Client Funding record

Client Funding record


The Client Funding module is related with the provision of direct services. The record is comprised of two elements, the funding profile and the services profile.

The funding profile is identified by the participant name and their ndis number, the service agreement period, funding source and pricelist, budget and particulars of the service provider for invoicing if this requirement.

The services profile, lists the individual services listed to either the CORE, CAPITAL or CAPACITY BUILDING categories that are being delivered under the participants agreement, the associated budgets and whether services are delivered across public holidays, weekends or after hours.

Client funding records can be created either as

  • Part of the conversion of new business quotes into the participant record within the client module.

  • Through the utilisation of the Import Service Booking function.

  • Through the Client funding screen accessed from the Client>Client Funding menu.

  • Direct off the client record through the client funding data grid.

  • Direct off the Client record through the client funding tile located within the left vertical menu.

  • Creating a copy of an existing client funding profile.

  • From the client panel within the schedule board, by selecting the client funding icon.

In the presence of an active and published funding records with a valid agreement period and budget will allow for the scheduling of funded services to the participant.


Additional Information

Refer to the following topics for additional information


  • Downloading the Service Booking File

  • Importing the Service Booking file

  • Client Funding Report


Unpublished funding impact on Client Services

When editing the clients funding profile you must ensure that once changes have been applied that the funding profile is republished.

An unpublished funding record will impact the services that have been scheduled for the client by adjusting the schedule status to pending. Brevity maintains a status for services that are pending and this is denoted with warning icon located in the top right of the service panel, hovering your mouse cursor over the pending service will provide you with the appropriate reason as shown in the image below.

Pending Service due to an unpublished funding record


Accessing the Client funding

Once new business has been converted into the client module there are four approaches available as listed below for the review and management of existing and the creation of new Client Funding records:

Client funding menu

The funding record can be accessed from the Client>Client Funding sub-menu

Client funding data grid

The funding record can be accessed from the Funding data grid located on the client record.

Client funding tile

The funding record can be accessed from the Client Funding tile located within the left vertical menu of the client record.


Client funding via the Schedule Board

The funding record can be accessed from the client panel within the schedule board by selecting the icon.

Navigating the Client Funding page



The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Client funding page:

  1. Type: This is drop down field that lists whether the client funding record is group or individually based. Individual is the default, selecting Group as the type, hides the client field and makes visible the name field. This field can not be updated once the funding record has been saved.

  2. Client: This is a drop down field that lists the participant name. The participant record can be specified by free text input or selecting from the drop down list. Where the funding page is called from the client record, this field is updated automatically.

  3. Registration Number: This field lists the participant’s ndis number from the client record if the information is present. The field is updated automatically on load of the Funding Page.

  4. Funding Source: This is a drop down field that lists the funding sources maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the Client Funding record.

  5. Pricelist: This is a drop down field that lists the price lists maintained within Brevity that can be assigned to the Client Funding record.

  6. Invoice To: This is a drop down field that lists the service providers that have been established within brevity that will be invoiced for the services and supports delivered to the participant.

  7. Start Date: This field is used to specify the commencement date of the funding period. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  8. End Date: This field is used to specify the cessation date of the funding period. The date can be specified as free text or by using the calendar picker.

  9. Budget: This field is used to specify the participants budget for the period of the service agreement.

  10. Used to Date: This field is used to specify any plan amounts that have already been expended during the period of the service agreement, this may occur if the participant has come from another NDIS provider.

  11. Utilise total: This is a system field that lists the sum of the funds previously utilised on services and service delivered and billed during the service agreement period.

  12. Opening Balance: This is a system field that lists the Budget less the figure listed within the Allocated field.

  13. Balance: This is a system field that lists the asat balance less funds utilised and previously used.

  14. Services: This datagrid lists the services that have been raised against the participants funding record. The services information listed includes Service Name (client name, funding source, period of funding and service being funded), type of service being funded, budget, funds allocated and utilised.

  15. Save: This button is used to create as well as save updates to an existing record.

  16. Close: This button will close the Client funding page.

  17. Funding Report: This button is used to generate a date based Client Funding Usage Report, that lists services scheduled, cancelled and completed and the balance of the remaining funding.

  18. Bulk Add services: This button is available only when the funding record is unpublished. Selecting this button will open the Select Service page, that allow you to search for and select individual or multiple service types that can be assigned to the participants funding record.

