Brevity Self-Service portal Dashboard

Brevity Self-Service portal Dashboard

This page provides an outline of the elements that comprise the Brevity Self-Service Portal dashboard.

These are the topics on this page


The Dashboard is the first information page that will be presented when you log into the Brevity Self-Service Portal.

Navigating the Self Service portal Dashboard

The Dashboard is comprised of four information sections which include:

  1. Community messaging and feeds: Provides you with access to community messaging and any feeds that have been prepared by the Brevity web application system administrator.

  2. Alerts: Provides a listing of shifts for which client notes are missing. Allocation of a client note to the shift will remove the alert.

  3. Client Funding Alert: Provides a listing of active funding records associated with your clients. Funding records either expired or within 45 days of expiry are highlighted in red.

  4. Vertical Menu: consists of the following functions;

    1. Clients: Allows you to manage the client and their details.

    2. Schedule Board: Allows you to add, modify, cancel or complete shifts.

    3. My Calendar: Allows you to view a calendared schedule.

    4. Support Coordination: Provides a listing client care plans.

    5. External Service Provider: Provides a listing of external service providers. This feature allows for the creation of new and the update of existing provider records.

    6. Tasks: Provides you with access to the tasking module, to both view assigned and create new tasks.

    7. My Forms: Provides you with access to the customised forms, which is currently limited to the Incident reporting form.

    8. Documents: Provides you with access to the documentation that has been registered against the branch record that is associated with your login

    9. Leave: Provides you with access to a listing of leave records

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