Change Employee

Change Employee

This page outlines the process of reassigning a shift to another employee.

These are the topics on this page



The Brevity Self-Service portal schedule board allows for shifts to be reassigned to another support worker on pending or scheduled shifts.

Support Worker reassignment

To reassign a support worker observe the following steps:


  1. Access the Brevity Self Service portal using your allocated login credentials.

  2. Click the Schedule Board Menu to open the Schedule Board.

  3. Navigate to the applicable date.

  4. Highlight the applicable shift that is to be updated.

  5. Select the Change Employee icon located bottom right of browser page to open the Change Employee page.


  6. Select the employee that the shift will be assigned to.

    Observe that the employees listed are only those assigned against the client as preferred support workers.


  7. Select the Update button to reset the shift with a new support worker.

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