  19. Publish and Unpublish: The publish button is used to enable the funding record, making it available to schedule services, whereas unpublishing will allow the record to be updated. Unpublishing the funding record will prevent new services from being created and will set scheduled and unconfirmed services to pending.

  20. Create Copy: This button is used to clone a copy of the current funding details and service. When copying you will need to ensure that you have updated the from and to dates on the funding record and specified a budget

  21. Deactivate: This button makes the funding record available for use. Deactivating a current funding record will prevent new services from being created and will set scheduled and unconfirmed services to pending.

  22. Name: This field is used to specify a name that will be used to identify the funding record.

  23. Warning: This area of the funding lists alerts related with the funding record.

  24. Print: This icon is used to print a the funding and service details as a pdf file.

  25. Audit History: This icon provides you with access to an audit history of the funding record. The audit history tracks changes made to the funding and service details of the record.

  26. Delete: This button can only be access on an unpublished funding record. A funding record can be only deleted if it has not been associated with scheduled services. If there are no completed, cancelled or scheduled services the the associated services once removed will permit the funding record to be deleted.


Navigating the Client Funding code page


The following is an outline of the fields and objects that comprise the Client funding code page:

  1. Client Funding: This field lists either the name of the participant, their funding source and the period of their service agreement as retained against the client funding record, or the Group name, funding source and the period of the service agreement.

  2. Service Type: This is a drop down field that lists the service lines maintained within Brevity. Service types listed are based upon the the price list that was set against the client funding record . Select the applicable service that will be delivered to the participant.

  3. Budget (Optional): This field is used to specify the notional budget amount that is associated with delivery of the support and services to the participant. Please note that specifying a budget amount will restrict the number of the services that are scheduled based upon the accumulated cost of those services. Once the funding has expired services will be reflected as pending

  4. Used to Date: This field is used to specify the $ value of funds already used in relation to that service.

  5. Allocated: This field is used to specify the $ value of funds allocated in relation to that service.

  6. Utilise Total: This is a system field that reflects the total funds utilised.

  7. Balance: This is a system field that lists the asat balance less funds utilised total and used to date.

  8. After hours: This field is used to specify whether the service will be delivered after hours at the applicable funded rate.

  9. Saturday: This field is used to specify whether the service will be delivered on a Saturday at the applicable funded rate.

  10. Sunday: This field is used to specify whether the service will be delivered on a Saturday at the applicable funded rate.

  11. Public Holiday: This field is used to specify whether the service will be delivered on a Public Holiday at the applicable funded rate.

  12. Transport Code: This field is used only when transport needs to be charge separately, specify the code against which the transport charge will be invoiced.

  13. Save: This button is used to create as well as save updates to the record.

  14. Close: This button will close the Client funding code page.

Creating a Client Funding Record

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken to create a client funding record and they either through through the Client Funding sub-menu the Funding datagrid or the Client Funding tile that are retained on the client record or in the absence of a funding record through the Client Funding icon located on the client panel within the schedule board.

Client funding menu

To create a funding record through the Client Funding menu observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Client Funding sub-menu to open the Client Funding List page.

  2. Select the New button to open the New Client Funding record page.



  3. From the Type field either accept the default of Individual or click in the field and select Group from the drop down list. Selecting Group will hide the client field and make visible the name field.

    For this instruction we will register an individual funding record.

  4. Within the Client field position your cursor and either input in free text the client name or select the client from the drop down list.


  5. Within the Registration Number input the participants NDIS number.

  6. Within the Funding Source field position your cursor and either input in free text the funding source code or select the code from the drop down list.


  7. Within the Pricelist field position your cursor and either input in free text the pricelist code or select the code from the drop down list.

    When selecting the pricelist ensure that the service types listed within the pricelist match with the service lines assigned to the funding record.


  8. Within the Invoice To field if service delivered under the participants funding need to be invoiced to a third party then position your cursor into the field and either input in free text the service provider name or select the service provider from the drop down list.


  9. Within the Start date field input the commencement date of the funding period either as free text or selected from the date picker.


  10. Within the End Date field input the cessation date of the funding period either as input in free text or selected from the date picker.

