the last date of service under the current NDIS service agreement. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  32. End of Service Date: This field is used to list the date that services end. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  33. Exit Date: This field is used to list the date the client terminated their service with the organisation. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  34. Risk Notification: This field is used to input a narrative of OHS and Risk and client well-being alerts.

  35. Client Funding: This data-grid lists the clients funding profiles.

  36. Service Templates: This data-grid lists the clients service profiles.

  37. Client Goals: This data-grid lists the clients goals.

  38. Plan Review: This data-grid lists the plan reviews raised against the client.

  39. Medication: This data-grid lists the clients medication profiles.

  40. Client Notes: This data-grid lists the notes raised against the client.

 Click to expand and review a summary of the fields
  1. Address 1: This field is used to input the first line of the clients address.

  2. Address 2: This field is used to input the second line , if applicable of the clients address.

  3. Suburb: This field is used to input the suburb associated with the clients address.

  4. State: This field is used to input the state associated with the clients address.

  5. Post Code: This field is used to input the postcode associated with the clients address.

  6. Email: This field is used to input the clients email address.

  7. Home Phone: This field is used to input the clients home phone number.

  8. Mobile Phone: This field is used to input the clients mobile number.

  9. Work Phone: This field is used to input the clients work phone number.

  10. Fax: This field is used to input a fax number.

  11. Medicare Number: This field is used to input the clients medicare number.

  12. Medicare Expiry Date: This field is used to list the expiry date of the clients medicare card. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  13. Health Fund?: This field is used to indicate that whether the client has a health fund membership.

  14. Health Fund Name: Where the Health fund value was set to yes, this field is used to input the name of the clients health fund.

  15. Health Fund Number: Where the Health fund value was set to yes, this field is used to input the membership number of the clients health fund.

  16. Centerlink / DVA Number: This field is used to input the clients Centerlink or DVA number

  17. Contact Persons: This data-grid lists the contacts raised against the client.

  18. Service Providers: This data-grid lists service providers raised against the client.

  19. Primary Contact: This is a drop down field that lists the name of the client contact who is a primary contact. This contact will have been created through the Contact persons data-grid.

  20. Invoice Recipient: This is a drop down field that lists the name of the client contact who receipt the invoice for supports and services. This contact will have been created through the Contact persons data-grid.

  21. Mail Recipient: This is a drop down field that lists the name of the client contact who will receive communication in relation to the client. This contact will have been created through the Contact persons data-grid.

  22. Power of Attorney (Medical): This is a drop down field that lists the name of the client contact who has the POA on medical matters in relation to the client. This contact will have been created through the Contact persons data-grid.

  23. Power of Attorney (Financial): This is a drop down field that lists the name of the client contact who has the POA on financial matters in relation to the client. This contact will have been created through the Contact persons data-grid.

  24. Executor: This is a drop down field that lists the name of the client contact who is the executor of the clients estate. This contact will have been created through the Contact persons data-grid.

Create a Client Record

To create a client record observe the following steps, please observe that :

  1. Select the Clients>clients sub menu to open the Client list page into the browser.

  2. Select the (plus) New button to open a blank New Client Record within the Browser.

  3. Within the Title field select from the drop down list an appropriate title that the participant will be identified by.

  4. Within the Last Name field, input the surname of the participant.

  5. Within the First Name field, input the given name of the participant.

  6. Within the Gender field, select from the drop down list the relevant gender, that the participants identifies themselves with.

    If a gender other than Male or Female is not listed speak with the Brevity System Administrator to have the clients gender added into the list of values.

  7. Although optional, within the Preferred C/W Gender select from the drop down list the preferred gender, that the participants identifies themselves with.

    If the preferred gender other than Male or Female is not listed speak with the Brevity System Administrator to have the clients preferred gender added into the list of values.

  8. Within the NDIS number field, input the participants NDIS number.

  9. With the Branch field either accept the default branch value listed or clear the field and select an alternate branch that will be delivering the clients support and services.

  10. Within the Date of Birth field specify the date the client was born. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  11. Within the Country field, select from the drop down list the clients country of birth.

    If you find that the required country is not listed then a new country code can be added by selecting :+: icon located at the bottom right of the list to open the New country Record page, as shown below. Input the country name, under the country details panel and save the record. Close the record and refresh the value list.

  12. Within the family status field, select from the drop down list the clients status.

  13. Within the Religion field, select from the drop down list the clients religious affiliation.

    If you find that the required religion is not listed then a new religion code can be added by selecting :+: icon located at the bottom right of the list to open the New religion Record page, as shown below. Input the religion , under the religion details panel and save the record. Close the record and refresh the value list.

  14. Within the Condition field, select from the drop down list an appropriate condition.

    If the applicable condition is not listed speak with the Brevity System Administrator to have the clients condition added into the list of values.

  15. Within the Care Notes field input a detailed narrative of information in relation to the provision and approach to be taken for the various domains of care for the clients condition.

