
This page provides an overview on reviewing documentation through the Brevity Self Service portal.


The Brevity Self Service portal provides you with access to the documentation that is maintained against the Branch record. The documentation presented through this page is available to the user as read-only.


Reviewing Document

To review branch documents through the Brevity self service portal observe the following steps:


  1. Access the Brevity Self Service portal using your allocated login credentials.

  2. Click the Documents Menu to list both documents and folders from the branch record that have been made accessible by the administrator.

  3. Click on the document to open and read it.



Using the breadcrumb navigation you can move between the different folders presented on the document page.


Controlling Documents Access

The Brevity care software administrator user can determine the documents that are seen through the portal by setting the deny/allow attribute on the documents listed within the branch record.



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