  11. Within the Budget field input a budget $ amount for the participants funding

  12. Within the Used to Date field input a $ amount of participant funding that has already been used.

  13. Select the Save button to create the funding record and open up up the services tab for the input of service records

  14. To establish the services select the add record icon located above the services to open the New Client Funding Code record page.

  15. Within the Service Type field position your cursor and either input in free text the Service Type or select the Service Type from the drop down list.


  16. Within the Budget (Optional) field input a budget amount for the service. Please note that specifying an amount will restrict the value of services that are scheduled for the participant.

  17. Under the Allowed Rates panel indicate whether After Hours, Saturday, Sunday and Weekend Rates will applied when scheduling services for the participant.

  18. Select the SAVE button to create the service record

  19. Select the CLOSE button to exit back to the Funding page

  20. Repeat steps 14 - 19 to establish additional service records.

  21. Select the Publish button within the ribbon bar.

    Select the OK Button on the popup screen to confirm publishing. Once the funding record has been published it will available for the scheduling of services for the participant

  22. Select the CLOSE button to exit back to the Client Funding List page

Client funding datagrid or Funding Tile

To create a funding record through the Funding data grid or the via the funding tile within the left-sided vertical menu located on the client record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.

  4. There are two options available to you either

    Scroll the client page to the Client Funding datagrid and select the Add new record icon to open the New Client Funding record page.


    Click the Client funding tile located within the left vertical menu to open a listing of the clients funding records. Select the New button within the ribbon bar to open a blank client funding page.



  5. Observe steps 3 - 21 as listed under Establishing Client Funding via the Client Funding menu to establish the funding and services profile.

Schedule Board

To create a Client Funding record through the Schedule Board observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.


  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.


  3. Selecting the Client Funding icon will either.

    Open the Client Funding Page. Thereby allowing you to select the CREATE FUNDING button to open a blank Client funding page. Observe steps 3 - 21 as listed under Establishing Client Funding via the Client Funding menu to establish the funding and services profile.

    Open the Client Funding list page where there is at least one Client Funding Record listed. Select the New Button. Observe steps 3 - 21 as listed under Editing the client funding record through the Client funding menuto update the funding and services profile.

Editing a funding Record

Under this topic we will outline the three approaches that can be taken to editing a client funding record and they either through through the Client Funding sub-menu the Funding datagrid or the Client Funding tile that are retained on the client record or through the Client Funding icon located on the client panel within the schedule board.

Client funding menu

To edit a funding record through the Client Funding menu observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Client Funding sub-menu to open the Client Funding List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the funding record from within the Client Funding List page.

  3. Highlight the funding record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the funding record to open it within the Client Funding page.


  4. Select the Unpublish button button located within the ribbon bar

  5. Select the OK button on the popup to confirm the unpublishing of the funding record. The funding page will refresh, all fields will be available for data update.

  6. Edits on the funding record are limited to the following

    Funding Record details

    Registration Number
    Start Date of funding record
    End Date of funding record
    Vary the Budget


    Add new service to the funding record, please note that if you are using a custom price guide you will need to ensure that the new service being added is also listed within the price guide.
    Delete an existing service from the funding record, please ensure that the service has been replace on any completed and scheduled services.
    Vary the Budget (Optional)
    Update the Allowed Rates

  7. Select the SAVE button to either:

    Update an existing service record or to create a new service record.
    Update the funding record.

  8. Select the Publish button within the ribbon bar.

    Select the OK Button on the popup screen to confirm publishing. Once the funding record has been published it will available for the scheduling of services for the participant

  9. Select the CLOSE button to exit back to the Client Funding List page

Client funding datagrid or Funding Tile

To edit a funding record through the Funding data grid or the via the funding tile within the left-sided vertical menu located on the client record observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Clients>Clients sub-menu to open the Client List page into the browser.

  2. Search for the Client record from within the Client list.

  3. Highlight the Client record to be edited and either click on the edit button or double click on the Client record to open it within the Client page.

  4. There are two options available to you either


    Scroll the client page to the Client Funding datagrid and highlight and double click the funding record to be updated.

    Click the Client funding tile located within the left vertical menu to open a listing of the clients funding records. Search for and highlight the funding record that is to be updated, either select the EDIT button or double click the record to open it into the funding page.


  5. Observe steps 4 - 9 as listed under Editing the client funding record through the Client funding menu to update the funding and services profile.


Schedule Board

To create an initial Client Funding record through the Schedule Board observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Schedule Board icon to open the schedule board page.