  16. Within the Care Notes (Client Provided) field input a detailed narrative of information as provided by the client, related with for example care needs and preferences.

  17. Within the Language spoken field, select from the drop down list the preferred language spoken by the participant.

    If you find that the required language is not listed then a new language code can be added by selecting :+: icon located at the bottom right of the list to open the New language Record page, as shown below. Input the language and code, under the language details panel and save the record. Close the record and refresh the value list.

  18. Within the Entry Date field specify the date the client that the client came onto service with the organisation. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  19. Under the Address panel of the contact details there are a number of fields that will require input, they include the Address 1, suburb, state and postcode fields. Ensure that data is input into these fields.

  20. Under the Contact panel of the contact details there are a number of fields for registering phone and email contact details, they include the Email, Home Phone, Mobile Phone and Work Phone fields. This is data optional .

  21. Under the Medicare panel, input the clients medicare number and expiry date of their medicare card, this is data optional.

  22. Under the Centerlink / DVA panel input the clients DVA or Human Services reference number, this is data optional.

  23. Input any additional data that is deemed as mandatory by the organisation and denoted with the *.

  24. Once done select the save button to create the Client record. 

  25. Click on the close button to exit from the page.

Importing a Client Record

Brevity allows your organisation to import in client records. To undertake this activity, it is recommended that you download and utilise the client import template which is accessed through the Import Data : Client screen. Utilising this template can reduce the time taken on both data mapping and mapping errors.

To undertake an import please observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>clients sub menu to open the Client list page in to the browser.

  2. Select the Import button located within the ribbon bar to Open the Import Data : Client screen.

  3. Select the Browse button to open the File Upload screen.

  4. Within File Upload screen navigate to the location of the upload file, highlight it and select the Open button to close the this screen and update the Import Data : Client screen.

  5. Select the Upload and Continue button, to proceed through to the mapping screen.

  6. Review the data mappings and then select the Preview Data. Please note that if there are any irregularities in your mapping you will be prompted to correct.

  7. Select the Import data button to migrate the records from your source file into the client table.

Edit a Client Record

To edit a client record observe the following steps

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page within the browser.

  5. Edit the Client details.

  6. Once done, click on the save button within the ribbon bar to save the revised Client detail.

  7. Click on the close button to exit from the page.

Delete a Client Record

Although not recommended, and you are referred to the notes on record deactivation, to delete a Client record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be deleted.

  4. Select the "Delete Button" in the upper right portion of the window.

  5. Select the OK button to confirm the deletion of the selected record. Deleting the client will also remove if present the funding records, service schedules, service templates, notes, medication, client goals, plan reviews, support plans, communications and documentation.

Activate and Deactivate a Client Record

To edit the activity status of a Client record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited.

  4. Either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client form.

  5. To deactivate the Client record select the Deactivate button to open the Deactivation Reason screen .

  6. On the Deactivation Reason screen select a reason from the drop down list as to why the service is being deactivated and input supporting comments.

  7. Select the Deactivate button, to display a pop up message.

  8. Select the OK button to proceed. The Client screen will refresh, all fields will be disabled.

  9. To activate the client record select the Activate button.

  10. Once done, you can exit back to the Client List.

Export Client Records

To export Client records observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Select the Client List view that will be used as the basis for the data export, example All Records, Inactive records only or Active records only.

  3. Select the Export button from within the Client list to generate a csv file containing all clients listed within the record view.

  4. Save the file onto a local or network drive.

Client record Mail Merge

The Client feature is supported by a mail merge capacity, that allows the organisation to incorporate data from the client into a custom designed MS Word report.

  1. To access the Mail Merge feature click on the MAIL MERGE button located in the ribbon bar to expand the mail merge panel.

  2. To create a Client template click the Download template link to present the following pop-up screen within the browser.

    Select the OK button to open the client.docx template into MS word

  3. Once MS Word opens:
    Enable editing

    Select the developer menu

    Select the XML Mapping Panel to open XML Mapping Panel located to the right of the word document

    From the Custom XML Part drop down list select the XML part
    Expand the client to list the client data fields that are available for assignment into the word document.

    Establish the document structure
    To assign the data links position your cursor in the word document where the data link will be located.
    Right click the data element from within the XML list to present a floating menu, listing the option > Insert Content Control.

    selecting the menu option > Insert Content Control, will list a set of object options. Select the option Plain Text.

    The selected item of data will be positioned into the word document.

    Repeat these steps until all the necessary data fields have been embedded into the word document.

  4. Save the word document off onto a drive folder.

  5. From within the Mail Merge panel of the Client list page select the Upload document link to open the File Upload screen within the browser.

    Within the File Upload window, search for and select the client document.
    Select OK to update the Mail Merge panel with the client document

  6. To undertake a mail merge, ensure the required record is selected within the Client list page.

  7. Select the floating menu as denoted within the […] to the right of the word document. Select the Mail merge option to generate your mail merged support document.

    An example of the output is shown on following

  • No labels