  2. Input the name of the client into the filter field to return a list of matching records.


  3. Selecting the Client Funding icon will either.

    Open the Client Funding page, where there is only one Funding Record retained against the client, observe steps 4 - 9 as listed under Editing the client funding record through the Client funding menuto update the funding and services profile.

    Open the Client Funding list page where there is more than one Client Funding Record listed. Highlight the Client Funding Record and either Double click the record or select the EDIT button to open the Client Funding page . Observe steps 4 - 9 as listed under Editing the client funding record through the Client funding menuto update the funding and services profile.



Adjusting the Activity Status of a Client Funding Record

Under this topic we will outline the deactivation of the client funding record through the Client Funding sub-menu. Funding deactivation will happen either under the circumstances of the client funding having been replaced with a new funding agreement or where the participant has ceased their engagement with the organisation.

To Adjust the activity status of a funding record through the Client Funding menu observe the following steps:

  1. Select the Client>Client Funding sub-menu to open the Client Funding List page.

  2. Search for the Client name associated with the funding record from within the Client Funding List page.

  3. Highlight the funding record to be deactivated and either click on the edit button or double click on the funding record to open it within the Client Funding page.


  4. Select the Unpublish button button located within the ribbon bar

  5. Select the OK button on the popup to confirm the unpublishing of the funding record. The funding page will refresh, all fields will be available for data update.


  6. To deactivate the client funding record select the Deactivate button.


  7. The Client Finding record page will refresh, all fields will be disabled.

  8. To activate the Client Finding record select the Activate button.


  9. Once done, select the CLOSE button to exit the form

Creating a Copy of the Client's Funding

Functionality is available that allows you to create a copy of an existing client funding record, therefore reducing your efforts in managing new funding records. The copy function is accessed from the the client funding page and available to records that are either published or unpublished. Access this feature through either the client>client funding sub-menu or off the client profile, through the Funding datagrid or client funding tile located within the left vertical menu.

To copy an existing Funding record observe the following steps:

  1. From the client funding page select the Create Copy button located within the ribbon bar.

  2. Select OK on the popup screen to confirm the copy of the funding record.

    New record will be created


  3. Apply your changes to the Funding and service details

  4. Select the SAVE button to create the new funding record


Managing Services

There are two reason why you cannot delete the service type of the client funding and they are listed below:

  1. The funding has been used. You can check on the allocated and utilised total columns of the services section. If there are values to these columns, you cannot delete these services.

  2. The services have been assigned to scheduled, cancelled or planned services. You can delete the service type by either replacing the the service type assigned to the schedule or deleting the schedule that was assigned the service . After either deleting the service schedule or reassigning a new service type , you can delete the service type from the service section of the funding.

Schedule board link

The client funding record can be reviewed through the client panel on the schedule board. To access the funding record ensure that you select the view by client. Click the $ sign under the client's name to open their client funding. If the client is identified with multiple funding records these will be listed, from which you will need to select the required one, whereas if the client only has one funding record this will be displayed automatically.

If the Client does not have a funding record you will be prompted to create one, however it is recommended that the creation of funding records are undertaken off the client profile or through the client>client funding sub-menu.


Bulk Services

Functionality is available that allows you to add multiple services to the client funding record. The Bulk Service function is accessed from the the client funding page and available to records that are unpublished. Access this feature through either the client>client funding sub-menu or off the client profile, through the Funding datagrid or client funding tile located within the left vertical menu.

To add bulk services to the Funding record observe the following steps:

  1. Access the Client funding page

  2. Select the Unpublish button button located within the ribbon bar

  3. Select the OK button on the popup to confirm the unpublishing of the funding record. The funding page will refresh, all fields will be available for data update.

  4. Select the Bulk Add Service button from the toolbar to open the Select Service Page



  5. Specify the search criteria to filter the records listed within the service grid

  6. Check the service records that are to be assigned to the Funding record

  7. Click the Select Command button to update the service grid with the checked service records.

  8. Update the following aspects of the service records assigned to the funding record. Ensure that any changes made to the Services page are SAVED, before exiting.

    Vary the Budget (Optional)
    Update the Allowed Rates

  9. If required, update the Client Funding Budget $ value.

  10. Select the SAVE button to update the changes made.

  11. Select the CLOSE button to exit the funding page.

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